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Educational, Language Learning and Teaching Software.

Software for PCs.


for DOS or Windows 95 and 98. Windows 2000, NT and XP users need DOS programs such as "Norton Commander or "Disk Commander" in order to be able to use our thesauri, because the more recent Windows versions have no DOS.

- SOFTHESAURUS, English Electronic Thesaurus, displays up to 22 types of word and word-group relationships to the entry word, provides a definition of the word's meaning, displays the prepositions with which the word is used and gives text examples, with an option to add translation of the word into another language and self-update the electronic dictionary.

More about it ...

- LINGUATERM, Multilingual (English, German, French and Spanish) Electronic Thesaurus of Linguistic Terminology. Displays up to 22 types of word and word-group relationships to the entry word, incl. definitions, text examples and an option to update it and include more languages. More about it ...

- GEOATLAS, Multilingual (English, German, French and Italian) Electronic Lexicon of related place names. Includes all major geographical names in the world and their relationship(s), language and political information (at high-school level), with an option to expand and update it. More about it ...

All our thesauri need a Text Editor to open and read the output results (provided with the commercial version).


LINGUATERM is a multilingual (English, German, French, Spanish) Electronic Thesaurus of Linguistic Terminology. LINGUATERM displays up to 22 types of relationships between the entry word and other words from a vocabulary of approximately 14000 word-entries in four languages. The word relationships displayed by LINGUATERM are of two major types:
a) between the entry word and another individual word and
b) between the entry word and a group of words.
1. The groups of words related to the entry word can be of the following types:
a) Word class. This is a hierarchically organized and srtuctured set of words, which are not necessarily synonyms. The word(s) standing on the upper level can substitute all words from the lower levels regardless of context;
b) Thematic group of words;
c) A group of synonyms, related to one (or more) pre-chosen words from the same group which can substitute any of the synonyms - context permitting;
d) Thesaurus set of words. This is a group of words, from all Parts of Speech, sharing the same lexical-semantical meaning;
e) A group of words, which are not synonyms, but still share a common meaning; f) A group of words which are not synonyms, but can be substituted by one (or more) pre-chosen words regardless of context;
g) A group of words that is similar, but not identical, to the meaning of the entry word.
2. The entry word can have the following type of relationship with another individual word: a) part of; b) belong to; c) smaller than; d) equal to; e) similar to;
f) antonym to; g) collective (compare: word - vocabulary; letter - alphabet, etc.); h) member of (incl. "kind of"); i) broader meaning; j) in contrast (opposition) with; k) variant of; l) consists of; m) contains (has); n) to be compared to.
3. In the file "example.doc" the user will find a text example showing the usage of the entry word. LINGUATERM has an option which allows the user to enter the translation(s) of the entry word into more languages. LINGUATERM has no Text Editor of its own and needs a resident Editor to open the *.doc files created by the program.

Examples of the performance of LINGUATERM.
3. Entry word: rhyme.
3.1. Group: thesaur.doc.
reduplication of similar sound combinations
reim (German), rhyme (English), rima (Spanish), rime (French), stichos (German),
stikhos (Old Greek), vers (German), verse (English), verso (Spanish),
versus (Latin), zeile (German).

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GEOATLAS is a multilingual (English, German, French, Italian) Electronic Lexicon of related place-names. The entry word can have the following types of word relationships with other individual words or groups of words:
1. For groups of words a) Word class; b) Mountains; c) Substitute word; d) Language; e) Water; f) Word as general substitute of other words; g) Stretch; h) Borders; i) Islands.
2. The entry word can have the following type of relationship with another individual word: a) part of; b) smaller than; c) equal to; d) language; e) collective (compare: island - archipelago);
f) member of (incl. "kind of"); g) contains (has); h) located in; i) refers to; j) belongs to.
GEOATLAS has an option which allows the user to enter the translation(s) of the entry word into more languages.
GEOATLAS has no Text Editor of its own and needs a resident Editor to open the *.doc files created by the program.

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SOFTHESAURUS was designed as educational, computer assisted English language learning and teaching tool that can be used as
English dictionary both at home and at school. SOFTHESAURUS combines the features of all known dictionaries: single language, thesauri, synonymical, antonymical, subject field, thematic, dictionaries showing the use of prepositions and adverbial particles, bilingual or multilingual (if that option is considered by the user). SOFTHESAURUS displays up to 22 types of relationships between the entry word and other words from a vocabulary of approximately 20000 word-entries and that makes it distinct from all other Electronic Lexicons and Thesauri currently in use, displaying only one type of word relationship - synonymical. The word relationships displayed by SOFTHESAURUS are of two major types:
a) between the entry word and another individual word and
b) between the entry word and a group of words.
1. The groups of words related to the entry word can be of the following types: a) Word class. This is a hierarchically organized and srtuctured set of words, which are not necessarily synonyms. The word(s) standing on the upper level can substitute all words from the lower levels regardless of context; b) Thematical group of words; c) A group of synonyms, related to one (or more) pre-chosen words from the same group which can substitute any of the synonyms - context permitting; d) Thesaurus set of words. This is a group of words, from all Parts of Speech, sharing the same lexical-semantical meaning; e) A group of words, which are not synonyms, but still share a common meaning (compare: words expressing positiveness or negative attitude, etc.); f) A group
of words which are not synonyms, but can be substituted by one (or more) pre-chosen words regardless of context; g) Antonyms to the entry word.
2. The entry word can have the following type of relationship with another individual word: a) part of; b) belong to; c) smaller than; d) equal to; e) similar to; f) antonym to; g) collective (compare: book - literature; wolf - pack (of wolves), etc.); h) member of (incl. "kind of"); i) broader meaning; j) located in.
3. In the file "example.doc" the user will find a text example showing the usage of the entry word. In the file "prep.doc" the user will find the preposition(s) that can be used with the entry word.
SOFTHESAURUS has an option which allows the user to enter the translation(s) of the entry word into one or more languages.
SOFTHESAURUS has no Text Editor of its own and needs a resident Editor to open the *.doc files created by the program.

Examples of the performance of SOFTHESAURUS.

Selected word: father

Entry word "look" (Group: substitute.doc): behold, cast a glance, contemplate, face, gape, gaze, glance, glare, glimpse, gloat, LOOK, REST ONE'S EYES UPON SOMETHING, peep, peer, pry, prying, scrutinize, scrutiny, stare, survey, view, watch, witness;
(Group: thesaur0.doc): appearance, look, semblance.
(Group thesaur1.doc): be after, be in search of, look for, prospect for, search, seak.
(Group prep.doc): look after - for - at - towards - into - through.
(Group example.doc): He looked at her.

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