The Ri Shoo Reporter

A report of the events on Ri Shoo Mountain
For the week of 5820
(December 8, 2000 in the Flatlands)
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Ri Shoo Colinization project Update

The Ri Shoo Colinization project continues to move smoothly along. New wizards are coming from the plains, and from the more established mountains in the realm. Wizards have both migrated to Ri Shoo themselves, and flown, as Subotai (Paz Clafi) dubbed it in the Ri Shoo Colinization Ether, TWA (Trans-Wizard Airlines) via the Catapult Spell.

The population of Ri Shoo has grown in the past twenty days from seven active non test wizards to fourteen as of today (This number does not count Synergy and Lord Morpheus who are on recruiting missions on Broppsfar and Paz Clafi, respectfully). The majority of wizards that have come over have been Blue Robes, but others have made the trip as well.

The Council of Elders for Ri Shoo has become firmly established, and has published a listing of by-laws that they shall enforce on the Mountain. Wizards from established mountains will find few differences between these rules and the rules they are used to from their previous mountain. In addition to the rules, is a listing of punishments that will be used. The wisdom in this is similar to the laws of the Flatlands. If you steal a car, you know that you will face x number of years in prison, not the death penalty. So shall it be on Ri Shoo. If you send a spam message, you will receive the penalty as listed in the CoE Decree, not banishment. In essence, these rules exist to limit the powers that the CoE can weild, similar to the premese of the Constution of the United States.

Atypical_Lemur, the main author of the Decree, had this to say, "The CoE Decree exists not to control the other wizards on the mountain, but to protect them by limiting the power of the CoE. It is said that 'Absolute power corrupts, absolutely' and this can be true of high level wizards. A high level Magenta can do whatever he wishes with little retrubution. In writing the CoE, I set out to protect the rights of all wizards, Grey to Magenta, while still giving high level wizards some increased power. This can be seen clearly in Article Three, where the voting procedure for the CoE is outlined. In addition, the laws concerning the use of the Hurl spell are harsh, as they should be. The Hurl Spell, IMHO, is one of the most powerful "attack" spells in all the land. What is more powerful than silencing the voice of a wizard? I see Ri Shoo as a Mountain where a wizard can express his opinions, climb at a rate comfortable for him, and generaly feel free from the 'Big Brother is watching you' mentality that is sometimes felt on other mountains."

Ri Shoo Reporter: Phase II

Repeat visitors may have noticed some changes to the look of the Reporter since your last visit. We here at the reporter are constantly "tweaking" with the look and articles available here in the reporter. A short list of page additions follows:

Keep your eyes open . . . You never know when the lemur will change his mind about something again.

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Meet your Elders:

This week the Reporter speaks with . . . Atypical_Lemur, Editor in Chief, webmaster, HTML code writer, and general flunky of The Ri Shoo Reporter. The interview was performed by Synergy.

Synergy: Greetings, lemur! I'm honored to be interviewing the reporter behind the "Ri Shoo Reporter." Tell me, what made you decide you wanted to do a project like this?

Atypical_Lemur: I first got the idea back when I was on Broppsfar. I had visited both the Pyroto Observer and The Pyroto Weekly and found them to be great ways to keep up with the politics of Pyroto in general. Then with the begining of Phase II it seemed a natural idea to post some helpful information for Plainers to choose the mountain for graduation. Nothing quite as elaborate as the Observer or Weekly, just some helpful information and maybe some news, solely centered around Broppsfar. I remembered how hard it was to pick up on what was going on just on Broppsfar, a newbie would just be overwhelmed if he was exposed to everything covered by those other great e-zines. Right about the time I finished the first layout and got approval from the Elders, Synergy comes up with this wild idea to recolonize Ri Shoo. So, The Broppsfar Star became The Ri Shoo Reporter. The rest, as they say, is history.

Synergy: I consider you a very valuable member of The Pyro-Maniacs. What made you decide to go for it and join a climbing team and why this one in particular?

