Peace, Love, and Death

Spoilers: "Heroes" from Angel, "School Hard" from Buffy, all other Clover
Summary: A new vampire comes to SunnyDale with a plan and a past linking to
another vampire in town. Clover's birthday plans are put on hold because of
it. And she beings having visions-again.

Note: This story takes place from November 2-5,

                             For ten mouths, Clover has feared one thing. In
this story it finally happens. Spike takes a bite.

In every generation there is a Chosen One, she alone will stand against the
vampires, the darkness, and the forces of evil.. She is the Slayer

It was November second, only one day till Clover's birthday and three days
till Homecoming. The leaves
had all fallen from the trees, the wind was cold, and the vampires were

Clover hit the ground with a loud thod. Breathless, she rolled to her left
side and searched for a stake on
the dark, wet ground. The vampire growled softly to itself as it loomed over
her. Finally she found the stake just as the vampire  was leaning in for the
kill. Without thinking Clover just staked the vampire in the heart. Ashes
exploded all over her.

Clover groaned to herself as she sat up and started to get grass off her
butt. "Ew, this is so gross." She felt something wet and sticky on her hand.
"Ah, is that wet candy?"She picked up her black bookbag off the ground,
Clover walked out of the park and to her home.

The large, old, dirty, black car speeded into town, it ran over the "Welcome
To SunnyDale" sign, then ran over it a few more times. It stopped and a pair
of black hard toed boots stepped out. They belonged to a tall,musular built
man with wavy black hair and violet eyes. He looked around 28, and was
wearing black leather pants and a long black shirt.

He turned his head to one side, and sniffed the air, his face became a
horrible shape, with fangs and glowing yellow eyes. "This is were the fun is
happening?" He asked the night. "To face a Slayer again." He thought outloud
wistfully. "Not to say killing Spike won't be as much fun. But first I should
go find a meal, before the gang  gets here." He jumped back in his car, and
drove away.

["The Kids Aren't All right" places. Shots of a full moon, an above view of a
graveyard, and
 a gravestone with the name Summers on it. Shots of Clover fighting a young
guy named Will, followed by shots of Patrick  biting into Cordelia, Xander
and Cordelia eating, Dustin and Alicia kissing. Followed by shots of Rai,
Gavin, Nick, Coal, and Clover all sitting at a table in the Bronze, talking.
Then of Dustin reading an ancient looking book. Clover talking to Buffy,
Williow, and Angel in the mansion.

Shot of Clover sitting on the oak table in the "Batcave", then of her walking
throw the Bronze, then of her with black hair talking to someone outside. 

Shots  of Doyle at Clover's door. Shots of Dale in a long coat, trying to
open a jar. Shot of Anne dancing to some rock music. Shot of Clover, Rai, and
Ezra dancing to rock music in the Bronze.

Shots of Rai smiling up from her computer screen, then of her sitting in a
car, then of her walking with juice boxes.

Shots of Will and Gavin fighting on the floor. Shot of Clover in handcuffs.
Shot of Gavin staking a vampire

Shots of Gavin on his skateboard, then of him fighting a demon, then of him
playing his drums.

Shots of Dustin on the floor breathless, then of him eating a banana, then of
him looking up from a Watcher Diary.

Shots of Doyle getting drunk in Clover's living room, then of Clover and Ezra
fighting vampires in a graveyard. Dale and Rai kissing in a car. Gavin
hugging Erza. Dustin kissing Alicia. Cordy and Xander making out on a sofa.

Shots of Will coming out from somes brushes, watching t.v., and of him
sitting in a chair smoking a cigarette.

Shots of Doyle in his demon form fighting some vampires, then of him having a
vision, then of him grabbing Clover and throwing her to a side.

