Notice Three Characteristics About Acts 10:38 That Pertain To Yahweh’s Glory.  His Glory Always Manifest Three Things~!

1. His Goodness, ({Who Went About Doing Good}; Moses Said, “Show Me Your Glory” And Yahweh Declared His Goodness & His Name, (Exodus 33:18-19).

2. His Power, (Healing ALL Who Were Oppressed By The Devil)

3. His Presence, (For God Was With Him)



Notice The Number Of Times That Yahweh Instructed Us To, “Declare His Glory”

Declaring Is Saying It Out Loud And Is What Brings It About. Declare His Glory Over Your City.

1 Chronicles 16:24 ~ Declare His Glory Among The Nations, His Marvelous Works Among All The Peoples.
Psalm 96:3 ~ Declare His Glory Among The Nations, His Marvelous Works Among All The Peoples.
Isaiah 42:12 ~ Let Them Give Glory To Yahweh, And Declare His Praise In The Islands.

1 Chronicles 16:24; Psalm 19:1; Psalm 97:6; Psalm 50:6; Psalm 96:3

(Psalm 19:1 ~ The Heavens Declare The Glory Of God.  The Expanse Shows His Handiwork.
Psalm 97:6 ~ The Heavens Declare His Righteousness.  All The Peoples Have Seen His Glory.

Psalms 85:8-9 ~ 8 I Will Hear What God, Yahweh, Will Speak, For He Will Speak Peace To His People, His Saints; But Let Them Not Turn Again To Folly. 9 Surely His Salvation Is Near Those Who Fear Him, That Glory May Dwell In Our Land.

What Is Coming Will Be Seven {7} Times Greater Than The Book Of Acts
The Glory Of The Moon Will Be That Of The Sun, And The Glory Of The Sun Will Be Sevenfold, As The Light Of Seven Days (Isaiah 30:26, 30).
His Feet Glowed Like Burnished (Bright) Bronze As It Is Refined In A Furnace , “In His Right Hand, Seven {7} Stars, His Face Was LikeThe Sun Shining In Full Power At Midday, (Revelation 1:16-17)
4 And Round About The Throne Were Four And Twenty Seats: And Upon The Seats I Saw Four And Twenty Elders Sitting, Clothed In White Raiment; And They Had On Their Heads Crowns Of Gold.  5 And Out Of The Throne Proceeded Lightning’s And Thundering’s And Voices: And There Were Seven Lamps Of Fire Burning Before The Throne, Which Are The Seven Spirits Of Yahweh (Revelation 4:4-5).
When A Thief Is Found He Shall RESTORE Sevenfold, (Proverbs 6:30-31).
d—Evil One Has Stolen From The CHURCH~!
Heaven Must Receive Yahoshua Until The Time Of
Restoration Of ALL Things “Spoken” By The Mouth Of By ALL His Holy Prophets Since The World Began , (Acts 3:21).

But In The Days Of The Voice Of The Seventh Angel, When He Will Begin To Sound, The Mystery Of Yahweh Should Be Finished, As He Has Declared To His Servants The Prophets, (Revelation 10:7).

Acts Of The Early Rain
Peter Walks Down The Streets (Plural, More Than One Street), And Folks Get Healed, (Acts 5:15).
Peter Would Go, And The Whole Cities Would Get Saved,
(Acts 5:29, 42; Acts 10:27-44).
Peter Takes An Offering And Somebody Falls Over Dead, (Acts 5:1-11).
The Whole Region Of Syria Heard The Word Of Yahweh, (Acts 15:41).

And This Continued By The Space Of Two Years; So That ALL They Which Dwelt In Asia Heard The Word Of The Lord Yahoshua, Both Jews And Greeks, (Acts 19:10).

They Prayed And The Buildings Were Shaken, (Acts 4:31).
One Person Got Healed, Presenting An Opportunity Whereby 5,000 Folks Get Saved, (Acts 3:3-26; 4:1-4).
The End Of A Thing Is Better Than The Beginning, (Ecclesiastes 7:8).
This Last Loving-Kindness Greater Than The Former, ( Your Latter End Would Increase Abundantly, (Job 8:7).
Yahweh Blessed The Latter Days Of Job More Than His Beginning, (Job 42:12).
Declaring The End And The Result From The Beginning, (Isaiah 46:10).
I Am The Alpha And The Omega, The Beginning And The End, (Revelation 21:6).
The Best Wine For The Last, (John 2:10).
The Glory Of The Later House,

7 And I Will Shake ALL Nations, And The Desire Of ALL Nations Shall Come: And I Will Fill This House With Glory, Says Yahweh Of Hosts .

