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Hear Their Cries
Chapter 9: I'm Not Playing Around This Time

"Isaac! Isaac! C'mon man wake up!" Joseph tried aimlessly to wake Isaac up. Ike was knocked unconsious by Kalie's blast of her baseball bat. She had left once more, leaving Isaac and Joseph alone. Joseph no longer wanted to kill Isaac; he had grown a certain friendship with him. Now Joseph was after Kalie and he wouldn't stop until she was over with.

He sighed as he walked back over to his chair and stared at a limp, Isaac Hanson. Joseph put his head in his hands and thought of everything he ever did to Isaac. All the pain, and suffering, he had caused his family. All the sorrow, and guilt money could buy.


Jada's leg was broken, for sure. She limped into the woods, clutching her leg as she walked through the brush and thicket. "Help," she whimpered to no one imparticular. Her watch read 10:17 am. She had been searching for a good two and a half hours. God, why is this happening to me? She whispered. She felt a shot of pain travel up her leg; she screamed at it. Jada's eyes fixated on something up ahead, something dark, and gloomy, something that would lead her to victory.


Taylor had written a list of twenty possible places Isaac and Jada could be. He had listed many possibilities, from graveyards to Dairy Queens. Still, nothing let off a light bulb in his head. He closed his eyes and had flashbacks to when their late grandmother, Jane Nelson Lawyer, was on her death bed helping them write their farewell song to her. He thought harder, so hard until he imagined Jada in the position of their grandmother. No, no, no! Taylor stop it! He thought. He shook his head and felt a single tear trickle down his cheek. A tear for Jada.

"Taylor, have you seen Zac? With all this trouble circulating through our family I have to keep a hawks eye on all of my kids," Diana sighed. Taylor looked up from her, emerging from his idle stare on the ground. "No," he mumbled. "Taylor sweetie, I know this is a hard pill to swallow, but we have to handle what God gave us. Now, he knew that he wouldn't give us anything we couldn't take care of. All you have to do is believe in Jada and Isaac to find their way back home, to their family," she comforted. "Our family?" He glanced at her with a confused expression on his face. "Yes, our family. You, me, Jada, Isaac, all of us are one big family. I feel like as though Jada is one of my own," Diana smiled. For the first time since Isaac's disappearance Taylor let a smile cross his face. "Jada Hanson," he smiled to himself.


So she sat on that same rock that she had been sitting on for hours. There was only one thing left to do. Please God, I know I haven't been the best of people. I tried my very hardest. Isaac was the best thing that ever happened to me. Don't take that away from me. And God, I pray for the fans who have broken hearts, and the people whom I've troubled along the way, I pray for the reporters who didn't get their stories. God, Hear Their Cries.


Isaac laid there, not moving a muscle. "Isaac! Ike you can't die!" Joseph whined. He felt his pulse and thank God he was still living. Joseph shook him gently and slowly. When all else fails; slap him. So he did but still Isaac lay unconsious. "This is not good, not good at all," Joseph said pacing around the room. "Hmm, what should I do?" Joseph paced.

He had tried it all. From singing to Isaac, to screaming his name. But still, nothing ever light off a light bulb in Isaac's mind to wake himself up. Joseph was so mad at Kalie he could walk up to her right now and strangle her to death. Then, he decided on a plan.


Cautiously, Jada walked closer and closer to the figure. Once she was close enough to it, she had figured out it was a building. Let Isaac be in there. Her leg was completely numb but she still limped. She didn't want to hurt it any more than it already was. Almost there, Jada, keep going. She kept telling herself. "Yes," she let out a sigh in relief. She was finally there, finally with Isaac, well partly. Jada approached it, every step closer made her heart beat faster. C'mon, c'mon, c'mon. She mumbled. She had made it to the door, so she knocked and Joseph let her in.

"Isaac!" She gasped and ran to him no matter how bad her leg hurt. She threw her arms around him, oblivious that he was not able to see her. "Ike, c'mon Isaac wake up!" She moaned. "Oh my God you killed him! You son of a bitch! He was all I had in the world!" She screamed. Jada got up and grabbed his throat ready to kill him. "Stop! I didn't kill him!" Joseph gasped for air. She loosened her grip and stared him in the eye. "What the piss are you saying!?" She bellowed. "Kalie, hit him in the head with a baseball bat and he was knocked unconsious," he explained. "Who the hell is Kalie?" She demanded. "My sister, I am Chelsea, the girl who was sent to jails, boyfriend. Kalie and I wanted revenge so we took Isaac. I don't want to hurt him anymore, Kalie does. Go try to strangle the life out of her," he pressed the situation. She let go of his neck and walked over to Isaac. "Oh Isaac, what have they done to you," she whispered to him and slowly caressed her hand over his face.

Jada sat next to Isaac holding his hand, trying to think of a way to get him back. She kissed him, shook him, talked to him, played with his hair, everything. She had one last result, to sing to him.