Atypical_Lemur: I guess I joined the Pyro-Maniacs because they would have me. I feel that I caught on to Pyroto rather quickly, soon I saw the advantages to joining a team. So I inquired of a few teams, got two bites, and the Pyro-Maniacs were the first to extend the invitation. I wish I could say it was more complex than that. Of course, joining up has become the milestone of my Pyroto careear.

Synergy: Your wizard originally was "born" on Broppsfar. How did you feel about leaving Broppsfar for Ri Shoo? Was it a quick and easy decision?

Atypical_Lemur: I didn't log in to Pyroto for three days trying to decide if I should stay on Bropps or go to Ri Shoo. I finally decided that Bropps was a little too crowded for my taste and thought that a slower pace might work better for me. Not to mention that I was soo far out of powerclimbing range, but the migration took off those excess levels (about 35 of them) and I've not let myself get out of PCR ever again.

Synergy: Now that you're on Ri Shoo, what do you think of our efforts? How is the Colonization going?

Atypical_Lemur: We are growing by leaps and bounds. On 5800, we had a total of seven active non-test wizards on Ri Shoo. As I write this (5818) there are seventeen, not counting Synergy and Lord Morpheus who are out on recruiting missions on Broppsfar and Paz Clafi. Count them and you have nineteen. So we have twelve new wizards in eighteen days. I think things are running very smoothly.

Synergy: Is there anything else you might want or could possibly get your hands into next to help out this project?

Atypical_Lemur: Well, there are only so many hours in a day (how many, 25 . . . 26?) and being a full time student/husband/father/etc. can keep you busy. I guess I'd like to be better able to reach those wizards still on the plains (and lead them to Ri Shoo), those guys have it tough.

Synergy: Tell us more about your interests. What are prime ether targets when you go searching for a topic to jump into? Is it true you spend all your time in the Sex Talk channel? ;)

Atypical_Lemur: Hey, hey, hey!!! I just lurk in the Sex Talk Ether, I don't post there. Actually, about once a week I burn a Stoptime and Slowtime Spell and then go through the listing of Ether Channels, letter by letter. If I see one that interests me, I add it to my favorites. Then sometime later I go back and read all those that have never read next to them in my list. The ones I like I leave alone, the ones I don't I remove. My favorites list is quite diverse, from Monty Python to Elementals, Ri Shoo Colonization to Sex Talk.

Synergy: What do like you most about this grand game, the Land of Pyroto? What do wish would change?

Atypical_Lemur: The answer to both questions would be, the community. I feel that there is a great sense of community here on Ri Shoo and on each of the other mountains I have visited. The other side of the coin is that some people in the community are easily offended and you get all these wizards using attack spells and the Mountain Politics Ether channel trying to sort it all out. Sometimes there is just too much community.

Synergy: Would you ever recommend Pyroto to real-life friends or would you be afraid they'd look at you funny when you start talking about Wizards and Spells? (smirk)

Atypical_Lemur: Sure I would. I already have a friend that is on the Plains, he is moving at his own pace. I have a deep background in RPG's and so the RPG element of Pyroto would not create any problems for any of my friends.

Synergy: Do you consider yourself a Pyrotoholic and, if so, would you go through a 12-stepper?

Atypical_Lemur: Does it make you a Pyrotoholic if you set your watch timer for four hours just after you log on so you know when to try again? *Raises his hand* Guilty! I respectfully refuse any sort of 12 step program, instead, start another website just as addictive as Pyroto, that might keep me away.

Synergy: What do you recommend to all the newbies and lowly wizards out there that aren't sure where they stand in this whole Land?


Synergy: In what direction do you want Ri Shoo, The Pyro-Maniacs, and Pyroto to move?


Synergy: It has been a very enlightening and enjoyable conversation with the man behind the "curtain" of the Ri Shoo Reporter. I thank you for your time!