8 The Silver Is Mine, And The Gold Is Mine, Says Yahweh Of Hosts .

9 The Glory Of This Latter House Shall Be Greater Than Of The Former, Says Yahweh Of Hosts : And In This Place Will I Give Peace, Says Yahweh Of Hosts , (Haggai 2:7, 9).

I Will Give Rain In It’s Due Season,
(Leviticus 26:4; Deuteronomy 11:14; Deuteronomy 28:12; Jeremiah 5:24; Acts 14:17).
The Early And The Later Rain Is Yahweh Will Pour Out His Spirit,
(Joel 2:23, James 5:7).
Hang Onto Your Hat And Catch Hold Of This~!  Christ Was Raised From The Dead Through The Glory Of The Father.  It Was The Glory Of The Father, (Yahweh), That Raised Yahoshua From The Dead, (Romans 6:4).  But, The Person That Raised Yahoshua From The Dead Was The Holy Ghost/Spirit, (Romans 8:11; 2 Corinthians 4:14), (2 Corinthians 3:18).
The People Of Yahweh Will Put Away Their Idols

19 From The Terror Of Yahweh
The Glory Of His Majesty,
When He Arises To Shake The Earth Mightily.

20 In That Day A Person Will Cast Away His Idols Of Silver
And His Idols Of Gold,
Which They Made, Each For Himself To Worship,
To The Moles And Bats,

21 To Go Into The Clefts Of The Rocks,
And Into The Crags Of The Rugged Rocks,
From The Terror Of Yahweh
And The Glory Of His Majesty,
When He Arises To Shake The Earth Mightily.
(Isaiah 2:19-21), (See Also Isaiah 30:26, 30 & 1 Chronicles 16:26-27).

But Truly As I Live And As ALL The Earth Shall Be Filled With The Glory Of Yahweh, (Numbers 14:21).
Blessed Be His Glorious Name Forever; Let The Whole Earth Be Filled With His Glory~! Amen And Amen, (Psalm 72:19)~!
But [The Time Is Coming When] The Earth Shall Be Filled With The Knowledge Of The Glory Of Yahweh As The Waters Cover The Sea, (Habakkuk 2:14).
God Came From Teman, And The Holy One From Mount Paran. Selah. His Glory Covered The Heavens, And The Earth Was Full Of His Praise. (Habakkuk 3:3).
And One Cried To Another And Said:, “Holy, Holy, Holy Is Yahweh Of Hosts ; The Whole Earth Is Full Of His Glory~!”, (Isaiah 6:3).
  • A Voice Cries: — “In The Wilderness Prepare The Way Of Yahweh; Make Straight In The Desert A Highway For Our God.

  • Every Valley Shall Be Lifted Up, And Every Mountain And Hill Be Made Low; The uneven Ground Shall Become Level, And The Rough Places A Plain.

  • And The Glory Of Yahweh Shall Be Revealed, And ALL Flesh Shall See It Together; For The Mouth Of Yahweh Has Spoken, (Isaiah 40:3-5).

For I Know Their Works And Their Thoughts.  And The Time Is Coming When I Will Gather ALL Nations And Tongues, And Then Will Come And See My Glory, (Isaiah 66:18).

7 Lift Up Your Heads, O You Gates; And Be Lifted Up, You Everlasting Doors: And The King Of Glory Will Come In.

8 Who Is The King Of Glory ?  Yahweh Strong And Mighty, Yahweh Mighty In Battle.

9 Lift Up Your Heads, O You Gates; Yes, Lift Them Up, You Everlasting Doors: And The King Of Glory Will Come In.

10 Who Is This King Of Glory Yahweh Of Hosts , He Is The King Of Glory .  Selah.  (Psalm 24:7-10)..


23 The City Had No Need Of The Sun or Of The Moon To Shine In It, (To Give Light To It), For The Glory, (The Splendor And Radiance) Of Yahweh Illuminated It And The Lamb Is Its Light .

