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Umid World
Welcome! This Page is dedicated to "Umid" Scholarship Program , which was established in 1997 by the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. The main objectives of this Scholarship are to educate qualified Uzbek students abroad and ensure successful development of Uzbekistan in the future...
Size 4K - 5-Jun-98

UzOnLine-Uzbek Students
Didn't you see your name here? And would you like to include info about yourself? Then, just fill in the form and we will do the rest!!! b)You saw your name and don't want it to be listed no longer. No problem! Just send ONLY your name...
Size 4K - 5-Jun-98

Students Darabase. Enter the keywords...
Size 4K - 5-Jun-98

AliSher's Universe
Home-All about me-My Gallery-Fun-UzOnLine-AOF...
Size 6K - 17-Feb-98

Daniyar's Homepage
More About Me;My C.V.; My school; My Friends; My Country; Photo Album...
Size 4K - 5-Jun-98

Khurshid A. Ganiev
Kishining guzalligi uning tilidan bilinadi. (Al-Bukhariy) Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday, Today is the yesterday you will remember tomorrow. 1.Umid world!!! you want to know about me? 3.Ahloq-odobga oid HADITHLAR.
Size 5K - 29-Mar-98

Lola Khakimdjanova
Assalom Aleykum !!! Hello and welcome to my electronic world....
Size 5K - 07-Apr-98

Shavkat Rakhmatullaev
UZBEKISTAN is my MOTHERLAND Hi everybody!Welcome to our home!We are glad that you are visiting this particular site.We UZBEK students hope that this site will help you to learn about Central Asia and particularly Uzbekistan. Please enjoy your ride! Please remember that your comments are always welcome to us!
Size 2K - 09-Mar-98

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