Atypical_Lemur: Thanks for letting me take a break from all that HTML coding. You know afterafewhoursofstaringatHTMLcodeallthespacesseemtodissappearfromthepage.

May TSOTL be with you all.

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Submit your own questionQuestion of the Week:

This week the Reporter asks: Why do my Esteem points change as my Sorcery Level changes?

For the answer to this question we went to Tandyman (Imaz) who shared the following with us . . .

The following is adapated from a message sent by Tandyman (Imaz) on the Ri Shoo message band used by Delegates of the Newly Sanctified, Message number 6, Transmitted 5807:1425. Edited by Atypical_Lemur.Reprinted by permmission from Tandyman (Imaz).
I've been studying esteem for a little while now and can tell ya of a few things :)

Many will tell you that the number you see as your esteem is actually derived from a number called your relative esteem (or RE, I use RE instead of actual esteem cause it's easier to visualise). That number can be determined by multiplying your level plus one by your esteem.

Fun stuff! Well, not really but it gets better...

You can determine the level at which you can power climb to (whether you have passed it or not) using RE and the quadratic formula. You know that to power climb you esteem must be 100 points over your level so therefore at your power climbing limit (PCL)

RE=(level+1)(esteem), where your esteem=(level+100)

Then you have
which is

Using the quadratic formula for this equation you can solve for you PCL

PCL = (-101+sqrt(101^2-4(1)(100-RE))/2(1)
PCL = (-101+sqrt(9801+4(RE))/2

I've been working down at level one over the past few days and have figured out that the esteem that you get for each TSOTL response is regular.

TSOTL thought that was good. = 100RE
TSOTL thought that was quite good. = 200 RE.
TSOTL liked that one. = 300RE
TSOTL liked that one very much. Ossadas agrees. = 400RE

(assuming that you have Ossadas as an elemental...I think that it's the same for all elementals though)

I don't have much data on the TSOTL is annoyed by this message yet...I did post one but I didn't have any esteem taken away...this was probably due to my low level. I think that you probably have 100 RE subtracted from your total when you post a very bad message.

Seeing all of this, migrating doesn't really do anything for your RE...what it does is lower your level thereby boosting your esteem, but you still get credit for every message that you've posted in your Pyroto career. I say that because it was fashionable a while back to kamikaze yourself to "increase your esteem" when in fact you lost 3/4 of your RE. It only looked like they had a bunch of RE cause they were at a lower level.

Tandyman (Imaz)

Submit your questionSubmit your question.

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This week's letter comes from . . . Synergy, who is currently on a recruiting mission on Broppsfar.

Dear Dahhhlin'!

What a LOVELY little 'zine you have here! I am so glad you have this feedback feature. I have such a gripe to spill! Have you seen these script errors taking place instead of the front page loading? I mean, here I am trying to get a mountain going and the place starts acting all jacked up. I mean, it's the holidays and these pesky lights aren't going to untangle themselves! What's a girl to do but hack into... oh wait... I didn't mean to type that outloud...

Anyway, good work so far, daaahhhlin'. I love what you've done with the place! DO keep up the good work! *patting the pet dinosaur skeleton on the way out*

Your fellow Pyro-Maniac,


Tell us what you think, send your thoughts to Atypical_Lemur ( and your comments might appear in next issue's feedback section. Please be sure to include your: Wizard Name, Robe Color, and home mountain so we may give you credit.

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This week the Reporter welcomes to the slopes of Ri Shoo . . . Sparrow catapulted from Paz Clafi, vegeta_317 graduated to Ri Shoo from the Plains, Indiana migrated from Paz Clafi, Raz migrated from . . . , Kribage catapulted from Broppsfar, Elvecxz catapulted from Broppsfar

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Only "Active" Wizards are listed, i.e. those Wizards who have logged on in the past twenty days. Minions and test wizards are not listed. Current as of 5816:318
Indigo: Ezebezeb, Darkfox, Indiana, Atypical_Lemur
Centurion:Mr_Tin, Sparrow, Raz

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