Shots Rai kissing a strange guy named Dale in front of a door, Rai, Gav,
Dale, and Will running throw a hall. Dustin training Clover, a guy walking
down some stairs, Spike dusting a vampire, Spike biting Clover on the neck,
Rai hitting a vampire with a stool. Gavin standing on a stage holding a
script, Clover and Will walking throw a graveyard. Clover kneeing over a dead
body, Gav and Spike bounding over a cigarette. A girl with dark long black
hair Slayer a vampire, Whistler, Alicia Price, Doyle, and Clover all standing
around talking. Dustin putting a sword throw a demon, Drusilla holding Clover
by the neck. Clover in an old looking dress fighting a demon Gavin and Clover
kissing. And Will and Clover on her bed laying flat, talking.

 And finally a shot of Clover, Gavin, Will, Rai, and Dale walking in a
straight line down the street. And
 Clover getting up from the floor, with hair in her face, like she is doing a
pushup and turning her head to the right.]

Car Ronnie ran over to Clover, who had just walked through the double doors
into the school. Car stopped short when see saw the  cut covering half of
Clover's forehead. Clover had tried to cover it up, but it still showed.

Car's baby blue eyes grow thoughtful and kind. "Oh, my God, what happened to
you?!" Clover's mind raced for an answer. Car had no idea, well maybe some,
that Clover was their generation's Slayer.

"I attacked by a wild puppy." Clover explained lamely. It was kind of true.

Car nodded. "And on your birthday." She handed Clover an envelope. "Here
Clover, its a gift thing, for any store in the mall."

Clover smiled thankfully. "Thanks."

Car shrugged it off as they started walking down the hall. "Did you hear what
happened?" Clover shook her head. "Well, the junior went to unlock the music
room and there inside were sixteen dead bodies, and there was still wet blood
all over the place and that sixties CD collection from television was
playing." Clover stopped walking her eyes focused on nothing. She had thought
kids making out not vampires in school-again.
Car studied Clover's face and saw nothing. "Listen, I know what happened is
scary. To think the murders left the school like seconds before anyone got
here, or they were here when we were. So, if you need anything, there is this
thing after school."

"What?" Clover asked. "Um, I have to go, I'll see you at practice tomorrow."
Car nodded and walked over to some girls from her group. Clover ran to the

"Okay, what's the sitch?" Nick Green urged Gavin McNeal as he sat across from
him at a table in the student lounge.

Gavin looked up at his now blond friend and bandmate. "What?"

"What's happening with Chase's party tonight?" Nick answer matter-of-factly.

Gavin sighed sadly. "There's no party. You know because of all the dead
people, no one is in party mode. Plus her Mom and Mr.Harris are in England
for a while, two of there old friends who where also Clover'd godparents were
killed last night." He explained.

"Oh, man. Talk about  curse of the birthdays. How's Chase taking it?"

"Well, last I heard she was doing great. Not over reacting at all."

Pierre nearly dodged a volume on zombies, that flew through the air at his
head. "Please stop throwing my books, mon fackee Slayer!"

Clover stopped midthrow, and stared at her French Watcher. "Talk English!"
She flopped into a chair and crossed her arms. "I hate this P.B. it's my
birthday, and two days to homecoming. I should be happy, instead...."

"Instead you have your duty. I know, do you think I like it here? Non, I'd
must reather be in Nice. We all have our crosses to bear. No pun inteaded."

Clover  laughed softy. "None taken. So, the room?"

"I couldn't get in the police are trying to keep things quiet. and Dustin is
no help right now, he's so sad about not being able to find this Miss.Price."

"Yet, they couldn't keep the dead people quiet from us, them being dead and
all." Clover stated wryly. Pierre just gave her on of his looks, like the one
he gave her when she called him P. B.  "Okay, we need to work on your humor,
when I get back." Clover stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"Duh, the music room. Blood, dead people, this screams vampires, P.B., I'll 
check it out and report back at lunch."

"I'll stay here and look up something on day walking vampires."

Clover put her hands on her hips. "Don't you have a drama class to go teach?"

Pierre sighed in annoyance and rubbed out  a cirgerrette. "You had to remind

The Slayer went straight to the music room.Unfoetnately, the new principal,
Mr. Smyth was coming out. 

He regareded her in less then surprise. "Let me guess, wanted to play a joke
and do something to the crime scene? Trespassing on a crime sense could land
you in jail. What am I saying, you're already on your way."

