Just Another Saturday Night in SunnyDale

Spoilers: Dead Man's Party ( Buffy); Killed by Imagination (Clover) RWAV

Rated : pg-13

Summary: A Saturday night in SunnyDale

Disclaimer: Don't own Spike, Whistler, Cordelia, Xander, or anyone else from
Buffy or Angel. Do own the rest

It's party night in Sunny Dale...should be a scream.

Clover and Will tilted their heads to one side. Both of their eyes looked

"Wow," Will breathed.

"Yeah," Clover agreed next to him. "I had no idea a body could do that."

"Neither did I, and I've been around."

Clover's mouth formed a small smile. They both continued to look at the new
neighbor's who were practicing naked gymnastics.


Dustin Rogers paced his office. "Miss Daniels, no,no,uh,Ricci. No Ric, no
ah!" He flopped down onto his seat. "Let me try again Miss Daniels, I called
you here on a Saturday afternoon to talk to you about us. I know that we
don't know each other very well, but you can't deny we fell something. Animal
magnetism? Maybe? But I know and I feel we should find out. So, what do you
say?" Rogers thought it over a moment. "Oh, God! I sound like Pierre."

There was a knock at the door. He looked at it and sighed. It could only be
Ricci Daniels. He wasn't ready, but he had to answer.

"Come in," he called.

The door opened and Miss Daniels walked in. She was wearing a short black
skirt with a long sleeved red shirt with a pair of black high heel shoes. She
brushed into the office and sat on the arm of a chair. "Hey, you called and
I'm here. Sorry if I'm late."

Rogers sat up straighter. "Try not to drool," he thought. He cleared his
throat. "Yes, I think we need to talk about um, Miss Daniels,would you,could
you, what I mean to say is Uh,ah!"

Miss Daniels was looking at him funny. Slowly, a smile formed on her face.
She took a flyer from her purse. "You want to go to a party? It's on the
college campus. Should be fun."

Rogers couldn't believe what he was hearing, but he nodded anyway.


Alicia Price finished typing the last page of the last chapter of her book. 
As the printer spat out the page into her waiting hands, she placed it almost
timidly atop the large manuscript.

Whistler walked out of the kitchen with a beer in his hand and a ham sandwich
in his hands just as Alicia flipped the pages over and let the title page
show. "Bite Me?" Whistler read after taking a bit out of his sandwich. "So
what's it about?"

Alicia turned to her father and looked to make sure none of the lettuce from
his sandwich was falling on the living room carpet. "Evil, the horrible truth
about the world," she replied simply putting it in the envelope addressed to
her publishers. "In short, something the public will eat up and get me
another movie deal." She sighed deeply and looked out the window as dusk
began to set in. "Do you want to try again to tonight?"

"Might be for the best, he replied finishing his sandwich. "Where does she
usually spends her nights?"

"There's a place called the Bronze where most of the teenagers here hang out.
But then, she's the SLAYER Dad, so she might be in the graveyard, or a sewer,
or maybe an abandoned warehouse."

"So what do you recommend doing Alicia? Knocking on Sarr or some other
vampire's door and asking if Clover's in?"

"Well, no, but we just can't barge in around town with flashlights and a big
sign saying Clover Chase Here. I'm sure in all your vast knowledge you have a
better idea. I'd love to hear it," she added folding her arms waiting.

"Yo, don't talk to your father like that." He thought for a full five
seconds. "Let's go to the Bronze," he said.

Alicia threw up her hands in annoyance. "I can't believe you." She started to
her room, "but I'm changing first."

"Oh great," he muttered flopping on the couch and turning on the tv.


Rai paced her living room. She moved her arms about as she spoke. "Dale, you
and I have known each other for a while now, and I think that we're in a
place now where maybe, if we both want, maybe we should take it to the last
level. Not break up, but uh, have that is make, you know."

"But see, the thing is Dale, I don't want to. This is all moving way to fast.
I think we should slow down. That's why I'm wearing my talking dress. The
dress I wear when we need to talk." She stopped pacing and looked over at the
empty chair. "That sounded good." She nodded to herself, just as the doorbell

Rai opened it and smiled when she saw Dale in the doorway. He took one look
at her and groaned playfully. "Not the talking dress! Can't you see I'm
wearing my party outfit. We can't go out like this."

"No, we can really. Nothing else looked right." She stepped out and closed
the door behind her. "So, where are we going?"