24 And The Nations Of Those Who Are Saved Shall Walk In Its Light , And The Kings Of The Earth Bring Their Glory And Honor Into It.  (Revelation 21:23-24).

All The Verses Of Scripture That Relate To The Glory Of Yahweh,
[Referred To At Times As The Shekinah,
{Yahweh’s Visible Glorious Manifest Presence<}],
[Enter Here].

(Shekanyah, ~ Also Spelled Shekinah or Shecaniah), (Kabowd ~ Strong’s# 7935, 3519), (Doxa ~ Strong’s # 1391).

The Word, “Shekinah Is Not Found In The KJV Of The Scriptures, {Perhaps Inferred To In Genesis 5:24}.  Shekinah Is Found In The Amplified Bible Classic Edition.  The Word Means, “That Which Dwells And The Jews Used It To Refer To The Manifest Presence Of Yahweh As In When He Dwelt In The Temple or Tabernacle, As Compared To The Omni-Presence Of Yahweh.

(A Presence That Can Be Felt, Seen, Touched, Heard or Smelled With Our Five Physical Senses).

A Related Word Is Found In 1 Chronicles 24:11 Where The Name, “Shecaniah Is Mentioned.  The Name Means, “Dweller With Yahweh” or, “Yah Has Dwelt.  The Later Definition Implies That It Is Not Just That We Are Dwelling With Yahweh, But That Yahweh Is Dwelling With Us~!  That Yahweh Came Close.  Where Yahweh Abides, (Remains) With Us Forever, Because Of His Choice, And Sets Us Free From Sin, And The World Will Be Drawn To Yahweh Because Of His Glory And Presence In Our Lives.  (See Yahweh ~ Shammah or I AM).

Exodus 16:7; Psalm 104:31; Psalm 36:9-11; 1 Peter 4:14; Isaiah 60:1-7; 1 Peter 4:12 Thru 1 Peter 5:12;
2 Corinthians 3:7-18 Thru 2 Corinthians 4:4; 2 Corinthians 4:6; 2 Corinthians 4:7

Exodus 29:43; Exodus 40:34; Leviticus 9:23; Ezekiel 9:3; Ezekiel 10:3; Ezekiel 10:18-19;
Ezekiel 11:22; & Romans 9:4

Yahweh Is Dwelling With Us And The World Will Be Drawn To Yahweh Because Of His Glory And Presence In Our Lives, (Genesis 5:24, 1 Chronicles 24:11).

Shekanyah, ~ Also Spelled Shekinah or Shecaniah or Shekanyah.

And Blessed Be His Glorious Name Forever~! And Let The Whole Earth Be Filled With His Glory.  Amen And Amen, (Psalm 72:19).

We Bring Glory To Yahweh When We Praise Him, [Publicly ~ In Front Of Others, (Psalm 50:23; Psalm 115:1; Matthew 10:32-33; Mark 8:38; Luke 9:26)], And His Glory, (See El Kabowd), Brings Triumph In Our Lives, {2 Chronicles 5:11-14, 2 Chronicles 6:41 Thru 2 Chronicles 7:2}

Psalm 8:2 ~ Out Of The ‘Mouth’ Of Babes And Nursing Infants You Have Ordained Strength, Because Of Your Enemies, That You May Silence d—Evil One And The Avenger.

Isaiah 42:8-13
8 I Am Yahweh, That Is My Name;
And My Glory I Will Not Give To Another,
Nor My Praise To Carved Images.

See Also:

Yahweh ~ Shammah, I Am

Our Authority Over The Earth; Praise Is Becoming To The Upright

An Angel Of Yahweh Stood Before Them, And The Glory Of Yahweh Shone Around Them, (Luke 2:9).
And In The Morning You Shall See The Glory Of Yahweh, For He Hears Your Murmurings Against Yahweh.  For What Are We, That You Murmur Against Us?  (Exodus 16:7).
And As Aaron Spoke To The Whole Congregation Of Israel, They Looked Toward The Wilderness, And Behold, The Glory Of Yahweh Appeared In The Cloud~!  (Exodus 16:10).
The Glory Of Yahweh Rested On Mount Sinai, And The Cloud Covered It For Six Days.  On The Seventh Day [Yahweh] Called To Moses Out Of The Midst Of The Cloud, (Exodus 24:16).
And The Glory Of Yahweh Appeared To The Israelites Like Devouring Fire On The Top Of The Mountain, (Exodus 24:17).
And Moses Said, This Is The Thing Which Yahweh Commanded You To Do, And The Glory Of Yahweh Will Appear To You, (Leviticus 9:6).
But ALL The Congregation Said To Stone [Joshua And Caleb] With Stones.  But The Glory Of Yahweh Appeared At The Tent Of Meeting Before ALL The Israelites, (Numbers 14:10).
Then Korah Assembled ALL The Congregation Against Moses And Aaron Before The Entrance Of The Tent Of Meeting, And The Glory Of Yahweh Appeared To ALL The Congregation, (Numbers 16:19).
Then Moses And Aaron Went From The Presence Of The Assembly To The Door Of The Tent Of Meeting And Fell On Their Faces.  Then The Glory Of Yahweh Appeared To Them, (Numbers 20:6).
So The Priests Could Not Stand To Minister Because Of The Cloud, For The Glory Of Yahweh Had Filled Yahweh’s House, (1 Kings 8:11).
So That The Priests Could Not Stand To Minister Because Of The Cloud, For The Glory Of Yahweh Filled The House Of Yahweh, (2 Chronicles 5:14).
WHEN SOLOMON Had Finished Praying, The Fire Came Down From Heaven And Consumed The Burnt Offering And The Sacrifices, And The Glory Of Yahweh Filled The House, (2 Chronicles 7:1).
The Priests Could Not Enter The House Of Yahweh, Because The Glory Of Yahweh Had Filled Yahweh’s House, (2 Chronicles 7:2).
And When ALL The People Of Israel Saw How The Fire Came Down And The Glory Of Yahweh Upon The House, They Bowed With Their Faces Upon The Pavement And Worshiped And Praised Yahweh, Saying, For He Is Good, For His Mercy And Loving-Kindness Endure Forever, (2 Chronicles 7:3).
May The Glory Of Yahweh Endure Forever; May Yahweh Rejoice In
His Works, (Psalm 104:31).
Yes, They Shall Sing Of The Ways Of Yahweh And Joyfully Celebrate His Mighty Acts, For Great Is The Glory Of Yahweh, (Psalm 138:5).
It Shall Blossom Abundantly And Rejoice Even With Joy And Singing. The Glory Of Lebanon Shall Be Given To It, The Excellency Of [Mount] Carmel And [The Plain] Of Sharon.  They Shall See The Glory Of Yahweh, The Majesty And Splendor And Excellency Of Our Yahweh, (Isaiah 35:2).
Then The Spirit Lifted Me Up, And I Heard Behind Me A Voice Of A Great Rushing [Saying], Blessed Be The Glory Of Yahweh From His Place [Above The Firmament], (Ezekiel 3:12).
Then I Arose And Went Forth Into The Plain, And Behold, The Glory Of Yahweh Stood There, Like The Glory I Had Seen By The River Chebar, And I Fell On My Face, (Ezekiel 3:23).
  1. And The Glory Of Yahweh Entered The Temple By The Gate Facing East.

  2. Then The Spirit Caught Me Up And Brought Me Into The Inner Court, And Behold, The Glory Of Yahweh Filled The Temple, (Ezekiel 43:4-5, 47:1-12).

{See Also Zechariah 14:8, Revelation 4:3; Revelation 21:10-11, 18; & Revelation 22:1-2}
Then He Brought Me By Way Of The North Gate To The Front Of The Temple; I Looked, And Behold, The Glory Of Yahweh Filled The House Of Yahweh, And I Fell Upon My Face, (Ezekiel 44:4).
And Behold, An Angel Of Yahweh Stood By Them, And The Glory Of Yahweh Flashed And Shone ALL About Them, And They Were Terribly Frightened, (Luke 2:9).
And More Than That, He Has Been Appointed By The Churches To Travel As Our Companion In Regard To This Bountiful Contribution Which We Are Administering For The Glory Of Yahweh Himself And [To Show] Our Eager Readiness [As Christians To Help One Another], (2 Corinthians 8:19).
There I Will Meet With The Israelites, And The Tent Of Meeting Shall Be Sanctified By My Glory[The Shekinah, Yahweh’s Visible Presence].  (Exodus 29:43).