Clover held herself together in front of the little, ratfaced, balding man.
Her Mom and Xander had told her that he reminded them of their highschool
principal. <Must be a rule, Slayer in school, ratfaced, mean little man in
school.> She thought to herself. Mr. Smyth gave her an inpacitice glare.

"I wasn't going in there, I was just walking by." She retorted.

"Whatever. I think you should be in class. Won't want to get kicked out of
school, would you, Miss. Chase."

She just nodded and backed away. Clover turned and ran down the stairs to the

Three minutes later, Clover was climbing through the second story window. She
stood and looked around the bloody room. Blood was everywhere, on chairs,
instruments, ceiling, floor, and walls. Chalk lines where drawn were the
bodies had been.

Clover looked over at a message still written on the wall. She saw it was
written in red lipstick. Clover read it to herself, then copied it onto a
piece of bloody paper she found on the ground and a pen that was also on the
ground. As if someone had left them for her.

Dare Archway closed his locker, and spotted Rai Shields walking by.  He
grabbed her arm.

"Hey!" She yelled at him, then seeing who it was, she groaned. "What now?"

Dare let her arm go. "Does Clover have a date for homecoming?"

Rai shrugged. "Probably not- she's real bust nights."

Dare nodded as if he understood, which he so didn't. "She has a job, they
won't let her off. Today's her birthday, right?" Rai only nodded. "Great!
I'll give her a gift, that will have her falling all over me."

"What a picture of you?" Rai's sarcasm was lost on Dare, who started  looking
for on in his locker. Rai just rolled her eyes and walked away.

The hippie vampires milled around the aboned garage. A rock song from the
1960s blasted from a radio. Smoke filled  the place, a dart hit the bullseye
of a dart board.

A dark haired man stepped out of a room.He looked around him, these vampires
were his, he had made them all in the sixties. That had been his favorite
time out of the 302 years he had lived. His name had once been James, now it
was Sarr.

"Listen up!" He bellowed at the vampires. At his words , the music stopped,
the darts were taken from the board even the smoke seemed to be still in the
air. "Two nights from now is Saint Vigeous. Remember, the Slayer and Spike
are mine, everyone else is free game. And share, I don't want any fights like
last time, all right? We're a family, not dogs." He turned and left, things
went back to normal.

Rai walked around the supermarket. It was Clover's birthday and instead on
having a party, she was morning and looking for-what else, vampires. Rai felt
bad for her, but worse for herself. She didn't have a date for homecoming and
her  Dad was on her case-again.

She was so busy with her own thoughts, she didn't notice when she bumped into
 someone. Rai looked up snd up to see the guy who had  put the spell on them.

He smiled a soft, easy smile at her. "Excuse me, Raie, I didn't see you. Say,
you don't know were the cough surp is, do you? I need it for a spell, a good
spell. Trying to make it so that your Slayer friend doesn't get sick anymore.
True it may not work, but it's my way of saying that I'm sorry." Rai stared
at him, he knew her name, he was talking to her. She could feel her face
growing red. She had to say something. "I hear homecoming is in two days,"
Rai just nodded. "could be bad, Saint Vigeous is that night. You'd think the
school board would know about stuff like that."

"What's Saint Vigeous?" Rai asked, thankful she could talk again.

"It's a night, when vampires powers are at there best. We should tell Clover.
Won't want  to have homecoming ruined? Not if I'm taking you." Rai's mouth
dropped. "What? You don't want me to take you?" Rai nodded, then quickly
shook her head. "Is it, yes, or no?"

"It's yes, but we have to tell Clover what you know."

"Two days from now, two minutes to midnight. Sarr Rogers read outloud to
Clover and Pierre, what Clover had written down.

Pierre flipped through a book, stopped and handed it to Rogers.  Rogers read
it, then reread it. He looked over at Pierre.

"Boys, I don't like when you do this surt of thing Tell me what you found."
Clover told him in a motherly voice.

Rogers nodded and told her about Saint Vigeous.

"And if vampires are going to be strong, I figure, they'll go were the food
is. I'm thinking Homecoming."

"Are you sure?"

