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Hear Their Cries
Chapter 6: There's a Lying In Your Silence

Jada woke up wearily. She felt blood trickle down her cheek bone. "Feeling better?" Chelsea or whoever she was asked. "Bitch." Was all Jada managed to say.

Jada felt sudden pain shoot in her stomach traveling up her back. Chelsea had hit her in the stomach with a baseball bat. This was no little t-ball bat but a professional strength metal bat. "Why are you doing this to me? Why?" Jada choked out as loud as she could which was only above a whisper. "Oh because I needed some thrill in my life. You know something Jada, I hate people like you. People who's parents had them as teenagers and who are so drop dead gorgeous and take the best men. I am one of you. And there's only one word to describe us; filth. Some call us, if you will, ho's, sluts, tramps, but I refer to us as beautiful pieces of unused trash. Except for you. Jada Collins I am going to watch you die. I will have the best fun of my life."


"Hmmm...." Isaac groaned. He only got two hours of sleep. "Man, I can't believe I slept. Oh my God that's right! Jada! Jada!" He screamed. Taylor and Zac rushed in to see, actually the knew why he was yelling. "Ike! Ike calm down! She can't freakin hear you! The FBI and S.W.A.T. Team workers are out looking for her. Everything will be ok. Trust me," Taylor soothed. "Everything will be ok...everything will be ok! No it won't!" Isaac bellowed as he knocked the hotel night stand over and the lamp that was on it shatter. "Taylor you don't know anything! My girlfriend who is my best friend is out in who know where and you think it's all going to be ok! Tay you try loving someone with everything you have. You'd give her your life, love, or anything you had. Jada never had love until me and I don't want her to think that I don't love her. Do you understand me?" He told his younger brother. Taylor just nodded shyly and left Isaac to mourn in his world; Zac lingered hoping to give him some comfort. "Hey buddy," Zac smiled. Isaac just looked at him, his face burning red. "Zac, I know you're trying to comfort me but I'm not in the mood. Leave me alone...I need time to think." "Okay but if you need anything call on Super Zac."

Twenty minutes after Zac left Isaac was still sitting on his bed when he felt something jab his leg. He put his hands down his left pocket and pulled out something sticky, and hard; it was a candy necklace. He slowly held it to his lips and bit down on a yellow one; and it tasted like summer.


"He doesn't love me," Jada whispered. "Now you know," Chelsea smirked. Jada looked up at her, eyes puffy and cheeks tearstained. "Please, don't kill me Chelsea. I've never done anything to harm anybody let alone you! I realize I am garbage in this world but trying to kill me won't solve anything. Please Chelsea, let me go! I swear on my life I will never tell anyone where you are, or what you look like! I will make Isaac promise the same. If they find you it's not because of my doings," Jada explained solemnly. Whack!

Two blows to the head with a metal baseball bat. Jada was knocked unconsious. Chelsea sat and thought for a couple minutes. She had the bat in her hands and blood from Jada's head on it. She stared at Jada, then at the bat and cried. Chelsea had made her decision.


"Hello," Isaac picked up the phone on the third ring. Police were tapping the call. "Bring one million dollars to Jensen's Road at five thirty sharp tonight. Do not bring any police, FBI crew or anyone else but yourself or she gets it. Do you understand?" The grumbly voice asked. "Yeah but." Click. They had already hung up. "They're gone. Pay phone," an older policeman responded.

"It will be okay Isaac," Diana hugged her eldest son. "Walker honey, call Chris [Sabec] and arrange for him to bring one million dollars to our hotel room by three." Walker walked over to the phone that was thrown on the floor and called Chris. "Um, yes can you connect me to Christopher Sabec?" "Who is calling?" An older woman replied dryly. "Walker. Walker Hanson. Please, it's an emergency." "One moment sir." "Sabec "Hey Chris, this is Walker-" Chris cut in the middle of Walker's sentence, "Hey, Walker what can I do for you?" Chris answered cheerily. "Chris I need one million dollars delivered to my room by three today! This is no joke. Isaac's girlfriend is kidnapped and we need the money because her mom doesn't have enough, we know that, even if she did it couldn't be wired to us by three. Bring it in a black duffel bag, unmarked," Walker explained. Chris grew silent. "Anything Walker. I will be there at two thirty." Click. Walker rubbed his throbbing temples and sat down on the wooden chair. The police had taped, and traced every outgoing and incoming call.

"Mommy, is Jada gonna be okay?" Mackenzie asked. Mackie loved Jada and she loved him back. "Mack sweetie, how did you find this out?" Diana asked him. "Tay-Tay told us." "Yes, sweetheart she'll be fine," Diana exposed a weak smile. Jada, Isaac, Diana, and Walker all knew she wouldn't be okay.