Dale grinned his devilish grin. "Some place." He went to take her arm, but
Rai pulled back. He looked at her a second, but decided to let it go.

"Well, let's go," Rai said without waiting and headed to the stairs. Dale had
to run to keep up.


Cordelia  finished buttoning her coat as Xander put a scarf around her neck.
Will came down the stairs and gave them a look. "Do I want to know?" he asked.

Xander grabbed a hat form the coat rack. "We're going out." He put it on
Cordy's head.

"So you guys are going out to the North Pole? You two do know that it's March
and we're in Southern California. It's like 95 degrees out there."

Cordelia put a mitten on one hand. "I sniffled this morning," she said as if
that would explain everything.

"Yeah, well I sniffled when I was sixteen, but I never acted this strange
afterwards. Wait, are you sure sniffling with babies on the way is a good

"She means she may be getting a cold. And with her six months along, we can't
have her getting sick."

Will held back a laugh. "So we're making her look like Big Foot?"

"I look like Big Foot?" Cordelia demanded.

"No,no,no," Xander started.

Clover came down the stairs and bumped into Will. God, move." Will walked
down the last stair and Clover followed. She looked at Xander and Cordelia
then at her watch. "Guys it's almost sundown, you two should be going. Have a
good time." They opened the door and headed out. Clover called after them, "
Ah, Xander, have her home by one! You kids have fun!"

Xander smirked at her. "Will do Miss C." He closed the door behind them.

 Clover walked into the living room to find Will watching tv. He looked
really into it. She sat down next to him and after a while, began to hum.

Will whirled his upper body to face her. "What! I'm watching this!"

"Sorry Mr. Man, but this is my house."


"So," Clover explained slowly, "I can do hat I want. And you can't ."

Will got up."Fine, I'll leave then."

Clover got up to. "No, I'm going out. I gotta change. If Gavin comes,  tell
him I'll be down in a minute."

"Where you two going?" he asked.

"Out. We have work to do." She went up the stairs.

Will flopped down on the sofa and turned the set back on.


Sarr was not happy. Drusilla was putting because she said it was her daddy's
death day. What this meant, Sarr didn't know. Truth was, he didn't care.
Well, he did care, but only because Drusilla was pouting in their room.

The vampire paced back and forth. Finally he stopped. "Dru! I'm going out.
I'll be back when I kill Spike or Clover or at sunrise!" There was a sniff
from the room. Sarr growled and headed out.

Spike had had enough.  Ever since he had come back to SunnyDale, he had his
ass kicked by the Slayer,demons, and Sarr. Tonight was his night. Spike was
going to find Sarr and kill him.

Maybe slow or maybe be torture first. After all, today was the day he had
been turned by Drusilla.He deserved to have a good time. The vampire slipped
on his leather duster and headed out.


Gavin rang the doorbell and waited for an answer.  As he waited, he looked
over his outfit; boot legged cut jean pants, a long sleeve shirt with a
strange Indian design and a jacket that looked hot on him.

The door was answered by Will in a raggy robe and holding a bad of chips.
"Come on in."

Gavin walked in. "Where's Clov?" he asked looking around.

Will wrinkled his nose. "Upstairs, getting ready. Where are you two crazy
kids doing tonight?"

"Same thing we do every night Willy, try to save the world. No, really we're
going to slay vamps and get demons."

Will just nodded. He still remembered the fights Gavin and Clover had had a
few weeks ago. He and Clover also had one. Wil was glad Gavin was going out
with her. That was her way of saying that she was sorry; by asking him to
slay with her.

"Hey Gav, you ready?"Clover's voice came from the stairs. The guys turned to
see her. She was wearing a really strange outfit; it was brown and it's shirt
had a long sleeve and a short one. The right side long, left short. The pants
were long on the left side and looked like some shorts on her right. On her
feet were socks and some brown hiking boots. She also wore her leather
jacket. Her hair was in a half bun on her head.

Gavin made his way to the stairs as Clover got to the bottom. "Clover. I
laugh at miniskirts. Where on Earth did you get that?"

Clover gave him a sly smile. "LA, last weekend when I went to see Oz and
Dennis. We're having the wedding at Oz's place. You and the guys are going to
play a set or two right?"

"Sure thing. I can't believe you talked the Dingoes into letting us open for
them this summer," Gavin said nearly squealing.