"Duh, P.B., all those young teens, all trapped in a gym. Where else would
they go?" She looked at Pierre. "Any luck finding out who this guy is?"

Pierre shook his head. "No, but Sarr, can't be his real name. He must of
changed it."

"In the 1960s is my guess." Rogers told him.

"Yes, you could be right. We should look at the Watcher Diaries of that time."

Clover got up. "Okay, guys, you two look some stuff up. I'll go see what I
can find out from Jimmy the Bird."

"Who?" Pierre asked her.

"A man who knows more then he should. There are a lot of those in this town.

"And she knows them all?" Pierre asked Dustin. He just nodded and handed him
a book.

Jimmy cleaned his bar tables and whistled along to a new song on the radio.
After Willy had left town ten years ago, Jimmy had been running the place. He
had only been nineteen, and new in town, so he was happy to have his own bar.
Okay, he served vampires and demons, but it was a living.

There was a knock on a nearby table, he turned to see Clover standing there.
"So, Jimmy, how's business?"

Jimmy put his rag down. "You know, the usual."

Clover sat down at the table and put her feet up. "I think not. There is a
new vampire in town, goes by the name, Sarr. He been in here?"

Jimmy sat across from her. "Yeah he's been in here, got a drink, with a few
hippie vamps. But that's all I know. Guess they know not to trust a black man
with curly hair."

They both laughed. "Okay, Jimmy. I'll believe you, because you know if you
lie to me, I'll burn this place down."

Jimmy nodded with a gulp. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Okay he said he's here for
Saint Vigeous. He has plans to attack your school's homecoming dance, with
his hippies. He wants you and that Spike guy."

Clover stood. "Thanks, Jimmy." She tossed him a few tens and left.

"Good luck kid, you'll need it." Jimmy called after her.

Dale and Rai walked into the "Batcave", Pierre and Gavin were making weapons,
and Dustin was reading at the oak table.

"Guys," Rai said when she and Dale had gotten to the bottom on the stairs.
"Dale says that in to days it's Saint Vigeous."

Gavin looked  up at his cousin. "Little late there, Rai. We know, boy do we
know. There's also a vampire in town after Clov."

"You two make weapons." Dustin told them, waving them to a pile of wood,
never looking up from his book.

Pierre looked up at Dale closely. "Didn't you put that spell on everyone
three weeks ago?"

Dale's eyes got  innocent. "No, I don't know what your talking about! I'm
a....a...a.. tree planter, from England."

Rai hit him in the arm. "Tree planter?" She hissed in his ear.

Dale just shrugged and grabbed some wood off the table.

The wheels moved swiftly and in patterns on the sidewalk.  Clover danced to a
song stuck in her head. She heard a noise and turned to see Spike. He looked
tried and worn, as if he hadn't feed or slept in days. Clover looked him up
and down, a smirk on her face the whole time.

"Going for that homeless look, vamp-boy?"

Spike growled at her. "No," he looked around him nervously and lowed his
voice. "I'm running from someone.."


"How'd you know? And its not like I'm scared or anything. I just don't want
to ruin anything."

"Fine, okay. Saint Vigeous is in two days, and you don't want your ass kicked
before then. I understand, if I were you, I won't want my ass kicked." Clover
told him, a smirk on her face.

"I need help.."

"To fit in an ashtray?" Clover deadpanned.

"No, I need a place to stay for a few days, you have a basement. Right?"

Clover started to skate backward. "No, no, no, no, no. Clean break remember?
That's what I said, Spike. No more helping eachother. You go your way, I go
mine. We can't keep doing this, we can't keep helping eachother, we are

Spike gave her an angry look. "I'm not asking you to marry me, mate."

"Like I'd say yes." Clover retorted.'

"Look, Slayer, I think I could help you. Tell you stuff about your new friend
Sarr. I swear, I will not try to kill anyone."

Clover thought it over. "I don't believe what I'm going to do." She murmured
to herself.

 She walked through the masion's gardens, her spiders senses on full alert.
There was a vampire here. She went through the door and crept around, looking
for something, what it was, she didn't know what it was, but she knew she had
to find it.She turned a conor and ended up in another garden. She felt them,
they were somewhere, she just had to find them.

