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RU Down Drawing of Tupac
Remembering Tupac Shakur
RU Down Drawing of Tupac

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About this Site

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I created this site for the sole purpose of displaying some of the drawings I have drawn of the Late, Great Tupac Shakur. I have also placed a few of my favorite Tupac poems on the site as well as some known and unknown facts about Mr. Shakur. I really enjoy drawing and I have taken a liking to Tupac, because he is so interesting to draw. As you will see in my galleries, I have drawn a lot of pictures of Tupac and it has been really fun doing so. I have been drawing for a long time and I drew my first Tupac picture in 1996 when I was in College taking my art classes. I received a lot of compliments for that drawing and as a result, I have been drawing Tupac since that day, with each drawing being better than one before it.

All of my drawings are pencil and charcoal drawings and some of them has a touch of color added. When I draw , I try my best to make my drawing look as real as the photograph I am drawing from. In fact, most of my drawings look like photographs in the fact that I use shadows and lighting to add a 3-Dimensional effect to them. When you look through my gallery, you will be able to see all of the different faces of Tupac as I see him. I hope you enjoy viewing my drawings as much as I have enjoyed drawing them.

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