Clover's mouth grew into a huge smile. "I know, it will be so great. You guys
are on the way to the top!"

Will rolled his eyes by the door. Clover caught that and groaned. Gav felt
the tension in the room. He grabbed Clover's wrist and led her to the door.
"Okay, we're going bye." They went out of the door.

Will went back into the living room; he had a movie to watch.


The leather pants made a squeaking sound as Pierre walked. The chains hanging
from the pockets, leather jacket, and boots were making  ghost like sounds as
well. He got on his motorcycle and gasped as the pants rode up his legs.
Pierre turned on the cycle and drove it out of the parking lot.


Rogers was nervous. He was in Ricci Daniels car trying to say something
witty.  So far he had come up with nothing. Ricci drove along tapping her
fingers on the driving wheel along to the music.

The music of a band that Rogers didn't know filled the car. He gathered that
the name of the song was "Pretty", because the man kept saying he or some
girl was pretty. He had to say something, anything. He turned to look at
Ricci's face and said, "I use to have a dog named Pretty."

Ricci looked over at him and raised an eyebrow. "That's great. I use to have
a cat." She turned back to the road. Rogers looked out the window.


Whistler sat tapping his fingers impatiently on the coffee table in front of
him as he idly flipped channels.

Alicia Price finally opened her bedroom door. "I'm ready," she said the
looked over at her father. "Oh, you're not going to wear that jacket are you

"What?" he questioned. "I have been wearing this since the beginning of the
90's. Besides, you're wearing that!"

Alicia had on a silver top with a collar and long sleeves, yet the shirt came
midriff. A silver waist chain hung around her and a pair of black pants and
shot boots completed the outfit. "Well, I like this outfit. Besides, we're
going to party places, we can't look like we're part of the Better Business
Bureau. You haven't been to the Bronze yet, there are more drastic outfits
than this."

"Does Katie wear these kinds of outfits?" Whistler asked.

She sighed and picked up her car keys from the table. "It's Clover Dad, her
name is Clover not Katie. She's not Mom, she shows no signs of remembering
either of us okay. She's a teenager, of course she wears these things."

Whistler got up and walked over to his daughter. "Well, she's still your
mother. Let's go the sun's setting."

"Whatever." She opened the door and they both got into the car and began
their search.


Dale reached over towards Rai's leg. She pushed herself against the door.
"What re you doing?!" she cried in a panicked voice.

Dale changed the radio station. "Changing the station."

Rai moved back into her seat. "Oh. Right.Good idea."

Dale nodded curiously and turned back to the road. They drove on in silence
for  a few minutes. Neither liked it. So, finely Dale cleared his throat. "I
tell you about my family friend?" Rai shook her head. "Well, she's really
old. Older than my dad. You'd like her. But she's married  to this guy and
well, he's an ass."

"Dale!" Rai warned, she hated it when he cursed.

"Sorry. But it's true Raiy. He is. By the by, I'm taking you to a frat Alpha
Beta GAmma party. Okay?"

RAi glanced over at him. "Will they have a 'make-out' room there?"

Dale chuckled. "A few."

Rai sank deeper into her chair and looked out of the window. "Great." She
muttered. "Just great."


Xander parked the car and turned the engine off. He opened his door, closed
it, and went to the other side to open Cordy's door.

Cordelia walked out of the car. She pushed herself up and stood kind of
leaning back. She took Xander's arm and they walked into the best French
restraunt in town, Chez Masion. They walked in and got their table, a cozy
one in the back.  They were given menus and left to look over them.

Xander leaned in to whisper to Cordelia. "This is a great place. Order
whatever you want, money is nothing to me."

Cordelia smiled slyly. "Are you sure? I'm eating for three now, and two of us
are hungry all the time."

"I'm sure. Besides, this is the best restaurant in town. There's nothing
wrong with it. And I'll pay for great food." Cordelia smile and took his hand.

In the back, the head cook had just put up an ancient African mask. He turned
to adjust the mask never seeing the masks eyes had begun to glow.

Across town, a dead wrinkled decayed hand came out of a grave. Others started
behind it and ll around zombies began to slowly rise.


Willy's place wasn't the best in town, but for the demons and vampires it did
just fine. A few played a game of cards at a table, some sat at the bar,
others at tables. A chaos demon and vampire played darts. The place was also
filled with a few homeless people looking for a place to stay.