"It's incredible the way you make me smile, make me smile
It's incredible how much you make me wanna walk down that aisle, oh yeah

It's incredible the way I stare at you with my eyes, oh
It's incredible how when I see you I feel like I could fly
When I see you, I feel like I could fly




It is so incredible

It's incredible the way you make me smile, make me smile
It's incredible how much you make me wanna walk down that aisle, oh yeah

When you look at me that way
I go into another galaxy
And when you smile at me
Well, my heart it skips a beat

I don't know how you do it
But baby you do it well
And I want you to know
That baby it's incredible, it's incredible, oh

It's incredible the way you make me smile, make me smile
It's incredible how much you make me wanna walk down that aisle, oh yeah

It's incredible the way I stare at you with my eyes, oh
It's incredible how when I see you I feel like I could fly
When I see you, I feel like I could fly


Oh, you're so incredible

It's incredible

It's incredible the way you make me smile, make me smile
It's incredible how much you make me wanna walk down that aisle, oh yeah

And when you look at me that way
I go into another galaxy
And when you smile at me
Well, my heart, it skips a beat

I don't know how you do it
But baby you do it well
I want you to know
That baby it's incredible

It's incredible the way you make me smile, make me smile
It's incredible how much you make me wanna walk down that aisle, oh yeah..."

Then, he opened his eyes.

"Isaac!" Jada gasped. He looked around for a minute, then looked up at Jada. "Jada," he whimpered. "Yes baby, it's me," she smiled at him. "Where are we?" "Ike, that's not important, what is, is that we're together," she said. "Jada." "Yes Ike." "I love you." "I love you too baby," she said. He got up and sat next to her. "Joseph let us go now! Please," Isaac begged. "I told you! I can't! I would if I could but it's impossible!" He yelled. Jada stood up to open the door. But, someone else was standing in front of the door, making complete eye contact with Jada.


Agent Castelli was miles away from Jada and Isaac, she didn't know it. "Bremmer, go back to the van and get the dogs, now!" She commanded. He did as he was told leaving Bethany, and her three men alone in the woods. "Agent, can we stop for just one moment, I need a break," her newest recruit, John Puskar asked. She gave him a cold stare, "Puskar, you are new on these grounds. We do not take breaks! This is not an office job, this is a life or death situation! Two kids are out here and God knows they could be dead or near death. Continue," she retorted. He sighed and resumed with his search.


Kalie stared at Jada and slammed the door. Jada was walking backwards, Kalie on her tail. Jada stopped and gave Kalie a good, hard punch in the jaw. Kalie, not taking this from Jada, punched her back in the stomach. This totally pissed Jada off so, she grabbed her hair and started kicking her. Kalie bit Jada's arm and punched her in the eye. Jada kneed Kalie in her crouch but Kalie kicked her on her back. Jada fell to the ground, bruised and bleeding.

"Well, now that Isaac and his whore are both down I can finally do what I wanted to do for so long. You know something you two, I've hated you for so long. Remember me Jada? I know you do. You may not recognize my face, but do you remember Kalie Foster?" She smirked. Jada's eyes grew wide. Kalie Foster was her neighbor. Kalie and her brother Joseph were Jada's best friends until their dad got transfered to Tulsa when Jada was eight years old. Kalie let out an evil laugh and raised her bat, ready to clobber both Jada and Isaac. "Kalie, wait!" Joseph protested. "What?" She exasperated. "Don't do this to them! They've never done anything to you! Don't kill them!" He cried. She ignored him and hit Jada with her bat. She smacked Jada with it in her head twice, her back, chest, and legs. Isaac stared, unable to move. He just watched his girl bleed to death.

"Why," Isaac whispered. "I've had enough of you too!" She yelled. "Kalie stop God dammit!" Joseph bellowed. "Why Joseph? We were in this together! Remember? You and me were a team! Now you're backing down like you and this girly boy are best friends. What's up with that?" She screamed. Before anybody could move or even breathe, Joseph pulled a pistol from his pocket. "Joseph! No!"


Taylor shot up from his daydream. He could sense something happening, something harmful and lethal. "Mom, somethings wrong, I can feel it," he announced to Diana. She looked up at him. "Taylor, I know your brother and his girlfriend are missing," she cried. Her eyes were puffy and he knew she was crying. "No, something else. I know it," he stated. "Taylor calm down. You're probably just thinking of Isaac," she soothed. "No, I know it," he repeated as he walked out of his mother's hotel room.

He went on his LabTop, searching websites to see what the fans were saying about this. He was shocked about the small amount of web masters that actually knew about the incident. Either they didn't know, or didn't care. Taylor looked on the optimistic side, they probably just don't know about it yet. He shut down the computer and plopped down on his bed.


Joseph could not believe what he just did. He pulled the trigger on her. Isaac just stared in awe as she fell to the ground. He had killed his own sister. Jada was immune to the whole situation, after all she was still unconsious. Joseph blinked hard and watched as the blood trickled down from her head. She was dead at eighteen years old; by her own brother.