At exactly two thirty Chris gave Walker the money in a black, unmarked, duffel bag. "It's all here right?" Walker asked him skeptical. "Yup. All one million of it," Chris replied. "Hey Chris!" Zac said as he ran into the hotel room. "Hey there little Zac Man. Dude, you should see all of the fans out there! I got swamped!" Chris said still catching his breath.

"Oh my God! Dad come here!" Isaac screamed. Walker raced to where his son was, watching the television. "Dad this is Amanda Elliot on the news. She is Chelsea, the girl who kidnapped Jada and me's sister. But how weird, I know that's her...the name says Tania Patterson." "Are you sure that's her Isaac? You're positive?" Walker asked. "Yes dad! I know that's her..." he paused, "if it is...she was driven into the Atlantic Ocean by a speedboat...." His voice trailed off. "Police are confused by a mysterious case. Yesterday, Tania Patterson was reported missing. Today, they found her body in the Atlantic Ocean. Tourists Jessica Holland and Mark West tell their story," a young, female news anchor announced. "I was surfin over some waves and I went over a bump. I looked down and I saw some girl floatin at the top. She was fully dressed and that's when I called for my girlfriend Jess. She came, saw it, and called the lifegaurds who had her taken to a hospital, but she was already a gonner," an eighteen year old, blonde boy explained. "If you have any information please call channel fourteen news at 555-1438. Studies show that Tania was driven into the ocean by a speedboat. Back to you Tom." Isaac clicked the t.v. off.

Five o'clock came quicker than Isaac anticipated. He walked up to in his dad's van. "Isaac I love you. You were my first child and I will always love you. I love Jada like a daughter even though I've only known her for about a week. Be careful," His mother cried. She kissed his cheek and gave him a hug. "I wuv you Ikey!" Avery said as she collapsed into Isaac's arms. "Come back bro, I can't imagine having to sign all those papers. Oh, if you go can I have your cd player?" Taylor laughed. "Just kiddin Ike," and he gave him a hug. "You know Ike, I know you'll come back but this time bring Jada with you!" Zac joked. Isaac punched Zac's shoulder and gave him a hug. "I love you man!" Zac exclaimed and Isaac smiled. "Ikey can I come too?" Mack asked. "No no Mackie, only big boys today. When I come back you can," he said as he lifted his youngest brother into the air. Jessica jumped into Ike's arms and whispered 'I love you Ike' and she kissed him on his cheek. "Now son I trust you that you'll do the right thing. Come home. We all love you and we want to see you live life," Walker said and his arm was around a crying Diana Hanson. "I will dad," and he gave him a hug. Isaac cradled Zoe for a minute and kissed her forehead. As he was about to step in the van a young girl around fourteen or fifteen, approached him. "Hello, Isaac. My name is Amanda, Amanda Elliot. Can I have your autograph?" She asked. Isaac looked at her and his eyes grew wide. His whole family had heard her ask him. "Do you know a Chelsea Elliot?" He asked her. "No I don't think so, why?" "How about a Tania Patterson?" Taylor chimed in. She glanced up at him and laughed with her eyes. "I know her, can't stand her. She was in my 9th grade homeroom. She hated me and I hated her. We both loved Hanson. Too bad about her death. Now I regret hating her. Her sister, Gwen was salt of the earth. She was so kind, and sweet to me." Isaac stared at his father who returned the stare. "Amanda, do you think Tania might have stolen your name? For revenge?" Isaac asked. "No, no I don't believe so. Why are you asking me so many questions?" She whined. "Sweetie, my girlfriend was kidnapped and the kidnapper's sister's name was Amanda Elliot; the kidnapper's name was Chelsea. In other words, they took your name so the cops would think you were the kidnapper," Isaac explained. She was in shock for a moment there, not because of all this name crap, but because Isaac Hanson called her sweetie.

Isaac drove off and he didn't notice that it was 5:27 right then. The place he was going to was atleast five minutes away. "Why are you bringing me?" Amanda asked. "Shh, don't say a word! He stopped the car. "Get out here and stay put in this McDonalds! Don't you dare come out! I will pick you up when I'm done!" He instructed. "No, not without you!" She demanded. "Now!" He looked at her. She got out and ran across the street to the McDonalds. He parked his car and ran into the woods. He saw her.

