#1.) Don't bet money you can't afford to lose.

    This includes: rent or morgage payment
      grocery money
        utulity payments
            babysitter's money
      In other words any money that you have certain plans for.

    #2.) Have a problem with gambling or are a compulsive gambler

    below you can find chat rooms, medical treatment and just plain all around help

    Enter compulsive gamblers or any question here:

    the links on this page are always changing, but they are still great.

    #3.) We all get upset when we lose.  If the game wasn't in the houses favor, they wouldn't have it.

    It's just that simple.  All the casinos weren't built from winners.  The majority of the dealers are just as surprised by their hand as you are.  Click here to learn some of the basics on playing blackjack and roulette.

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    Graphics by Bimsan

    have taken the time to read this page since 8/15/98
    thanks and drop by again real soon