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My art

This is some of the art I've done. I'm not the best artist in the world but I'm getting there... XD

C=colored BW=black and white

An angel I copied from The Crow: by James O' Barr BW
An interperetation of Jesus Christ BW
A drawing of The Crow copied from the comic by James O' Barr C
A drawing I did of my dad for his birthday BW
A drawing i copied from the Diablo manual BW
A drawing I copied from the manga Runouni Kenshin (The Wandering Swordsman Kenshin)BW
A drawing I did of Luna from Lunar: The silver star story complete C
A drawing of Meegz Rascoon, the guitarist from Coal Chamber BW
A drawing I copied that Locke did Bw
A drawing of Edgar Allan Poe BW
A drawing of Ryu from Breath of Fire 3 before i CG colored it BW
A drawing of Ryu from Breath of Fire 3 C
A drawing I did of the bass player from Marilyn Manson, Twiggy A.K.A. Jordie White C
A drawing I did of the Crow from the movie played by Brandon Lee BW
A monk I drew from an art book
A character I copied from Soul Revear, but I had to make up the color since it was in BW before
Quistis Treppe from Final Fantasy 8
My Fanart of Jonny L

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