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Hear Their Cries
Chapter 5: Where Did He Go I Wanna Know

(Authors note: this chapter contains swearing. Don't Report me! please)

Jada was bored to death. They left Texas yesterday and they were now in North Carolina. There were no plans for today, no gigs, no concerts, no nothing. Today would be a good Saturday for her. "Hey, let's go somewhere today," Ike offered. "Okay sure," she yawned. Jada stretched and Isaac put on his shoes. They walked out the door together hoping to have a good day.

"Dad, can I drive the car," he asked. Walker looked up at Isaac and studied him for a second. "Okay, but it better be back in one piece." Isaac nodded, grabbed Jada's hand, and ran out to their van. Once settled Isaac asked, "Where to?" "It doesn't matter to me. Wherever," she said. He started it up and drove to Raleigh, North Carolina. The hotel was only about twenty miles south of Raleigh. "Hey, there's a note on your dashboard," Jada said. She picked up the neatly folded piece of paper and opened it. She froze then looked at him. "What is it?" He asked curiously. "Oh my God," she shivered and she handed him the note. He slammed on the brakes while cars hit their horns. "What the hell...." he mumbled. It was another kidnapper-note. It read:
To Isaac and Jada,
Having fun? I hope so. It might be one of the last times you are together. I know where you are and where you're going. Don't try to hide or run because it's no use. Spend as much time as you can together; you'll need it. Bye now.

They looked at each other and peered in the back of the van. Nobody was back there hiding under seats. Jada couldn't take much more of this. She got out of the van and started walking. She didn't get more than a hundred feet until Isaac caught up with her. "What about your dad's car?" She asked. "I pulled it up into a parking lot." They walked and walked about a mile or so when they came upon a little coffee shop. They walked in and took a seat.

"What are you doing?" Ike asked her. She pulled out a pack of cigarettes and started smoking. "I do this when I am nervous," she answered. He just nodded and ordered a decaf. "So, what we gonna do now?" She inhaled. The smoke came out of her mouth in a long, thin stream. Isaac followed it up until it dissingrated. "We could leave the state," she suggested. His eyes got big as he stared ahead. He saw a girl staring at him and flashing devious grins. She looked familar but he couldn't picture where he saw her. "Let's get out of here," Isaac whispered to Jada. He and Jada stood up as well as this girl. They started walking faster but she was running after them. Ike fumbled with his keys until he found the right one. Whoever she was she wanted Isaac and Jada; now.

They got in and locked all the doors. Ike drove as fast as his van would go hoping a cop wouldn't get him. He didn't see her in any car but for all they knew she could be hanging off the back of the car. It started to rain that humid, sticky rain. He slowed down to sixty-five still ten miles ahead of the speed limit. "Hey, put that out," he said to Jada as she was ready to smoke again. She rolled down the window and threw out her cigarette. About forty- five minutes later they got to somewhere far from Raleigh. They figured they were out of North Carolina until they saw a sign on the highway that said "Keep North Carolina beautiful, don't litter." She turned on the radio but all she got was bad reception. She rolled down her window and kinda stared at the woods they were passing. "We're gonna get through this," Ike promised. Jada bent over and kissed him on the cheek, "I know."

An hour and fifteen minutes passed. As they came into a town they stopped for gas and directions. Jada was outside pumping gas into the van and Isaac was inside asking an older guy where he was. "Well, you are pretty far from Raleigh; not even close. You're almost at the border of North Carolina and Tennessee." Isaac sighed and payed for the gas. He also bought two Pepsis and two bags of chips.

"When's your birthday?" She asked Isaac. "You mean you don't know? My god every magazine posts it. That's okay. It's in November. November 17th, 1980. When's your's?" "One week. June 14th 1981. I'll be seventeen." "Well, if I ever get any free time I'll get ya something," he said. "Don't bother with it. Nobody ever did before," she sighed.

They arrived five minutes later at some fleebag motel. It was the only place to stay and they couldn't go back to where the rest of the Hansons were staying. Jada sat in the car and watched all the other vehicles race down the highway like they were going somewhere. Ike came out and told her what room they were staying in; room 158 on the other side of the building. He pulled around back right infront of the room. Jada could of sworn she saw that girl in the building behind their room.


"Where the hell is he?!" Walker yelled. "Now honey I'm sure he's fine wherever he is," Diana offered. "Dear God he could be kidnapped with Jada! Lord only knows where those two are," he screamed a little lower than before. "Daddy," he felt a tug at his pants, "Where's Ikey?" Jess asked. "I don't know sweetie. We have to take things calmly," Diana soothed. Just then the phone rang. Diana picked it up on the first ring. "Hello." "Hi, mom?" "Oh yes Isaac! Where on earth are you?" "I'm at Interstate 12 motel, with Jada. We're fine mom. We saw some freaky girl follow us."