34 Then The Cloud [The Shekinah, Yahweh’s Visible Presence] Covered The Tent Of Meeting, And The Glory Of Yahweh Filled The Tabernacle~!

35 And Moses Was Not Able To Enter The Tent Of Meeting Because The Cloud Remained Upon It, And The Glory Of Yahweh Filled The Tabernacle. (Exodus 40:34-35).

Moses And Aaron Went Into The Tent Of Meeting, And When They Came Out They Blessed The People, And The Glory Of Yahweh [The Shekinah Cloud] Appeared To ALL The People [As Promised], (Leviticus 9:23).
And The Glory Of Yahweh Of Israel [The Shekinah, Cloud] Had Gone Up From The Cherubim Upon Which It Had Rested To [Stand Above] The Threshold Of Yahweh’s House.  And [Yahweh] Called To The Man Clothed With Linen, Who Had The Writer’s Ink Bottle At His Side, (Ezekiel 9:3).

3 Now The Cherubim Stood On The South Side Of The House When The Man Went In; And The Cloud [The Shekinah] Filled The Inner Court.

4 Then The Glory Of Yahweh Mounted Up From The Cherubim To Stand Over The Threshold Of Yahweh’s House; And The House Was Filled With The Cloud, And The Court Was Full Of The Brightness Of Yahweh’s Glory(Ezekiel 10:3-4).

18 Then The Glory Of Yahweh [The Shekinah, Cloud] Went Forth From Above The Threshold Of The Temple And Stood Over The Cherubim.

19 And The Cherubim Lifted Up Their Wings And Mounted Up From The Earth In My Sight, And They Went Forth With The Wheels Beside Them; And They Stood At The Entrance Of The East Gate Of The House Of Yahweh, And The Glory Of Yahweh Of Israel [The Shekinah, Cloud] Was Over Them, (Ezekiel 10:18-19). .

22 Then The Cherubim Lifted Up Their Wings With The Wheels Which Were Beside Them, And The Glory Of Yahweh Of Israel [The Shekinah, Cloud] Was Over Them.

23 Then The Glory Of Yahweh Rose Up From Over The Midst Of The City And Stood Over The Mountain Which Is On The East Side Of The City, (Ezekiel 11:22-23).

For They Are Israelites, And To Them Belong Yahweh’s Adoption [As A Nation] And The Glorious Presence (Shekinah).  With Them Were The Special Covenants Made, To Them Was The Law Given.  To Them [The Temple] Worship Was Revealed And [Yahweh’s Own] Promises Announced, (Romans 9:4).
[The Manifest Presence Of Yahweh, His] Glory May Tabernacle And Abide In Our Land, (Psalm 85:9).
And I Will Manifest My Honor And Glory Among The Nations, (Ezekiel 39:21).
And Then Saw The God Of Israel [That Is, A Convincing Manifestation Of His Presence, But They Saw [The Manifestation Of The Presence Of] Yahweh   (Exodus 24:10-11).
One Glory Of The Sun, And Another Glory Of The Moon, And Another Glory Of The Stars, (1 Corinthians 15:41).
Yahweh Dwells In unApproachable Light ~
The Glory Of Yahweh Is Seen On His Face

18 And He Said, I BeSeech You, Let Me See Your Glory.

19 And He Said, I Will Make ALL My Goodness Pass Before You, And I Will Proclaim The Name Of Yahweh Before You. And I Will Be Gracious To Whom I Will Be Gracious, And Will Have Mercy On Whom I Will Have Mercy.

20 And He Said, You Cannot See My Face.  For There No Person Can See Me And Live.  (Exodus 33:18-20).

Yahweh Make His Face To Shine Upon And Enlighten You And Be Gracious (Kind, Merciful, And Giving Favor) To You.  (Numbers 6:25-26).
Let Your Face Shine On Your Servant; Save Me For Your Mercy’s Sake And In Your Loving-Kindness.  (Psalm 31:16).

