Strip Dance 3-The Aftermath of the Aftermath

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A month later...

Jessa staired at the wall as she had been doing for the past four hours. Jean-Claude frowned more, watching his young child. He knew something was wrong, that much was evident by her behavior, and by the constant calls from her roomate and friend. Or at least he though Larry was her friend, sometimes he wasn't so sure. Ever since Jessa had shown up at the circus just before dawn one morning, scared and in need of her old room. He walked over and touched her shoulder lightly, getting no response from the young vampire.

Asher closed his eyes in pain as he watched his former lover sink further into depression, choosing to turn his attention back to the book in his hand instead of the young redhead's corner. Tears slipped down his cheek, staining the worn pages, mixing the ancient words.

Jason moped, feeling Jessa's pain. His bestest friend was hurt and it tore him apart inside not to be able to kill whatever was hurting her. He had once vowed to do just that, kill anything that ever threatened or hurt her, even if it was himself, but now...he couldnt' do a fucking thing about it because she wouldnt' tell him what was wrong.

On the other side of town...

Larr staired out his window, tears falling as they had for some time. He fell back on the couch and picked up his fifth bottle of whiskey, taking half of it down into him in one long gulp. He cursed as the firy liquid burnt down his throat to his stomache, the same burning deep down in his soul, pain for losing the one he loved. He knew it now, he loved Jessa Motgomery with all his heart and soul. He remembered watching her run from him the night he finaly gathered the courage to talk to her after weeks of silence. A glimpse of her tear stained face, a wiff of her fragrance, a brush of her fire lit hair and she was gone...out of his life forever it seemed.

He thought she had loved him as much as he did her, their teasing, their tender kisses in front of the fire, all leading to that moment on the kitchen table. The bonding of their bodies and spirits. Energy had flaired and he knew it wasn't just because she was the dead, his to call. It was because of the love they shared deep within their souls.

Back at the Circus...

Jessa slowly ran a hand over her stomache, feeling her heart shatter again as she remembered Rafel's face when their test had come back. Pregnant, with child, whatever you called it she was it. She pressed her hand more to her stomache, wishing she could feel the life that grew within her. It wasn't that she didn't want this child, no, it was just the opposit. She wanted it with all her heart and soul. Wanted to give birth to it, watch it grow, learn, fall in love, have it's own children. She wanted to see Larry's face when she handed him their child, wanted to see the love she knew he would have for it and her. Wanted to hold his hand while they watched it sleep at night, sharing that private moment that only parent's knew.

But she coudl never have that moment, not as she was, not ever. Without a divine miricle from the lord on high she would lose this child, and with it all her dreams of being a mother. And while some may be careful, praying everynight that they wer that one female vampire that had a child, she knew that it would never be. She had never been a good enough girl to have God interviene. She would have to be the Virgin fucking Mary to recive that miracle, and half the men in New Orleans could testify that she was no virgin.

Besides, even if she did get that one chance, what kind of life would it be for their child? He would have to be controled by a master until Jessa was, if ever, powerful enough to control her child, and that would mean constantly being in debt to Jean-Claude or Asher. Oh what a happy that would be, forever living with her sire or her former lover whom still wanted her as his. She couldn't subject Larry to that, living with the monsters...besides, Anita would kill her.

Oh god! What was Anita going to do to her when she found out the young vampire was pregnant with her protige's child?! Jessa whimpered softly at the thought of what the exicutioner was going to do. Not even Eddy could save her from this one. Hell he'd probably help Anita, this proof that Jessa was no longer Jezabel Motgomery but now one of the Monsters, never to return.

Jessa closed her eyes tightly, wishing it all could go away, all be a bad dream that she could awaken from.

Strip Dance IV

Saitaina's Diary