"Why'd you do it?" Isaac whispered. "I don't know," he replied shaking his head, still shocked at what he had just did. Joseph picked up the gun an re- loaded it. "Joseph, no man, don't do this! You have so much going for you! Stop right now," Isaac pleaded. "It's all your fault," he looked at Isaac. "Joseph, listen to me, it's no body's fault. Now put the gun down," Isaac instructed. He pointed the gun, and pulled the trigger.


"Oh my God," Isaac whimpered. He had just witnessed Joseph kill himself. He looked over at Jada, she was still Jada, except she wasn't awake. Isaac tried to stand, but he fell over. He tried again, still nothing. He kept trying and trying, over and over. C'mon Ike you can do this, he told himself. He tried one last time, and he stood up, without falling. He let out a sigh of relief and looked over at Jada. She couldn't walk, she wasn't even awake. He wobbled over to her, very carefully, and picked her up. Isaac carried her in his arms, to the door. He looked back at both Joseph, and Kalie one last time.

He walked out into the daylight, and stared at the woods that lie before him. He grumbled and checked his watch; 11:48 am. "Help us! Help! Can anyone hear me? Help!" He screamed as loud as he could. He looked down at Jada; still not moving. He sighed and cautiously moved a couple of feet, trying not to fall over. Jada's head was bleeding as well as her arms. Her chest and back were bruised up pretty bad and she had a large bump on her head. He looked down at her and stroked her head, ever so gently.


Agent Castelli heard a faint yelling in the distance. "Men," she signaled for them to be quiet. This is them, she thought. "Hello! Can anyone hear us? Are you out there," she yelled. No response. Just wait Bethany, they're out there.

Isaac heard someone calling for them. He knew that person was calling for him and Jada, who else would be yelling out in the middle of nowhere. "Hello! We're over here!" He screamed back, hoping whoever it was could hear him. "Hello? We're over here by this little house thing in the woods!" He hollered. He started walking, Jada close at his chest, not knowing where he was going.

Isaac had walked with Jada for about twenty minutes now. He squinted hard, that was it. He saw a figure in the distance. "Hello?" He screamed. "You out there?" He heard. "Yes, don't move!" She instructed. He stayed put and waited for her to approach him. After about a minute or so he was face-to-face with Agent Castelli. "Are you okay?" She questioned. "Yeah, I think so but, Jada is completly knocked out," he explained. "Here, call your family and explain you're alright," she handed her cellular phone to him. He punched in the numbers as men came to take Jada away from him. "No! Leave her with me until paramedics come," he pleaded. The workers let him go, and he connected to his family.

"Room 2348 please," he said to the receptionst. Within moments he was connected to his mother. "Hello?" She sniffled. "Hi mom, it's Isaac," he said, letting a weak smile cross his face. "Oh my baby! Isaac how are you? Where are you? Are you okay?" She asked frantically. "Yes mom, I'm here with that woman cop," he explained. "Well, thank God you're fine! How's Jada?" She question. No response. "Isaac, how's Jada?" She repeated. The line lay dead. "Mom, I have to go. Love you," he said. "Isaac, wait-" click.

"Disbatcher this is Castelli. We are three miles north east of McDonalds on route 321. We need paramedics up here immediatly. Upon entrance see us we'll be waiting, over," she said into her walkie-talkie. "Roger, Castelli," the operator responded.

In about six minutes a crew of State Troopers, locla policemen, ambulances and detectives swarmed the wooded entrance. Not to mention a few loyal fans who brought roses for Isaac and Jada. Young girls watched as their heroes got cast away in ambulances. Isaac was well enough to sit up straight and watch the paramedics work on Jada. The vehicle started up and fans started crying. Then men put a temporary cast on her leg, her neck and back in a brace, her arm in a sling, and they put a cleanser on her cuts.

"Will she be okay?" Isaac asked. "Well young man, it looks grim for her. She's in serious condition with a massive concussion, a broken leg, five broken ribs, a sprained wrist, her spine is out of alignment and a massive head injury in addition to the concussion. Right now nothing's for sure," she told him. "No, she'll live," he whispered as he stared at her. Her heart rate was slow but she was still breathing. Thank God.

They arrived at the hospital moments later. Both, Isaac and Jada were rushed to the emergency room. Other patients watched in awe as the two teens were rushed in. Isaac felt tears trickle down his cheek as she went in for the doctors to examine her.

"One, two three," one nurse said and on three four people lifted her off the cart. She was placed on the table while people hooked iv and breathing machines to her. Isaac stood behind the glass and put his hand up to it. And watched her die.

Copyright© 1998 by HaNsNSoLjR

Chapter 10: It's Not Just Me...You Feel It Too
Chapter 8: You're on the Verge of Going Crazy and Your Heart's In Pain
Hear Their Cries Index

Send all comments to the author, Ashley, at