The Andrew Shaw Memorial Scout Cabin Needs Your Help!
Yes, it's true. The Scout Cabin is a place where Scouts have been able to go and meet for years. Unfortunately, the cabin was allowed to fall into a state of disrepair that made it both uncomfortable and dangerous to be in. Recently, however, we have torn down the old cabin and rebuilt it, creating a nice and new facility that will stand for many more years. Needless to say, such an undertaking was expensive, and as the Boy Scouts of America is a not-for-profit organization, we needed to raise all of the funds for the cabin on our own. Although we have built the cabin, we still need money to pay for it.
Help put us over the top!
The Andrew Shaw Memorial Scout Cabin has been a Darien landmark since 1926, and it must not be allowed to die away. Join your neighbors and friends and put your name on our donor walkway -- buy a brick and help put us over the top. Please, send your donation today.
We realize that not everyone can give a large gift. We want you to know that whatever you can give will be greatly appreciated.
It's an investment in your community...An investment in the future.