Clover found a maze and went in it. She came to the center, they were there
waiting for her. Buffy,Angel, Williow, and the newly arrived, Giles and
Jenny. Clover hugged them all, and for a while, they just stood around and
talked about nothing, then they grew quiet.

"This is great. I mean it's really nice of all of you to give me a party. Why
am I here?"

"What?" Williow asked innocently.

"You heard me. Why am I here? I only come here when there is something big
and bad about to happen. Let me guess, something big and bad is going to
happen." She flodded her arms.

"Well." Jenny said.

"You see." Giles added.

"Can you tell we didn't have a plan?" Buffy asked, she looked over at Angel,
who nodded.

"Ever hear of a half-breed called Doyle?"

Clover thought about it. "Yeah, he died years ago. He gave my Mom his
visions, but she stopped having them when she got pregent with me. You know
he could of been my Father, but no he died, and Patrick comes along all
nice-Irish-just want to be friends guy, and takes her mind off him."

"Yes, well, you should hear this from me." Giles told her.

Clover nodded with a smile. " Okay, tell me whatever it is all of you think I
need to know about Doyle."

" He likes beer," Angel though out loud with a smile.

"Yep," Buffy added.

"Guys?" Willow asked. "We only have an hour."

"Right, well he died. Have you ever had visions Clover?" Jenny asked her

"Sorry, just dreams, and coming here," Clover answered taking a bite out of a
cupcake Willow handed her.

"You sure?"

"Yes, Angel, I'm sure. I'd tell you guys, I swear," Clover told him not
looking into his eyes.


Will jumped onto Clover's bed the next morning, a bag in hand. Clover sat up
and rubbed some sleep out of her eyes. She looked over at her partner in

"Ow, bad night?" Will asked her his only reply was a hit in the gut. "Sorry I
asked. Maybe I'll take back your birthday gift." He started to get off the
bed, but Clover grabbed the back of his shirt causing him to fall backwards.

"Wll, what'd you buy me?"

The demon-hunter handed her the bag. For your birthday and anniversary.
You've been a Slayer five years now."

Clover looked inside the bag and smiled. She pulled out a long spagetthi
strapped black dress and then a handgun. Clover looked at the gun curiously.

"A handgun? Why?"

Will took the gun from her and played with it for a second. "See, it can have
stakes instead of bullets. And the dress is for tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night? Can't wear that and slay. Tomorrow night is Saint Vigeous,
so I'm slaying not dancing."

Will put his arm around her and gave her a bear hug. "Don't worry, I'll help
you Slay. And will still have time to dance."

"Thanks," came Clover's muffled voice.

Will let her go and gave her his serious look. "Clover, do you know there is
a very rude vampire tied up in your basement?"

Spike had tried all morning to get out of the chains. As promised the Slayer
had brought him home. Then she had knocked him out with a vase. He had woken
up two hours ago and had been trying to get free since then.

Then that annoying,Will guy had come down.That had gotten Spike upset. Spike
stopped what he was doing when he saw the basement door opening.

The Slayer walked down. He growled low in hunger. She was wearing that little
red shirt with the cross on it and those tight jean pants and black boots he
liked so much and a black bookpack on her back. Her blond hair was tied in a
long ponytail. She stopped at the bottom step and sat on it.

"Tell me about Sarr, Spike. Tell me about him."

Spike scoffed at her. Why? You tied me up and left me here. And then that
Will gy comes down here and bugs me. Plus, I haven't fed in days, and you
haven't helped with that."

Clover stood and went slowly over to him. She took a bad of blood out of her
backpack. Spike's face changed and he growled softly.

"Tell me about Sarr, and you get it."

"He's a vampire who likes hippies and the sixities."

"I need more than that Spike." She played catch with the bag tossing it
between her hands.

Spike still growled low. He wanted to feed. "He doesn't stop until he gets
what he wants."

"Better, but I need more."

"We meet when I couldn't kill. Don't ask. He said that I was weak and that I
should be dead. He's been after me since."

