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UzOnLine Means Fast Answers concerning Uzbekistan for All Visitors. UzOnLine is a FREE Internet search and navigation service for all UzOnLine visitors.
Size 6K - 11-May-98

Umid World
Welcome! This Page is dedicated to "Umid" Scholarship Program , which was established in 1997 by the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. The main objectives of this Scholarship are to educate qualified Uzbek students abroad and ensure successful development of Uzbekistan in the future...
4K - 17-Sep-97

Cyber Uzbekistan
Cyber Uzbekistan - the premier site dedicated to Uzbekistan. Welcome to the information highway leading to the Central Asia. Reliable source on Uzbekistan.
3K - 01-Apr-98

This is a relatively new site that was created in January 1997 to provide information about Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The author of this page spent 15 years in Tashkent, and, therefore, possesses knowledge about the region, its culture and traditions.
Size 4K - 03-May-97

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