1 Yahoshua Took Peter, James And John, And Led Them Up On A High Mountain.

2 And He, {Yahoshua} Was TransFigured Before Them, And His Face Shone Like The Sun , And His Garments Became White As Light.

5 “When Lo, A Bright Cloud overshadowed Them And When The Disciples Heard It, They Fell On Their Face. (Matthew 17:1-2, 5).

And When I {John ~ Same Person That Saw Yahoshua Being TransFigured The 1st Time} Saw Him {Yahoshua}, I Fell On My Face As Though Dead (Revelation 1:17).

2 Corinthians 3:7-18

7 But If The Ministry Of Death, Having Been Engraved In Letters In Stone Was With Glory (So That The Sons Of Israel Could Not Steadfastly Behold The Face Of Moses Because Of The Glory Of His Face), Which Was Being Done Away;

8 Shall Not The Ministry Of The Spirit Be With More Glory?

9 For If The Ministry Of Condemnation Is Glorious, Much More Does The Ministry Of Righteousness Exceed In Glory.

10 For Even That Which Was Made Glorious Had No Glory In This Respect, Because Of The Glory That Excels.

11 For If That Which Has Been Done Away Was Glorious, Much More That Which Remains Is Glorious.

12 Then Since We Have Such Hope, We Use Great Plainness Of Speech.

13 And We Are Not Like Moses, Who Put A Veil Over His Face So That The Sons Of Israel Could Not Steadfastly Look To The End Of The Thing Being Done Away.

14 (But Their Thoughts Were Blinded; For Until The Present The Same Veil Remains On The Reading Of The Old Covenant, Not Taken Away).  But This Veil Has Been Done Away In Christ.

15 But Until This Day, When Moses Is Read, The Veil Is On Their Heart.

16 But When One Turns To Yahweh, The Veil Shall Be Taken Away.

17 And Yahweh Is That Spirit; And Where The Spirit Of Yahweh Is, There Is Liberty.

18 And ALL Of Us, As With Unveiled Face [Because We] Continued To Behold [In The Word Of Yahweh] As In A Mirror The Glory Of Yahweh, Are Constantly Being TransFigured Into His Very Own Image In Ever Increasing Splendor And From One Degree Of Glory To Another; [For This Comes] From Yahweh [Who Is] The Spirit, (2 Corinthians 3:7-18).

“Yahweh Be Merciful And Gracious To Us And Bless Us And Cause His Face To Shine Upon Us And Among Us (Psalm 67:1).
“You Will Show Me The Path Of Life; In Your Presence [Literally: Before Thy Face ] There Is Fullness Of Joy , In Thy Right Hand Are Pleasures For Evermore”.  Psalm 16:11; Acts 2:28
“For You Have Made Him Most Blessed Forever; You Have R ejoiced Him In The G ladness In Your Holy Face ”.  Psalm 21:6 (MKJV)
“Look To Him, And Be Radiant; So Your Faces Shall Never Be Ashamed”.  Psalm 34:5
“When I Was A Son With My Father, Tender, The Only One In The Sight Of My Mother, - Then I Was Beside Him, Like A Master Workman; And I Was Daily His Delight, Rejoicing Before Him [Literally: Before His Face ] Always”,”
Proverbs 4:3; Proverbs 8:30
Restore Us Again, O Yahweh; And Cause Your Face To Shine [In Pleasure And Approval On Us], And We Shall Be Saved~!  (Psalm 80:3).
But Unto You That Fear My Name Shall The Sun Of Righteousness Arise With Healing In His Wings. ~ Note The Word, “Sun” Is Not Spelled, “Son”, Which Would Indicate Brightness That Will Be Upon Up As Of The Sun, (Malachi 4:2).
When The Glory Of Yahweh Shows Up, This Is The Highest Form Of Spiritual Warfare, As A Fire Goes Before Him And Consumes ALL His Enemies,
(See Psalm 97:3; Psalm 18:7-14; Isaiah 64:1-3; Isaiah 66:15-16).
And There Shall Be No More Night; They Have No Need For Lamplight or Sunlight, For Yahweh Will Illuminate Them And Be Their Light   (Revelation 22:5).
The Sun Will Be Turned Into Darkness, (Acts 2:20).

