sequel that's in the same format as the first? Anyway!) Draco attends Harry and Ginny's wedding. Sorry bout the short brain is tired and in protest of working.

Till Death Do Us Part-Part I-Ron Visits Draco

"No! I'm not going. Now way no how and you can't make me!" Draco said, crossing one slim arm over the other. He looked like a very tall four year old, his lower lip sticking out in a pout.

Ron Weasley sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, struggling to control an impulse to blast the other boy from here to China. "Draco, I don't like you. I have never in my life liked you. I have hated you since my second birthday when you stole my new toy broom before I had even un-wrapped it. But I am Harry's best man and his best friend. I am also Ginny's brother, and in that capacity it is my job to keep them from making idiots of themselves. Everybody with half a brain can see that this wedding is a mistake and I'm going to end this farce.I need your help."

"Potter had his chance, but Nooo, he blew me off for that little Creevy punk!"

"Dennis had nothing to do with your break up and you know it. You were a DEATH EATER, Draco!"

"Not by my choice!"

"Well we didn't know that until AFTER Voldemort killed himself now did we?"

Draco remained silent, staring angrily at the wall. "I'm not going."

"You are."




"A.." Ron screamed in frustration, pounding his head against the table.

"Oh stop that! You'll dent the wood."

"Draco, you are going or so help me I'll hog tie you and leave you with Lockhart for a night!"

Draco looked at Ron finally before sighing. "Fine, I'll go, but don't expect me to jump up and down confessing my love for him."

Ron stood, pulling on his cloak. "I didn't ask you to." He said, smirking.

"Yet." Draco said, turning back to look at the wall.

Ron shook his head and disapperated with a sigh.

Till Death Do Us Part-Part II-The Wedding I

Saitaina's Diary