"Get your little ass back to this hotel. I wanna see both your faces here," Walker said. "I can't dad," he muffled. The reception was bad. "The kidnapper knows what room we're in at that hotel; they'll come looking for us. We have to stay here. We'll be fine." "I want you to call me tomorrow you understand?" Walker said. "Yes dad." "Your mother wants to talk to Jada." "Hello?" Jada answered. "Hi honey, how are things holding up?" "Fine Mrs. Hanson. Everything's smooth. Except for some freaky fan that follows us everywhere we freakin go." Diana let out a little laugh. "Oh Jada, she probably just wants an autograph. Girls follow them everywhere. Just forget her. Well hun, we have to go. You keep cool and keep out of trouble. Luv ya bye." "Bye."


It was now 7:30 and every time Jada looked out a window she almost was positive she saw that girl. Finally, she opened the door to see exactly what this girl wanted. "What? Why don't you leave us alone?" She yelled. "I want an autograph. I went to Hanson's Austin concert and I never got a chance to get one. Can I see him, please?" The girl said shyly. "Oh, sorry, sure. Ike. Isaac." "Huh?" He answered. "Get her out of here!" He yelled. "Relax, she only wants an autograph." "Oh, okay. Here ya go," and he signed it. "Will you please leave us alone now?" Jada begged. "Actually, I have to talk to you about someone. You know those notes you've been getting?" She responded. Isaac and Jada just stared at her. "Yeah," Jada whispered. "I know who's sending them. His name is Joseph. He hates Hanson. He hates everything. You'd better be careful because he is extremely dangerous and he carries weapons everywhere he goes," she answered.

"What's your name?" Jada asked. "Amanda. Amanda Elliot," she introduced. "Sorry for yellin. We thought you were the kidnapper," Jada said. "Nope, sorry," she replied. "Well, we have stuff to do. Thanks for your help but," Isaac said. Amanda cut in, "No. Take me with you. I know who this guy is. I'm the only one who knows he's the kidnapper," she pleaded. "You can't stay in our room. You'll need to find somewhere else to stay. We'll see you tomorrow," Isaac told her. "Fine. Tomorrow at 6:00 sharp. Be here. See ya," Amanda agreed. Little did they know Ike wouldn't make it.


At 8:49 someone knocked at their door and left a package. Jada opened it and read the note. It said: So I see you moved. Well, moving hotels isn't going to stop me. I will get you Isaac sooner or later. Don't call the cops, FBI or anybody or things will get uglier. I hope you like my drawing.

Jada looked at the picture. It was gruesome and sickning. It was a drawing of Isaac wth blood everywhere, bones sticking out of his body, bruises, cuts, gunshot wounds and stab marks. Next to it was a headstone with Isaac's name imprinted on it. Under the drawing read "SOON." Jada never bothered to show him she just burned it.

"Ike we got another note, he knows where we are," she shook. Her eyes were filling up with tears as she went to go to sleep. "Don't worry," he rubbed her head, "Everything will be okay." He kissed her forehead and laid down next to her. She rolled over and kissed him on the lips. "Isaac, I gotta tell you something," she whispered. "What?" "I love you." He smiled. "I love you too Jada." They held hands tightly and laid facing each other. She gazed into his brown eyes and started singing. It was not one of his songs, but instead an Alana Davis song. She sang:

Squint your eyes a bit closer
I'm not between you and your ambition
I am a poster girl in your poster
I am 32 flavors and them some
It's not beyond your pope or religion
So you might wanna turn your head
And someday you're gonna get thirsty
And you might wanna turn your head..say yeaaahh
Well I aaaaam, But I aaaaam
I am 32 flavors and then some

"Where'd you learn to sing so well?" He smiled. "My mother. At her club they had karoke once every month. I used to go and sing songs when I was about ten. I got offered a record deal with someone from Sony but I turned it down. Just think: if I was famous I wouldn't be with you." He held her hand tighter and stared back at her. "Jada you are so beautiful. I can't understand why you'd want to go out with me." "Isaac, I love you for who you are and everything else about you. I couldn't imagine waking up one day knowing you weren't there," she whispered. "We'll always be together, no matter what happens. I will never let you go Jada, never. Nobody will ever take you away from me; nobody." She moved in closer and he put his arm around her and she did the same. They were still holding hands. They looked incepriable; like nothing on earth could come between them.

