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Hear Their Cries
Chapter 4: Sometimes When All Your Dreams May Have Seen Better Days

Everyone was shook up over the letter; everybody except Jada. She actually felt sorry for the girl. Who knows, this girl may have been chasing Hanson for a very long time but was never successful. Or maybe, she came from a broken home, or had a troubled life. Even so, trying to kidnap a superstar wasn't the best way to approach the situation. Before she was so scared for Isaac but she finally realized this was probably a fan trying to get her and Isaac broken up.

The day after the letter was received Taylor and Zac found out as well as Jada's mother. Both Walker and Diana considered calling the cops but then decided to tackle this problem alone until higher authorities were needed. "Hey Jada," Zac spoke scared. She was up in her room reading a Christopher Pike book. "Yes," she looked up a bit surprised to see Zac. "Can I talk to you?" Something about these Hansons, they always wanted to talk to Jada. She thought they were to good for her, but she wanted to deal with it; she had to. He walked in and sat down on her bed. Jada could have sworn she saw a tear trickle down his cheek but she spoke nothing.

"Are they really taking Ike away?" He asked while staring at her with glassy brown eyes. "Now you listen to me you hear?" She paused. "There is nobody on this earth gonna take your brother away from you or me. I don't care how strong they are or how much back they have. Hells fury couldn't get Isaac away. It's probably some stupid little teenage girl chasing Ike. Now, if this little bitch even attemps to touch Ike she will be in deep trouble. Don't you worry about a thing sweetie," she explained. He gave her a huge hug almost knocking the wind out of her. She returned his hug and listened to him sniffle up tears.


At three o'clock their plane left for Austin, Texas. It was two now and things were starting to move a little faster. Little Hansons were playing tag, Tay, Zac, and Ike were finishing up packing, Diana and Sidney (Jada's mother) were talking over coffee and Walker was attempting to quiet Zoe. "Mom," Ike said interrupting Diana and Sidney. "What?" She responded. "Can Jada come on tour with us?" He continued, "We are in the same grade so touring wouldn't be a problem. Plus, I would feel better knowing she was there with me," he said honestly. "Please," he begged. "Only if it's okay with her mom," she smiled at Sidney. She nodded. "Yes!" He exclaimed and gave his mother a hug. He ran upstairs to tell Jada the news. "Hey, guess what?" He jumped with excitement. "Uh, the Spice Girls got shot," she exasperated. "No, you get to come on tour with us!" He smiled.

No sooner did Ike say that did Jada pack up about two suitcases, a medium sized one and a small one, and a book bag. Within fifteen minutes all nine Hansons and Jada were in their van ready to drive to the airport. Before the pulled out Jada ran out to hug and kiss her mom. "Be careful," were her mother's last words to her. Then they left for the airport.

As soon as they got there masses or girls were screaming and waving life size posters of Hanson around. When Jada walked out of the van girls stared at her and whispered to each other while giving her dirty looks. Safely, they made it inside where more girls were pounding on the plexi-glass. Still, none were successful. They were flying coach, which they now regret because the girl that sent the threat might be on that plane. Isaac and Jada slowly walked onto the plane holding hands and clutching to each other protectively. Now, the fans were crying for, the figured out Jada and Isaac were an item.

The flight was smooth, nothing worse than small patches of turbulence. When they arrived in Texas the same rendevous in Pittsburgh occurred in Austin. You know, the screaming and dirty looks given in Jada's direction. The hotel they stayed in was fabulous. Jada, Isaac, Taylor, and Zac were in a room together and the other Hansons were together. In fifteen minutes they had to be on stage at a mall in Texas for an acoustic show. Nothing was in order from unpacking clothes to the color of Taylor's socks. After ten minutes of sorting and clutter everybody was in the van and on their way to the mall.

They arrived late. Not by much though, only twenty minutes. To the fans it didn't seem like waiting that long. After all, they got to meet their idols. After playing "Mmmbop," "Madeline," and "Man From Milwaukee" it was time for questions. The first question came from a girl that looked to be twelve years old. She had black curly hair and the prettiest blue eyes. "Is that girl over there one of your girlfriends?" She asked. All three brothers looked at each other and the crowd was silent. Isaac closed his eyes for a long while and answered her question solmnely, "I'm sorry to say but that girl is indeed my girlfriend. Please, I love all of our fans. Don't cry over this." It was too late though. As he looked around the crowded mall there wasn't a dry eye there. Even parents were choking up because they had just witnessed their daughter's heart break. Another question was asked only this time by a girl around fourteen with tear stained cheeks and watery eyes. She had a white Hanson shirt on and Taylor written on her face with eyeliner that was now smeared. This girl also carried a travel camera. "Why?" She choked out before callopsing into tears. There were no more questions.


Jada was surfing the net on Taylor's LabTop. She searched Hanson sites and she wasn't surprised to see in red print, on just about every website "Isaac Hanson has a girlfriend." She cried herself, because she knew the feeling of heartbreak, and the feeling that all of your hopes are down the drain. Jada then realized after reading three more sites that these were not cries of goofy teenyboppers but merely the cries of the damned; souls of hopeless girls killed inside by her, Jada.