Jimmy worked hard behind the bar. He was wishing he had a few extra hands to
help. He put a glass of brandy on the bar. Jimmy smiled as someone turned the
radio on, and an old song filled the dusty smoky bar. He danced behind the
bar as he served his clients.

The beads in the doorway swung and Jimmy looked up. His eyes grew wide with
fear. The Slayer and a guy he didn't know had just walked in. "Oh, hey
Slayer!" he yelled in a falsely loud voice. "It's the Slayer! How you been?"

Clover rolled her eyes as he walked over to the bar. Gavin followed as she
walked over to the bar. Gavin followed her trying to look mean. He noticed
that a few people and demons were sticking to the door. Clover leaned on the
bar and smiled sweetly at Jimmy.

"Hey Jimmy, so how's the little miss?"

Jimmy looked behind him to a door. "My wife? She's great. Yeah, thanks for
coming to our wedding. I have to say that when you did that thing with the
bar, Elisa was amazed. She wanted to thank you , her family's been known to
get worked up."

Clover shrugged. "No big. But, what I came here for is to know if you've
heard anything. My mom's wedding is real soon, and her babies will be born in
May. So, I don't want anything to go wrong. No demons trying to end the
world, no bad weather, no bad business."

Jimmy slowly nodded. "Right. I haven't heard anything."

Gavin grabbed Jimmy by the collar. "Listen! She wants to know what you know!"

Clover put a hand on Gavin's shoulder. "Let him go," she calmly demanded.
Gavin did as he was told.

Jimmy straightened himself up. "That was mean."

Gavin turned to face Clover, an angry look on his face. "Why'd you do that? I
had him."

Clover looked at him annoyed."Okay, no more Cops for you. That's not how we
get info." Jimmy took this time to start to the back. Clover put a hand up.
"Jimmy, stay."

Jimmy stopped, sighed, and turned back to them. "Sorry, but Elisa is calling
me," he explained.

Gavin turned to the older black guy and looked at him hard. "I didn't hear

"I hope not!" Jimmy cried. "Elisa's a demon Gavin. When her kind of demons
find their mates, they make it so they can hear each other's thoughts."

Gavin nodded. he had known Clover long enough not to freak out with stuff
like this. "Okay, so you really don't know anything?" he asked Jimmy.

Jimmy shook his head again. "No, well okay, I do know one thing, but I can't
tell you."

Clover sighed in annoyance. "Do I have to smack you around?"

"Just once, not to hard, but make it look good," he answered.

Clover shrugged and went over to the part of the bar which could be taken
off. She took it off and went into the back. "Real quick."

"Only take a minute."

Clover pretended to punch Jimmy in the nose. He put his hands on it and fell
to the ground. He started to roll around and screamed making a scene. The
things that had not left the bar did so.

Gavin backed up on the bar not wanting to get touched. He could hear Jimmy
crying and saying how Clover had broke his nose. Clover was telling him he
was a baby and hadn't been hit hard. They both came back around a moment
later. Jimmy had a washcloth on his nose. Clover looked the same, only more
annoyed. Gavin looked from one to the other. So, Clover didn't even touch the
people she got info from, she only threatened. And for some reason, Gav found
that to be a turn-on.

"Jimmy's ready to take," Clover told him.

Jimmy nodded. "Sure am. In May, the four will come. Whatever you do, don't
let them get some book."

Gavin gave Clover a side glance. "Don't they always want a boook?Get's kinda
old if you ask me."

Clover shrugged it off. "No big. I bet we don't even have the thing. What's
it called Jimmy?"

He shrugged. "That's one I don't know." Clover went to hit him, but he held
his hands up in peace. "I mean it. No-one knows. But I can tell you the
locals aren't happy about any of this. Some are even afraid."

"Okay, tell Elisa I said hey. Come on Gavin," Clover walked out.

Gavin stayed back a second. "You know I could take you."

Jimmy grinned. "Between you and me, I was scared. Very. Almost wet myself."

Gavin seemed to hold himself higher as he walked out.


Sarr had gotten to the party, it was great. College kids were running around
half drunk, the other half on their way there. And the best part? That had to
be that it was only seven. He could only imagine what it would be like in an
hour. Hell, half and hour.

Sarr grinned as he made his way to a back "make-out" room.


Just Another Saterday Night in SunnyDale: Part II

Oak's Diary