"Good." Clover held the bag up to Spike's face. He growled and sank his teeth
in it.

When he was done, he looked up at her. "I'm feeling better."  Spike broke the
chains and Clover backed away.

She ran up the stairs with Spike on her heels. Will flung the door open and
Clover ran out. Spike jumped down the stairs. The sun had almost got him. The
door closed. Spike crused to himself; he was stuck in the Slayer's basement
with no food and worse no cigerettes or beer.


The first period bell had just rang. Rai and Dale stood outside of Dustin's
office. They  along with Pierre, Gavin, and Rogers had spent all night making
weapons and looking through old books. Dale had told them he would use some
magic to help. They had agreed, which made Rai happy.

Now they stood awarkdly. "So, I'll see you tommorow night?" Rai asked him.

"Yeah, we should meet here. I'm not good with fathers."

Rai laughed, not knowing what to do. Dale was older, she was sixteen until
March, and he was twenty. "Yeah, sounds like a plan. Well, I better get to
class now."

Before she could move, Dale leaned down and kissed her. "Okay Rai, I'll be
here." He kissed her again. "Right after school tog et some stuff from Pierre
and Dustin. I'll see you then." He turned and walked down the stairs to the

Leaving Rai who could just say, "Wow."


Gavin had just closed his locker when he turned and jumped as he saw Clover
leaning against the one next ot his. "Ah, Clov, you nearly made me deck you.
" She gave him a sideways glance. "Okay, scream like a girl and run."

Clover nodded as the two started walking down the hall. "So, what did you
guys find out?"

Gavin looked away , he didn't want to tell her, but he did. "Sarr's real name
is James. He's 302 and he's killed four Watchers and six Slayers."

Clover looked down at the floor. "Oh, that sounds bad, but I can handle it."

Gavin put his hand over her shoulder. "You're right. Plus, you've got me and
Rai and Roger and Pierre and Dale the sorrcer guy right."

Clover gave him one of her looks. "Dale? Didn't I break his arm? Will said
he'd help, plus and I know you'll hate this but Spike said he might help."

"You did, he's a good guy now. He has a thang for Rai. I thought Spike would
be living it up tomorrow night."

"He's scared of Sarr." They had come to Gavin's classroom.

"Well, this is my stop. I'll see you later." Clover gave a small wave as
Gavin went into the room. She walked and spotted Dare searching the crowd.
She didn't want to see who she was looking for, but instead she bailed the
other way.


Rai ordered a coke from the coke computer machine in the cafeteria that day
at lunch. She put it on her tray and walked over to the table in the back by
a window where Clover was sitting.Rai sat down next to her just as Gavin,
Nick,and Coal Potter all put their trays down ans started arguing about
music. Clover and Rai shared a look; it was like that everyday.

"G, man, the string is G," Coal told Nick.

"No man, it's F," Nick shot back.

"Hello? Kids? It's all stings without music. But you can't have music
without," he did a drum roll on the table causing everyone to groan, " drums."

"Who asked you?!" Nick and Coal yelled at the same time.

Clover cleared her throat loudly. They all turned and all eyes grew sorry.
"Afternoon ladies," they all told the girls in unison.

"Better," Clover told the,.

"She only had to clear her throat once today," Rai informed them.

The guys gave high fives and cheers all around. "Is that a new record?" Coal

"Yep. It's your best yet," Rai answered.

"Are we good?" Nick said doing a 'secret' handshake with Gavin and Coal at
the same time over table.

"We're good," Gavin answered doing the same.

"Oh yeah, we're so good they're making a movie about is," Coal threw in.

Rai and Clover turned to each other and just laughed. The guys stopped and
started eating their food. Rai leaned in and whispered to Clover. "So, I'm
going to homecoming with Dale. He's good now,a nd he really likes me."

"I know. Gavin told me. Good luck, he's a muffin," Clover replied.

Rai glared at her cousin who was showing Coal and Nick how not to eat with a
fork. "Is girl talk no longer a girl thing only?" she muttered as she dug
into her pudding.

Peace, Love, and Death: Part II

Oak's Diary