Strip dance 2


Larry gathered his clothing and headed backstage, grinning at the young red head whom was waiting. "Well baby..was I good enough?"

"Hmm, I don't know." Jessa murmered, tilting her head.

"I turned on most of the men out ther, let alone the women."

"Yes, but I'm SOOOOO much harder to please." She purred, wrapping her arms around his waist.

Larry sighed. "Jessa..."

Jessa grinned and bit his nipple lightly. Larry groaned softly, pressing his hips hard agains hers.

Jessa pushed him away hard and smirked. "Let's go home."

The couple arrived at Larry's appartment, which they had been sharing since Jessa went back to collage for some night classes.

"How ‘bout getting something to eat?" Larry asked, heading towards the kitchen, exhausted.

"I could go for a little Chinese," Jessa replied giving Larry an evil grin.

Larry laughed, knowing that Jessa was not referring to Peking Duck. Larry watched Jessa as she took a glass of blood out of the fridge and popped it into the microwave. He took a seat at the kitchen table before looking at her again. He sat there while she gave him a glass of water, liking the way her perspiration had given her skin a shine, her crop top plastered to her, outlining her breasts in a very revealing way. Larry found himself growing hard, images of her dancing onstage replaying themselves.

The microwave dinged and Jessa took the glass out and put it on the table in front of her. She looked at him and noticed that he was shifting uncomfortably in his seat. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" She asked, grinning evilly.

"Nothing is wrong, Tiger," Larry said and picked up the glass water and drank quickly, causing him to choke. Jessa moved closer and rubbed his back. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah." Cough, cough. "It went down the wrong pipe." Larry turned his head towards Jessa who was leaning over him and got a close up view of those very same breasts he noticed before. If possible, he grew even harder. He groaned.

"No, you are not alright," Jessa said in concern. "Can I do anything?"

Larry looked up into her face. He snaked his left arm around her waist and pulled her into his lap.

"Larry!" Jessa shrieked. But he shut her up with a kiss.


*Oh, this feels so good,* Jessa thought, enjoying the kiss. She wiggled to get closer and heard another groan deep in Larry's throat. Then she noticed she was sitting on something rather hard. She smiled into the kiss, acknowledging her power, and wiggled for a different reason.

"Tiger," Larry whispered, breaking off the kiss. "Do you realize what you are doing to me?"

Jessa grinned. She leaned over and whispered into Larry's ear. "Do I ever."

Larry groaned for a third time. He picked Jessa up and laid her on the table, leaning down on top of her. He brought his hand down to her breast, feeling her nipple peak up underneath the shirt. He cupped her with his hand, loving the weight of it. No longer wanting an obstacle in his way, he pulled away and ripped the shirt apart as well as her bra, exposing her to him. Larry then proceeded to tease her nipples, first the right one, then the left, kissing them, licking them and sucking on them. Jessa arched up to meet his mouth, at the same time pushing his head down with her hands.

Larry moved back up to her mouth, shedding his shirt, and then brought his hand down between her legs. He felt the wetness through her shorts. He moved his hand back up and under the waistband of her shorts and panties, feeling her heat, fingering her womanhood. He stuck a finger into her and heard Jessa moan deep in her throat. He continued to stroke her, until she convulsed around his fingers, arching up under him. Larry paused and pulled off the rest of her clothes and his and positioned himself between her legs.

"Tiger?" Larry asked, looking deep into her eyes.

"Yes," Jessa sighed, moving her hips up to accept him.

Larry closed his eyes and entered her with a quick thrust. *You feel so good,* he thought, beginning to move. *So very good. I haven't done this in so long.*

Jessa felt the fullness of his manhood as he thrust into her. *Oh, my,* she thought as he began to move. Then she lost all conscious thought as feelings of pleasure took over.

Larry built up the tempo, coming closer and closer to ecstasy. He leaned down to Jessa's neck, licking it before biting her hard , never stopping his thrusting. Her essence flowed into him. He felt her excitement and pleasure as if it were his own. This exited him even more, and with one final series of thrusts, they both burst into a powerful climax. He felt her convulsing around his manhood as waves upon waves shook them, sending a myriad of colors shooting behind their eyes.

Jessa staired at him for a long moment as they lay there, joined together. She was confused about what had happened, the energy that had rushed over them. She suddenly yelped and pushed him off her, running to her bedroom, slamming and locking the door.

Larry staired after her, confused, hurt and ever other range of emotions he could be.

Strip Dance III

Saitaina's Diary