Children & the casino

Nevada State Law

The state of Nevada considers any person under the age of 21 a minor and NOT allowed in the casino without adult supervision.  I only know of a few places in the casino where a minor is allowed without supervision, these are the arcade, gift shops and some restaurants.  Please don't let the little ones go anywhere on their own, there are just too many kooks out there.  I know, I deal to them 5 days a week.

The law also states--that you are not allowed to stop, linger or wait in the gaming area with a minor. In other words if you are walking throught the casino, (with a minor) going anywhere, you must keep moving. No standing, waiting or even stopping to talk to a friend as long as you have a minor with you.
(And the casinos have it pretty much set up where you have to go through the gaming area to get to any other place in the casino.)

Bring a sitter or a friend

It is so much easier if you bring a friend or a babysitter for your child.  There isn't that much for kids to do in the casinos: arcades, restaurants and shopping is about all.  Some cities have more things to offer like Wet 'N Wilds and stuff like that.  The city I work in has nothing on the order.  So, bringing a playmate for your child is a great idea.  We dealers and other casino personel have seen 2 and 3 yr. olds come down at 2..3..4..& 5 A.M. looking for Mom or Dad.   If you are coming to Laughlin and need a sitter or nanny the casino I work at has access to them.  If you want to know where I work just e-mail me and I will let you know, or can refer you to some of the sitters that take care of my co-workers children. 
This is one subject I really try to impress on everyone.  We all have heard about that little girl in Jean NV. that was murdered in the casino.
Useless, senseless and truly a tragedy.  
click here

Minors caught gambling

Now if a minor is caught gambling, they are taken to jail.
(go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200)
Nevada is cracking down on under age gaming.  I think some of the problems come from the gaming laws in other states, where 18 is the legal age.  And we realize this is not fair to the kids, but it's the law.  So 18 to 20 yr olds stay away from Nevada gaming or go to jail.

Fines for under age gaming

The fines for the minor and the casino are really scary.  I know the fine for the casino is over $10,000 per charge.   I also know that the fine for a dealer is $1,000 per hand, I lose my liscense to deal and will never deal again in the state of Nevada, plus, now the minor goes to jail too.  ie 5 hands of blackjack--$5,000.  So kids if you get carded by every table you go to, now, you know why.

Carrying a valid I D

All players must carry a valid I D is (drivers liscense, passport, military I D or legal ID from home state) on body while gambling.  So ladies, when you wear those fancy dresses while gambling, please carry a purse or something to put your I D in.  An expired drivers liscense or any of the above isn't a legal I D.  

If you are 70 yrs young and the dealer or floor person asks you for an I D, you better produce one or you will be asked to leave.  

So, just carry it and make it easier on all of us and yourself.  You may consider it a compliment when the any worker in the casino cards you.