The next day they packed everything up and put it in the van. Isaac called his parents and told them about their situation. The warm, sticky rain was pouring when they got into their van. "We have to go back to my parents," Isaac said. Jada nodded. He drove onto the highway when he noticied a black car speeding up behind him with SOON printed in red letters on his window. He drove and drove but the guy kept following him. Isaac pulled off to the side of the road. Whoever was in this car was going too fast to notice he pulled over.

"Whoah," he gasped for air. "Damn, Ike don't get so worked up. That guy was a shithead," she said. They were totally exhausted and there was only one pace to go; a church.

He drove about five or so miles into the country when he saw a small, white church. The service started at 11:00 and it was 11:27. They weren't dressed in Sunday clothes; Ike was wearing a faded Adidas sweatshirt and baggy jeans and Jada was wearing a blue bellyshirt and old, black flares. Ignoring their attire they walked into the church their hair plastered to their face.

Inside was plain, formal. All the seats were filled except for the balcony. There was one pew big enough for Isaac and Jada. They walked up to the balcony and sat down, their hair dripping onto the bulletin. People from down below looked up at them and smiled. The congregation was a small, warm group of people. Middle aged men and women with children, babies and toddlers, people in their 20's or 30's, a couple teenagers, and senior citizens.

The sermon, wouldn't you know it, was about "Teens and Violence." Jada though, how ironic. They sang, prayed, and listened carefully to every word spoken. Girls giggled after church, for they knew it was Isaac Hanson. "Hello, I don't believe I remember seeing you two guys here before," the pastor greeted.He was a tall, thin man with dark hair, a moustache, and glasses. "We're new here. We don't live here. We came for the service," Jada said. "Glad to hear it, glad to hear it. Excuse me sir," he said to Isaac. "Stop me if I'm wrong but aren't you," Isaac stopped him, "Yes, I'm in Hanson. Would you like an autograph?" "No, no thank you," he smiled. "Thanks, I thought if I signed one more autograph I'd get arthritis," he laughed. Him and Jada were on the road back to where his parents were.


"Oh, my baby!" Diana exclaimed as she ran to where Isaac was. She gave him a super big hug as well as Jada. "Hi Mrs. Hanson," Jada gasped for air. It was 5:30 and wasn't dark yet. Diana and Walker were finally calm as well as the rest of the Hansons. Jada flipped on the t.v. and watched Rocko's Modern Life. It was still raining by the time 7:00 came. "Hey, you wanna go for a walk?" Ike asked. She nodded and they went off into the night. Or so it seemed.

They held hands and walked down a stone path. They talked and laughed and exchanged glances. When they reached the fountain they locked lips for five minutes or so and then continued walking. Isaac got asked for his autograph and Jada got asked if she was going with him. She said yes but nobody cried. "Oh shit!" Ike yelled. "What?" "We forgot to pick up that Amanda girl back at the motel." "Oh, damn that's right! Now what are we gonna do?" She said. "Forget her. I think she was more than just a fan," he commented. And she was.

"Oh my god where's Ike and Jada?" Diana fretted. It was midnight and neither were to be found. She searched every corner of the hotel but still no luck. "Diana calm down they might still be walking," Walker commented. "I know when my kids are in trouble because I raised seven of them!" "I'll call front desk and ask if they saw them," Walker suggested but Diana cut in, "No Walker! They keep disappearing like this! We need cops, FBI, S.W.A.T. teams, anything! Not some dizzy hotel receptionst!" "She's a good place to start."

"Hello, have you seen my son and his girlfriend Jada?" Walker asked into the phone. "Who's your son and I need a description sir," she responded. "Isaac Hanson. Tall, blonde, brown eyes, wearing an Adidas sweatshirt and jeans and Jada Collins, blonde, a little bit shorter than Isaac wearing a blue shirt and pants." "When did they leave the hotel?" She asked. "I don't know, about 8:00 maybe 7:00." "I'm sorry sir I just got in at 11:00. bye." She hung up. "Damn," he mumbled. "Well?" Diana glared at him. "She doesn't know." "See, I told you! Dizzy receptionsts, typical that's typical," she complained. "Dammit Diana wake up! She's not a dizzy receptionst she's a smart person or she wouldn't have got the job! Calm down and quit complaining!" He hollered. Diana grabbed her coat and walked out of the room.


