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The Smuggler's Band-Bakura Sector

Bakura, once an Imperial-held sector, was seized by the Smuggler's Alliance under Supreme Commander Com Wedge. The Sector's Smuggler contingent and rule is overseen by Governor Warden Grimm. The contingent is run from a secret location

The sector government is headed by a General Assembly, elected from every inhabited planet in the sector. In turn, the Assembly elects a Council of Ministers to oversee the various aspects of the Sector's government. The capital of the Sector is the Planet Vecorian, and the government resides in the city of Belthamel. Near the center of the city of Belthamel, a tall skyscraper dominates the skyline. This is the Mendatis Building, once home of Governor Warden Grimm, and still the seat of all official power in the sector.

The Bakura Sector Defense Forces are available for in-sector support operations that deal with the security of the Sector.

Governor Grimm administers Band activities and sector matters from the contingent's hideout. Rumors state that the disappeared Smuggler's still have control of the sector through bribery and blackmail. Due to the government's alleged friendliness, and the surreptitious nature of the Smuggler's activities, Bakura is a safe-haven for any Smuggler.

Bakura was once the legitimate ruling power in Bakura, but recent events forced the few surviving members of the Smuggler's cadre underground. Speculation about Warden Grimm's continued existence is merely that: speculation. Reliable sources from the BSDF state that the entirety of the Bakura contingent's core cadre was killed by an Imperial sneak attack.

Rumors state that the Band uses Universal Exports, a company founded by Warden Grimm (under the table, of course), shipping yards and business fronts to hide their activities within Imperial and Rebel Republic held sectors. Since it is a registered and tax-paying company, it also has many legitimate interests as well. The current president is Maarken Raef, a Corellian shipping baron who has denounced the old president and maintains that Universal Exports is wholly legitimate.

Warden's headquarters is sometimes referred to as The "Head Office," due to the business-like practices of Mr. Grimm. Accounts of the adventures of the men, women, and otherwises of Bakura can be read here.

The Bakura Smugglers are rumored to operate within the bounds of a group known asThe Space Lane Privateers, a private organization of shady characters that no one knows much about. Sources have connected Warden Grimm to the group's core staff.

To learn more about the Smuggler's Band, go to it's Main Page.


Universal Exports, Incorporated

The Space Lane Privateers

Announcement Board

Sector Map


If you want to join the Band or transfer to Bakura, apply at the Head Office.

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