"Jada! Jada!" He screamed. He saw her and hugged her to death. "Back off fairy!" Chelsea/Gwen hollered. She had the baseball bat in her hands. He had the duffel bag. "Give me the bag." "Give me my girl." "The bag first or she gets it!" He slowly handed her the bag and she tossed him Jada. Jada was all bloody but she had no bruises or scratches. "Isaac," Jada whimpered. She used all her strength to kiss him. He kissed her back and held her in his arms. "Quit the romantic shit. Everything good has a price to pay. Isaac I want you back here at midnight tonight or else," Chelsea/Gwen said. "Gwen I am not coming back you can count your disgusting life on it," Isaac hollered. "Gwen," she mumbled, "Gwen!" Chlesea/Gwen raged. She tore after him with the bat but he toppled her over and grabbed her hands. She was very squirmy so he hit her head with the bat. Isaac took off his belt ready to kill her, "Isaac no! Don't kill her! Tie her up and put her in your van and we'll take her to the cops," Jada pleaded. He ignored her and tightened the belt. "Isaac I said no! Stop it! Now!" She yelled. He looked up at her and undid the belt. Chelsea/Gwen went gasping for air. Isaac then tied her arms to her feet with his and Jada's belts. He threw her in the back of his van and sped across the road to get Amanda. "Go in and pick up a girl in a green halter and blue shorts. Her name is Amanda Elliot," Ike said to Jada calmly. Jada stared at him wide eyed and slowly backed out of the van to get Amanda.

Amanda was sitting in a booth near the window. Jada walked in and ran straight for the bathroom to wash away her blood. She came out after scrubbing her face and washing away all of her blood. "Amanda?" She pointed to her. "Yes, who are you?" Amanda questioned. "Jada. Isaac's girlfriend. C'mon let's go," Jada instructed. Amanda got up out of the booth and followed Jada to the van.

"Hi sorry for the wait Amanda," Isaac apologized. "It'z alright." Amanda was sitting in the back next to Chelsea/Gwen but there was more to Amanda tahn what seemed. She knew Chelsea/Gwen alright, but not as a classmate.

Isaac drove to the hotel and left Jada in the car with Chelsea/Gwen. "Well, well, well look what the cat drug in. A tramp in my baby's car," Jada laughed. Chelsea/Gwen just stared at her. Jada looked back and noticed something about Chelsea/Gwen that Isaac hadn't noticed. Her and Amanda looked alike;not by much and not physically. There was something deranged about Amanda that they didn't know but Jada would figure it out.


"Oh Jada and Isaac you're alrght! Oh Thank God!" Diana gasped as she hugged both her son and his girlfriend simotaniously. After Jada's little hug with her future mother in law she ran over to Mackie and Jess and gave them super hugs! She loved them the mos out of the Hansons; well besides Isaac.

"I am exhausted!" Jada sighed. Diana walked in with Zoe in her arms and three other Hansons travling by her side asking questions. "Oh, Mrs. Hanson let me help out! I'll feed Zoe for you!" Jada offered her help. "I don't know Jada. You've been through so much these past couple days, I don't want to burden you," she said. "No, I insist," Jada said and took Zoe out of her arms. Jada grabbed her bottle and fed Zoe very diligently. She loved looking at her. She was like an angel. "Hey beautiful," Isaac told her as he walked into his cluttered hotel room. "Oh stop! I looke terrible!," she looked behind her shoulder. "You're always beautiful to me," he said as he kissed her softly. "She's so sweet," Jada smiled at Zoe. "Yeah she is," he smiled. "You know Jada, She looks a lot like you," Isaac said. "Yeah she does," Walker commented as he walked into the room. "Oh, come one guys! She's only a couple months old!" Jada laughed. "No seriously! I bet when she's your age she'll be just as beautiful," Isaac replied. "Yes, we can hope," Walker agreed. "Oh you guys are so sweet," Jada blushed. "We're going to dinner Isaac I advise you come. you too Jada," Walker proclaimed. "Actually dad I was thinking me and Jada could go out to dinner by ourselves. After all we've been through we need to relax without Jess whining or Tay and Zac flinging mashed potatoes at each other," Isaac suggested. "We'll bring Zoe along so it would be one less child you'd have to feed and change her diaper," Jada replied quickly. "I don't know if I want Zoe along because who knows about that girl," Walker started. "Please dad. We'll be uper careful and if anyone comes by to hurt any of us we'll take care of them," Isaac stated. "Okay, but I want you back by ten o'clock sharp." "Yes Mr. Hanson and thank you. But we will need Zoe's diapers and bottles and is there a certain baby food she likes?" Jada asked. "Well, I'm sure Diana has all of that taken care of. My Jada you will be a very good parent," Walker smiled and left the room. "Hopefully to my kids," Isaac mumbled but she heard him. She smiled to herself.

