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My bio...

Yes I'm very stuck up and self obsessed (or I wouldn't have made this page) so I added this Bio in. I'm 15 and growin up in Southern California. My parents both played music and my mom was an artist but she died when I was young. My dad plays Reggae, Oh well... He listens to dance, rock, and heavy metal. He screwed his life up and had to get married though to this blonde haired blue eyed valley girl... Now his life is run by her. I'm going into High school and hopefully..(with the luck of the gods) I'll graduate...

Some pictures of me..

My Favorite:

Music: Black Metal!, Heavy Metal, Classic Rock, Rock, Hardcore!!, Sludge, anything with a fast enough tempo :P

Band: Dimmu borgir

DJ: Jonny L

Guitarist: Right now it's Astennu formally of Dimmu Borgir, and also James Murphey of Obituary

Movie: The Crow

Toy: Zoom 505 Multi-FX pedal...Hell fucking yeah!!

Artist: Katsuhiro OtomoHobies

For one I'm an artist, allways drawing. Check out my art page I also recently took up the guitar. Im obsessed with guitarplaying now!! I play in all my spare time. Im looking to start a black metal band with my friend andy (guitarist/singer of Invictus). Lastly is my Web page designing. I have 3 pages that all suck. This is my favorite one so far cause of the opening image map. The other two are The RPG Domain(shutdown) and The DragonBallZ Dojo(Not updated often enough).


Curiosity is a double edged sword, it often changes one's destiny.

"Confusion now hath made this masterpiece"-Shakespear

"Death borders upon our birth, and our cradle stands in the grave." -Bishop Hall

"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom"-Jim Morrison, Keoki, _Enigma

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