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Tartarus was the main influence of my site. His site, Infinite Void, is a dark self information page that I enjoy.
Julie sent me her site one night, I really liked it, and that was when I finally started this page. Now her and I enjoy competition with each other >;-P
Scott Mitchel Putesky was the originol reason I created a new site. This was SUPPOSED to be souly about him...but I changed my mind >;-P He is a big influence in my life!


Tia-I love you
Julie - Yes once again it is Julie. She is my best friend and I hope we never break our friendship. Julie, I love you (as a friend! ^_^)
Vivian - You are wonderfull Vivian. You are everything a Goddess should be, beautifull, intelligent, and caring. We have known each other for a while, and I want you to know that I love you. (as a friend! ^_^ lol)
Andy S. - Dude!! Duuuuuuuude... sup dude?
Rachel - Konnichi wa!! Anata wa kirai desu!
Andy V. - Konnichi wa, kuso-yaro >;-P
Rahsan - Hey man..uh..uh..uhm..uhm..
Charles - Man where the f*** are you?! I'm gonna call you hang on I'll be right back...
Robert - Sup? Play any good games lately? Dude, uh...whoa dude..
Jimmie - Hey man...uhm... hey..
John - Ni-How..
Ryan - Waaaaahsuuuuuup
The whole goth gang from 5th grade, sup Pat B., Pat o., Stephen, Deep, Andy!

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