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Do you want to get in contact with Troop 53? Please fill out this form, and then click the "send" button. If you want, you can submit a preliminary request for joining the Troop. Please note that you must be in Connecticut and near the town of Darien (which is within Fairfield County) to join. In addition, you must be a boy who has either completed Cub Scouts or has completed (or is in) the fifth grade (if you are over the age of twelve, you should be ready for this).

Personal Data
Enter your name

Enter your address

Enter your phone number

Enter your email address

Enter your age

Scouting Data
Have you participated in Cub Scouts?

What rank did you acheive?
I was a Tiger Cub.
I was a Bobcat Scout.
I was a Wolf Scout.
I was a Wolf Scout with Wolf Arrowheads.
I was a Bear Scout.
I was a Bear Scout with Bear Arrowheads.
I was a Webelos Scout.
I got the Arrow of Light.

Have you participated in Boy Scouts before?

What rank did you acheive in your troop?
I was a Tenderfoot Scout.
I reached Second Class.
I reached First Class.
I reached Star.
I reached Life.
I reached Eagle.

Did you get any Merit Badges?

If so, how many?


Alternately, you can email us at or email the person who maintains the page at