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Draft Assessment Report State Committee for Nature Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan UNEP/GRID-Arendal 1996 The expert group for the establishment of a national centre and environmental information network in the Republic of Uzbekistan (GRID-Tashkent)
Size 6K - 17-Feb-98

The Aral Sea
Ian, This is why I wanted Photoshop. What do you think? I may scale it down a touch to speed transfer. I'm working on some other stuff too. I'll put it up as soon as I get it done. .
Size 4K - 5-Oct-97

The Aral Sea Homepage
Geographic location of the Aral sea, Satellite information and derived products, Vector data and conventional information...
Size 5K - 29-May-97

The World Factbook page on Uzbekistan, Section: Economy
Foreign investment in Uzbekistan Farkhad N Maksudov General Director, Foreign Investment Agency of Uzbekistan. The amount of foreign investment in the...
Size 5K - 07-Feb-98

Ecological News from Central Asia
Ecostan News provides English language reports about the environment and environmental movements of Karakalpakstan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Information is collected from personal communication, local newspapers, site visits, and translations of the work of leading environmental thinkers in the region...
Size 2K - 09-Mar-98

University of California at Santa Barbara Central Asia Database- Tien Shan Project
The Central Asia Data Base is developing in electronic format at the UCSB. There is information about the type of observations and data, characteristics of calculations, and measurement equipment in the Central Asia Data Base...
Size 6K - 17-Feb-98

Desiccation of the Aral Sea: A Water Management Disaster in the Soviet Union
Philip Mickiln, one of the first Western scholars to become significantly involved in Aral Sea issues; reproduced by the Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) from Philip P. Micklin, "Dessication of the Aral Sea: A Water Management Disaster in the Soviet Union," Science, no. 241 (1988), pp. 1170-76.
Size 9K - 14-Aug-97

Central Asian Research and Remediation Exchange at SDSU
currently conducting the Aral Sea Area Desertification Change-Detection Study...
Size 3K - 02-Apr-98

Focus on Central Asia - Water for Gas and Coal
from the new electronic newsletter in Kazakstan.
Size 3K - 1-June-97

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