The Fictionary


The Fictionary was produced to reflect the idea that language is a fiction, that it only appears to represent objective verifiable phenomena. It is the premise of this work that, because through social convention we have been conditioned to act as if this isn’t so, we often have trouble accepting the fictional nature of our words. Indeed, without a tacit agreement to the contrary, communication would not be possible, assuming for the moment that it is. This is not to suggest words are not useful, just that we should be careful not to get carried away by them. They can be invaluable tools, but if we let them, words can fool us into believing just about anything. Thus, the greatest danger of language can be that we take it too seriously. With this in mind, the Fictionary was developed as a way of poking fun at what we often take for granted. It is not meant to alarm, upset, or offend. To those who are not easily amused, we give you fair warning: this work contains memes which may be dangerous to your mental health. The Fictionary is presented for your enjoyment and is not intended for any practical purposes, use at your own risk.

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A thru F

G thru P

Q thru Z


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