The majority of us at one time or another end up going to a casino, not only to gamble but, for the food, shows, and yes, sometimes just for the free drinks.

As you may have guessed by now I work in a casino.   8 long grueling hours each day, 5 longer grueling days each week, 52 weeks a year after year after year.   But, if I didn't really love my job, I would have gotten out of the business years ago!

Alot of the customers ask "If I sleep well at night after taking all of their money?"   My reply is "YES"...."I don't take your money, you give it to me".   Just remember, there is no "VELCRO" on the casino chairs.   If you can't afford to lose the money, GET THE HELL OUT OF THE CASINO.   This is a form of entertainment.   And we all know entertaiment isn't cheap.

One of my greatest pet peeves is when I see little I mean little (ages 2-8) kids walking through the casino, and there is no parent or guardian in site.   Do you know how many perverts and maniacs are running around there??   I've seen 3 yr olds come down at midnight, 1 a.m. looking for Mommy and Daddy.   And there is Mommy or Daddy sitting at my table DRUNK!   This is known as "child abuse".  If you need or want to bring the little ones with, PLEASE either bring your own babysitter or some of the casinos have nanny services.
Children & the casino
I'm looking for some nanny links to put on this page

Basic Etiquette
1;-) Be courteous to the workers....this is just their job.  Some people think that we aren't even human.

Some times it is the alcohol talking but, would you treat your customers at work that way, or better yet would you like to be treated that way.  If people would always treated others the way they want to be treated...wouldn't this be a wonderful world to live in.

2;-) Be respectful to your surroundings.  Would you put your cigarette ashes on the floor at home?

All the casinos supply ashtrays, please use them.  The difference between putting money wrappers on the floor and putting a cigarette out on the floor.  Dah...I'm blonde (no pun intended) and I can even figure that one out.

3;-) Watch your language.  I don't know of a casino that allows strong profanity.

You would be surprised by the number of people that say the F*** word.  When I catch someone saying that word or some other strong profanity, I just ask them if that is the way, they talk in front of their Mother.  90% tell me no....well, I'm a mom too.  I think that says it pretty well.

4;-) Don't expect to be comped if you don't really deserve it.  I have probably spent over $100,000 at the grocery store, and have never gotten or even expected anything for free.

The casinos are in business just like everyone else, if you are deserving of a complimentary room or meal, the casino will make sure you get it.  It takes approx. 24hrs.....playing $10.....every hand to get a comp for a room.  Do you have any idea how many hands per hour a dealer puts out??  If we got paid accordingly, the casino couldn't afford to have us.

5;-)If you are playing any table game be courteous to your fellow player and the dealer.

In other words don't tell anyone else at the table how to play their cards (unless they ask you), it is their money and they can spend it anyway they want.  Be ready to play when it is your turn.  Some people think this is a time for chat and eyeing up the girls or guys.  Well, this is pretty frustrating for the player that is here to just play the game.  If you want to chat with friends, step away from the table and open the spot for someone who really wants to play.

6;-)This is all for right now.  I will be adding more as it pops into my mind.  Kinda got brain freeze right now, but, I have more to add.

Thanks for stopping in and if you have anything to add or question just e-mail me.  (I take constructive critisizism real well)



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Graphics by Bimsan

have dropped by since 9/15/98
and I thank you again