"C'mon Jada it's seven thirty!" Isaac called. Taylor was getting ready to go to dinner with his parents, so was Zac and the rest of the Hanson's but Tay and Zac were in the same room as Ike and Jada. Jada walked out looking especially nice. She was wearing the only dress she had which her aunt gave her for her seventeenth birthday that was in 6 days. Taylor let out a whistle and Zac and Ike stared at her. Jada's dress was long and sleeveless with black velvet that ended at the bottom of her bust and went around same length to her back. The rest was a blackish/silverish satin that extended past her black, shiny, chunky 4 inch platforms. Her hair was up into a twist that was tight against her head and the loose hair at the top was curly and two strands of her misty blonde hair was hanging down. She wore her silver ring and her two hoop earrings.

"Wow," Isaac let out. "Guys why are you looking at me so weird?"She questioned. "You look awesome!" Tay exclaimed. "Thanks cutie," she smiled and pinched his face. "Okay, just incase something screwy happens again," she started and she gave Taylor and Zac major hugs, "I love you both like brothers I never had." "Hey, what about me?" Ike whined. She gave him a childish look and kissed him on the lips. "Damn Ike you always get the best chicks," Tay laughed. Isaac looked very handsome as well; he was wearing a periwinkle satin shirt underneath a black suit. His hair was pulled into a low ponytail with his two curls hanging from each side of his head. Jada picked up Zoe and Isaac got her diaper bag.He put out his arm and Jada slipped her arm through his. "Bye guys," she smiled and blew both of them kisses.

Zoe truly looked like an angel. She was wearing a white, lacy dress that looked liked 1902 style, a white elastic headband with a white rose that encircled her tiny head, white lacy socks topped off with pearlised, plastic dress shoes. Jada looked carefully at her and noticed something very cute but weird at the same time. "Hey sweetie," she called. "Yeah?" Ike responded as they got in an elevator, "Look at Zoe," she told him. He did, "Why?" "Look, she has green eyes like me," she smiled. "She does. My two favorite ladies," he said and put his arm around Jada. "Oh shit!" She gasped. "What?" "Oh Ike, I got my makeup on your jacket," she cried. "I'ts alright," he brushed the cream colored foundation off his shoulder. "See, all better," and he kissed her. "Now you have mauve lipstick on your lips," she giggled. He had all of her makeup on him except her eyeliner, eyeshadow, and mascara.

Isaac held her eyes closed on their way out but he was very careful not to get any makeup on him. "Open your eyes," he whispered softly into her ears. Waiting in front of her was a white stretch limosuine. Isaac opened the door and escorted her in. Inside was a white bouquet of roses tied with a white satin ribbon. "Oh Isaac!" She gasped. She put Zoe in her car seat and threw her arms around him. "Oh I love you so much!" "I love you more Jada," he said into her neck. He could smell her Elizabeth Arden Cologne. "Promise we'll always be together Isaac. I love you too much to let you go," she whispered. "We'll always be together Jada, no matter what. You'll always be my girl and no one can change that." Little did he know that was a promise he couldn't keep.


He lead her into the classiest resturant in Raleigh; the Green Room. Sure, the name didn't sound elegant but it was the most beautiful thing next to Hanson in Jada's opinion. She was never in a resturant this high class so she wasn't sure how to act. She saw Titanic six times so she had a pretty good idea of dining etiqutte.

Within minutes a waiter appeared to take their order. Isaac looked at her. She figured it was the signal for her to order first. "I will take the burbon chicken with white wine sauce and a ceaser salad," she answered. "What two sides would you like and what dressing for your salad?" The waiter questioned. " about baked potato with sour cream and chives, no butter and Cream of Mushroom soup. Italian dressing, and an iced tea with lemon to drink," she smiled sweetly. "And you sir?" He looked at Isaac. "I'll have the six ounce New York Strip Steak with mixed vegetables, onion rings, Pepsi to drink, and a garden salad with French dressing," he ordered. "Thank you," the waiter said dryly and took their menus.

"Oh look at that baby! Look Charles!" A woman in her mid fifty's said pointing at Zoe. "Excuse me Miss what is your baby's name?" "Actually-" Jada started. Isaac cut in, "Her name is Zoe. She's six months old," Isaac answered. Jada was confused at first but then she knew why he didn't mention she was his sister; he wanted people to think they were married. Jada put her hands under the table and slipped her silver ring on her ring finger and put her Cubic Zirconia on top of it. "Thank you," Jada said calmly. They walked away and left the resturant; the older couple not Ike and Jada. "Isaac," she shot him one of those 'why did you do that' glances. "Well, tonight she is our baby," he laughed. She flicked a crouton at him.