Isaac and Jada were knocked on the ground. He could taste blood in his mouth and Jada looked worse. She had bruises on her body and her head was bleeding. He looked around but only saw glaring lights and couldn't get a clear picture. I'm dreaming, he thought. "Jada, Jada," he nudged her. She wasn't moving. "C'mon Jada wake up!" She let out a grumble and glanced up at him. "Who are you?" She asked. "I'm Isaac Hanson, your boyfriend." "Hanson...a little girl group from the country. I don't know any Hanson's." "Jada, snap out of it! You know me!" He didn't want to slap her because of her bodily injuries. " I see we're talking," a voice said. He saw a tall girl that looked exactly like Amanda. "Who the hell are you? Why did you do this?" He screamed. "Settle down no need to get so damn hostile," she spoke. "I want you both dead. Now. But, but, but, I want to have some fun first," she let out a devilish grin.

"Amanda," Jada whispered. "Amanda?!" She bellowed. "You stupid whore!" Jada screamed back at her. She stumbled to her feet but this girl pushed her back. "I'm not Amanda, I hate Amanda." "I know who you are. You lied! You said Joseph...was our stalker but it was you! You wanted pick you up at that... motel near the border could kill us so far from...our family!" Ike yelled. "No, I know no Joseph. This is all a lie. Now, I will take your imparability for granted and now I can do anything I want with you. What to do. I know...torture! What a great idea!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, great," Jada mumbled. Jada felt a sudden bust of energy. She stood up and punched this girl right in her face. She went down but got back up. Jada kicked her this time and punched her again. This girl fought back but faltered every time she tried to hit Jada. Jada had taken self-defense classes and karate; she was a black belt. "Now who's hurt?" Jada asked. She just grumbled. "Who are you?" Isaac asked. "Chelsea." "No you're not! You're Amanda!" Jada hollered. "Amanda," her eyes flashed, "Amanda is my sister! We're twins but I hate Hanson...she loves the little fairies!" Isaac gave her a fiery grin and nearly beat the life out of her. Jada turned over on her stomach, closer to Ike and grabbed his hand. She was weak and he was too. "Now, you can follow my directions the hard way or the easy way. Your decision," she snickered.

Chelsea tied Jada to a metal pole and Isaac to a chair, then she went out of the small, building. "Jada, I'm gonna get out of here but I'll come back for you ok?" Isaac whispered. "No, stay with me," she whispered back, her eyes heavy. "No, I'll be back with lots of help. Stay here." And he kissed her. He left the hut and ran off into the night. A tear burned down her cheek as she watched him flee into the darkness.

"Help, somebody help me!" She screamed as loud as she could. She was screaming for two hours and still noone heard. Her voice was almost gone and her eyes were puffy. She remembered that she had Walker and Diana's cell phone in her purse which was ten feet ahead of her. She tried to reach it but she couldn't. Jada tried and tried over and over and finally grabbed the phone. She turned it on but she got no dialtone. She was too far out to use the phone. "Shit," she mumbled. Jada tossed the phone to the ground watching it splatter to a million pieces. She just bent over and cried.


Isaac was running by resturants that seemed familar; he was almost there. Ten minutes later he approached his parents hotel room and knocked quietly. He heard people rushing to the door and he saw his dad stand before him. It was 3:48 a.m. and Taylor and Zac were the only Hanson kids up besides himself. "Where were you and where's Jada?" He asked solemnly. Isaac took a deep breath and a long, hard blink. He told the whole story about the strange girl at the Austin concert, the motel, the walk around the hotel, the kidnapper, and where Jada was. "Why did you leave her there? You could have tried to get her un- tied!" Taylor screamed. "Jordan Taylor Hanson you and your brother go to your room now!" Walker yelled. "Your mother should be back soon, she went to the lobby. Just go to bed and we'll work all this out in the morning." "Dammit dad! Jada's out there in God-knows-where and you want to work this out in the morning? If that was me out there you wouldn't be able to talk! Call the cops, FBI, anyone! That's my girlfriend out there and I am not about to let her die in the wilderness!" Normally Walker would have slapped his son but he just nodded and called the police.

They arrived within minutes and searched every place in the hotel room for evedince. "Mr. Hanson do you know anywhere she may be?" The inspector asked Walker. "Isaac said something about a hut deep into the woods. He's knows far more than I do," Walker said. "Excuse me sir, do you remember any clues, or points to where Miss Collins is?" The inspector asked Isaac. "I vaugely remember a McDonalds as soon as I came out of the woods but that's about it. Oh wait! There was a shopping center but I forget the name." He squinted.

Ike finally went to sleep at 9am and had a dream about Jada. Jada, didn't sleep and wondered if Ike would come back. She had to wait; wait to live wait to die.

Copyright© 1998 by HaNsNSoLjR

Chapter 6: There's A Lying In Your Silence
Chapter 4: Sometimes When All Your Dreams May Have Seen Better Days
Hear Their Cries Index

Send all comments to the author, Ashley, at