Isaac snuck up behind her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She jumped in her chair, startled. She turned around to find Ike. "Hi," she cried. He noticed her tears and brushed them away. "What have I done? I never meant to hurt your fans! It's my fault! All I am and all I will ever amount to is a thankless slut! I've hurt your fans and ruined your social life! I am so sorry...I'm so sorry," she cried into his arms. Just then, Taylor and Zac walked in. Noticing Jada crying they without thinking, asked what was wrong. "It's nothing she just thought she ruined me. She's okay," he assured them. Both nodded and plopped down on separate beds.

At eleven thirty Jada went to bed. Ike and Zac were in bed since ten but Taylor stayed up to keep an eye out for Jada. "You okay?" He asked. "Oh, did I wake you?" She gasped. "No," he smirked, "I stayed up to watch you." "Uh huh, why?" "Because I care about you," he said. She smiled and gave him a childish glance. "You are something. Oh, Taylor," she let out a sigh. "Something. Like what?" He wandered. "Nevermind. You mean to tell me you sat right here on this bed for how long?" "An hour and a half. Yup," he proudly announced. "You're a goofball," she hit him with a pillow, put it back down and went back to bed. Within five minutes she was soundly asleep but Taylor stayed up andother half hour...just incase of something.

Taylor fell asleep on the floor with his arm around Jada. Both of them being remote that his arm was around her knew nothing. Isaac was the first to wake up. He looked over at Jada and saw Taylor with his arm around her. Ike thought nothing of this and went to take a shower. Zac, being a light sleeper woke as soon as he heard the water kick on. He let out a loud yawn and turned on the t.v. With this Jada woke up and joined Zac in his cartoon fest.

They were onstage in Austin doing a concert. Fans weren't screaming or holding up signs. Ony a couple were, and the signs were for Taylor and Zac. Nobody acknowledged Isaac or even smiled at him. Except one girl. She had brown hair and she kept staring at Ike. He noticed it but said nothing; he couldn't, he was performing. Taylor, Zac and Jada noticed this girl staring too.

Finally, they were done. They got appluad but not much. No screams, no hands reaching out to touch them, to flowers or phone numbers tossed on stage. Nothing. It was like watching an episode of a foreign cooking show, no excitement or flavor. This strange girl would not stop staring. When she met Ike's eye she let out an evil grin. He became frightened. He dreamt of this concert, but not like this. He'd seen better days.

"Hey Isaac, did you see that girl staring at you?" Jada asked. "Yeah...." he drifted. "What if...." and her voice trailed off. She shook her head and walked off with Isaac. It was 9:00pm and Ike sat on the stage just staring out into the black sky. He felt so guilty for hurting the fans but he felt worse for Jada. The position she was in. Just then Jada walked onto the stage and sat down next to him. She put her arm around him and laid her head on his shoulder. "What have I done?" He whispered. "Oh, you didn't do anything it's all my fault. If I wouldn't have went to your concert this wouldn't have happened. If you want to dump me that's okay." He said nothing.

"Hey kids, let's boot it," Diana said cheerfully. Jada got up and smiled at Diana and walked off the stage. Isaac just sat there, not moving. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing," he mumbled. "Aw, Isaac. You don't think I know better than to believe that? I am rasin' seven kids so I know when one of them's troubled," Diana told him. "It's just that I'm going with Jada and I hurt so many people. Plus, with this kidnapper saga I just don't know what to do," he said to himself. Diana heard. "Follow your heart," she smiled. "Now let's go," she said. Slowly, he got up and walked off the stage with his mother.

Her and Ike were in their hotel watching Springer. "Go Chrissy beat her ass!" Jada was cheering on one of Jerry's guests. "I would love to get on that show and beat the shit out of somebody," she laughed. Then, a fight on Jerry's show was born. That bald security guy, Steve, broke up the fighting women. "Hey I gotta tell ya sumtin," she said. Tay and Zac went to the arcade in the hotel. She leaned over like she was going to whisper something to him. Instead, she turned and kissed him. He returned her kiss and they fell back onto the bed.

After twenty minutes their scene was over. No, they didn't sleep together. Taylor and Zac weren't there yet so Jada and Ike decided to go look for them. Nobody was in the hall, a couple asians and a receptionst were the only people in the lobby, hey weren't in the pool or arcade. Ten minutes...twenty minutes...half hour...still nowhere to be found. Jada thought back to the kidnapper and that girl at the Austin concert. She hoped they were in the hotel and not kidnapped.

They ventured outside to look for them. Still no luck. Jada was really scared but Ike stayed calm. Together, holding hands they walked back into the hotel. Finally, Isaac looked over and saw Tay and Zac sleeping on a bench, by the dining room. Jada and Ike shook both of them to get them to wake up but they didn't. So, Jada picked up Zac and Isaac picked up Taylor and they walked back to their room. Taylor and Zac in one bed Jada and Ike in another. Diana and Walker trusted both Isaac and Jada enough to know they wouldn't "mess around."

At 5:30 Jada woke up, opened the sliding glass doors, and stood on the balcony of the hotel room. She watched the sun rise and cars rush on the streets below her. She looked up at the sun and thought of her mother and her father. Even though she didn't know who he was, and frankly she didn't care. She also thought about those Hansons; and life.

Copyright© 1998 by HaNsNSoLjR

Chapter 5: Where Did He Go I Wanna Know
Chapter 3: Maybe I'm Hallucinating, Hyperventilating
Hear Their Cries Index

Send all comments to the author, Ashley, at