After they were finished eating, Zoe included, Jada felt guilty. "Isaac I'll pay for my dinner," she offered."Don't be crazy!" He exclaimed. "I mean seventeen dollars is expensive! Atleast let me pick up the tip," she raised an eyebrow. "No! I insist. Let me pay Jada. Besides were on a date and I want to pick up the bill," he protested. "Fine master," she laughed and picked up Zoe...their daughter...or so it seemed.

"Isaac I must admit you do know how to give a girl a good time," she gazed at him. "Where's Zoe?" He asked. Jada gasped and put her head in her hands and started crying. "Did you leave her there?!" He said. She looked up at him with red eyes and laughed. "No! Do you think I would forget our baby? You're crazy!" She laughed. "Jada don't do that! You scared the hell out of me!" He laughed and angry laugh. "Oh Jada you are something else," He smiled and kissed her forehead. "Look, she's sleeping!" Jada exclaimed. Zoe and Isaac was something Jada cherished so much in her life.

"Isaac...." "What?" "Chelsea, Gwen whoever she was, she's still in the back of your van right?" She raised her eyebrow. Isaac's face grew pale, "Yeah, I think," he mumbled and stared at his shoes. "What do you mean you think? We have a mondo idiot chasing us and you're not sure what you did with her? We could all be killed!" She whined. "I'm sure my dad got her to the cops," he soothed.


The next morning at eight o'clock Jada had to go down to the police station and have a questioning hearing with Chelsea/Gwen. She was nervous as hell but it was something she had to do.

"Miss Jada Collins is it true you are from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, female, age of sixteen, born June fourteenth 1981?" The cop asked. "Yes sir." "Take a seat," he commanded. She sat facing the plexiglass window where Isaac was. He let out a smile and waved halfway. She smiled back and tilted her head. Then, the cops brought in Chelsea/Gwen. "Is it true your name is Gwen Patterson, femal, age fifteen, birthday May 26th 1983, born in Tulsa Oklahoma?" "Yes," she grumbled. She sat across from Jada and growled. "Why are you tearing me apart like this Gwen? What have I ever done to you to deserve such hell? Isaac as well! You said you hate Hanson so why would you give a damn if I do go out with Isaac?" Jada questioned. "I like having fun," was her responce. "Well, if you like fun for God's sake cut a paper doll!" Jada exasperated. Jada just glared at her and pulles out a cigarette. The smoke went up to the top and dissolved. "Look bitch I don't have the time or patience to deal with you. Now tell me why the hell you are doing this," Jada screamed as she flicked her cigarette and inhaled. There was silence...there was lying in her silence. "You wouldn't understand. You wouldn't understand, you wouldn't understand!!!" Gwen screamed as she knocked the table over. The cops grabbed her from behind and knocked her to the floor. They then carried her away back to her cell and released Jada.

"You alright?" Isaac asked as he drove her back to the hotel. "Yeah, I'm glad I can finally sleep at night knowing she's in jail," Jada sighed. "I'm glad too. All this has finally blown over so I can finally get on with my life; same goes for you," Isaac said. "Ike, I love you so much. And I am so glad I met you because it's been the best time of my life. I always thought I would grow up and be a stripper dying of AIDS at twenty three. You put light in my life and I praise God , from what little I know about him, every day we're together. It reminds me of a song-" she stopped.

I could stay awake just you hear you breathin
Watch you smile while you are dreamin
wonderin' if it's me your seein
Then I close my eyes and praise God we're together
I just wanna stay with you in this moment forever, forever and ever
I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall alseep cause I'll miss you baby
and I don't wanna miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
the sweetest dream would never do
I still miss you baby and I don't wanna miss a thing.

Isaac and Jada both sang that line together. "You know what my favorite song is?" She questioned. "What?" He replied. "More Than Anything," she smiled. "Hmm...wonder who sings that," he laughed. "No seriously, it is! But I love the songs I'll be missing you by Puff Daddy and that song by Eric Clapton..oh what is it goes 'Would you know my name, if I saw you in heaven.' That's it! It's called Tears in Heaven. It's a beautiful song!" She announced. "When we get married I'll play it at our wedding," he laughed. "You're not serious goofball," she laughed. Jada and Isaac wouldn't make it to their weddings; one of them would make it to a funeral.

Copyright© 1998 by HaNsNSoLjR

Chapter 7: You Can See Through But You Can't Get to the Inside
Chapter 5: Where Did He Go I Wanna Know
Hear Their Cries Index

Send all comments to the author, Ashley, at