This absolutely stunning image was created by Kay . I don't take credit for it and I got her elicit premission. It's awe-inspring. Thank you Kay.
This story is dedicated to Hellmaster Fribrizo . He requested it and thanks to his inspiration its coming. This one's for you!
"Anonymous existence, rendered useless to makind...Destroy the logic volume in the confines of the mind...Enmassed and purposeless, marching in a perfect line...Design vacant beings, welcome the inhuman race...Processing brains to pabulum, delete and format living drives..." (Mastermind; Cryptic Writing; Megadeath)
The Enlightened's lost Tome of Wisdom (Vol. 9, pg. 331)--Lust, a notorious vice, may, but need not be, an excessive desire for the pleasures of the flesh. If not of a sexual nature it may demonstrate itself in any number of forms including, but not limited to, lust for the success of one's career, lust for a personal possession, lust for intangible assets. Anything driven to extremes begets disaster. Identifying an individual's (either one's own or another's) sobriety being consumed by passion is the only manner in which it may be neutralized. Left secluded it'll engulf the victim in a state of delightful insanity. Without detection there can be no survival.
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