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Nasreddin Hodja
INSIDE HODJA; PREFACE About Nasreddin Hodja and this web site; BIOGRAPHY Introduction of Hodja, his life story, wit and wise personality, human nature, sense of humor STORIES...
Size 2K - 11-Nov-97

Anecdotes From Russia.
PREDUPREZhDENIE. Anekdoty kopiruyutsya neposredstvenno iz russkih komp'yuternyh setei bez predvaritel'nogo otbora i bez kakih-libo ispravlenii. Sredi nih est'... da kakie ugodno. Esli vy predpochitaete veshi, proshedshie cenzuru, vernites' s etoi stranicy nazad.
Size 7K - 15-Mar-98

Some Famous Stories Of Nasreddin Hodja:
The Criticism Of Men, Everyone Who Sees The Light, Forty Year Old Vinegar ...
Size 3K - 3-Apr-98

Mulla Nasreddin
Hoja in Deathbed, Hoja and the Curse...
Size 3K - 2-Apr-98

Might be It was a bad joke... But if you know Russian you can try find out more better jokes at the best Russian web sites:
Size 1K - 14-May-98

Russian Israeli 1992
Anecdotes: Russian Istaeli
Size 2K - 4-Mar-97

The Anecdote Cafe
Russian Anecdotes
Size 3K - 20-Oct-97

Humor; Russian Jokes
Political Jokes; Chapayev; Mother-in-Law...
Size 32K - 13-May-98

About Lenin
WELCOME. Select Your codepage:...
Size 8K - 18-Feb-98

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