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Project Targets Uzbekistan's Key Crop
Agriculture has played a leading role in Uzbekistan's economy, with cotton as its leading commodity...
Size 6K - 17-Feb-98

World Bank Water Supply Project near Aral Sea
WASHINGTON, September 12, 1996—The World Bank today approved a $5 million equivalent loan to Uzbekistan to help finance a Pilot Water Supply Engineering Project. The project will help to finance a pilot for a community-based water supply and distribution scheme in the Aral Sea disaster zone of the Republic of Karakalpakstan in Uzbekistan.
Size 4K - 5-Oct-97

Uzbekistan. An Agenda for Economic Reform. A World Bank Country Study (abstract)
Although Uzbekistan seeks to transform its economy gradually, it still must adopt comprehensive structural reforms in a timely manner. The reform package in this study suggests a legal framework to develop a market economy in the country.
Size 5K - 29-May-97

The European Union: Relations with the New Independent States and Mongolia
The European Union’s Tacis Programme provides grant finance for the transfer of know-how to twelve countries of the former Soviet Union, and Mongolia. In so doing, it fosters the development of market economies and democratic societies. It is the largest programme of its kind operating in the region, and has launched more than 3,000 projects worth over ECU 3,290 million since its inception in 1991...
Size 5K - 07-Feb-98

U.S. Policy Toward the Central Asian States
Remarks by Ambassador James Collins, Office of the Special Advisor to the Secretary for the New Independent States, at the inauguration of the Central Asia Institute, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC, October 21, 1996
Size 2K - 09-Mar-98

RESOLUTION 737 (1992)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 3043rd meeting, on 29 January 1992 The Security Council...
Size 6K - 17-Feb-98

Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Washington, D.C.
Size 9K - 14-Aug-97

Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Bonn, Germany .
Size 3K - 02-Apr-98

Uzbekistan: International Adoption
This site from the U.S. Department of State contains information on foreign adoption of orphans from Uzbekistan.
Size 3K - 1-June-98

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