The Light Of Yahweh Will Be So Bright That The Sun Will Bow It’s Light To Yahweh’s Light, Like The Moon And Stars Bow Their Light To The Sun In The Daytime, But The Moon And The Stars Are Still Present.

Saul Saw A Light Brighter Than The Noonday Sun , (Acts 26:13).
GIVE EAR, O Shepherd Of Israel, You Who Lead Joseph Like A Flock; You Who Sit Enthroned Upon The Cherubim [Of The Ark Of The Covenant], Shine Forth.  (Psalm 80:1).

26 And Above The Firmament That Was Over Their Heads Was The Likeness Of A Throne In Appearance Like A Sapphire Stone, And Seated Above The Likeness Of A Throne Was A Likeness With The Appearance Of A Man.

27 From What Had The Appearance Of His Waist Upward, I Saw A Lustre As It Were Glowing Metal With The Appearance Of Fire Enclosed Round About Within It; And From The Appearance Of His Waist Downward, I Saw As It Were The Appearance Of Fire, And There Was Brightness {Of A Halo} Round About Him.

28 Like The Appearance Of The Bow That Is In The Cloud On The Day Of Rain, So Was The Appearance Of The Brightness Round About.  This Was The Appearance Of The Likeness Of The Glory Of Yahweh. And When I Saw It, I Fell Upon My Face And I Heard A Voice Of One Speaking.  (Ezekiel 1:26-28).



Yahweh Said It’s, “My RainBow, In Genesis 9:13-14.  Isaiah 54:9-10 And Genesis 9:16 Lets Us Know That This Rainbow Was As A Reminder Of The Covenant That Yahweh Is Not Mad At Us.  And There Is A RainBow Around Yahweh’s Throne, And A Rainbow On An Angel’s Head And The Angel’s Face Was As The Sun And His Feet (Legs) Were Like Columns Of Fire ,
(Revelation 4:3 & Revelation 10:1 Respectfully). 
Enter Here To See These Bible References:
(Genesis 9:13-16; Isaiah 54:9-10; Revelation 4:3; Revelation 10:1)
The New Jerusalem Has A Crystalline Appearance Clothed In ALL Yahweh’s Glory,
And He Carried Me Away In The Spirit To A Great And High Mountain, And Showed Me That Great City, The Holy Jerusalem, Descending Out Of Heaven From Yahweh, Having The Glory Of Yahweh : And Her Light Was Like Unto A Stone Most Precious, Even Like A jasper Stone, Clear As Crystal; ~ Clothed In Yahweh’s Glory [In ALL Its Splendor And Radiance].  The luster Of It Resembled A Rare And Most Precious jewel, Like jasper, Shining Clear As Crystal {Amplified Bible Classic Edition}.(Revelation 21:10-11).
His Glory Shall Be Seen On You ~!
Then Shall Your Light Break Forth Like The Morning, And Your Healing (Your Restoration And The Power Of A New Life) Shall Spring Forth Speedily; Your Righteousness (Your Rightness, Your Justice, And Your Right Relationship With Yahweh) Shall Go Before You [Conducting You To Peace And Prosperity], And The Glory Of Yahweh Shall Be Your Rear Guard, (Isaiah 58:8).
We Are His Temple, We Are His House ~!

    Do You Not Know That You Are A Temple Of Yahweh, And That The Spirit Of Yahweh Dwells In You?  (1 Corinthians 3:16).
    Or Do You Not Know That Your Body Is A Temple Of The Holy Ghost In You, Whom You Have Of Yahweh?  And You Are Not Your Own, (1 Corinthians 9:13).
    For We Know That If Our Earthly House Of This Tabernacle Were Dissolved, We Have A Building From Yahweh, A House Not Made With Hands, Eternal In The Heavens, (2 Corinthians 5:1).

Glory Of Yahweh Fills The Temple
1 Kings 8:11, 2 Chronicles 5:14; 2 Chronicles 7:1-3; Ezekiel 10:3, 18-19; 43:3-5; 44:4

Isaiah 60:1-7

1ARISE [From The Depression And Prostration In Which Circumstances Have Kept You—Rise To A New Life]~!  Shine (Be Radiant With The Glory Of Yahweh), For Your Light Has Come, And The Glory Of Yahweh Has Risen Upon You~!

2 For Behold, The Darkness Shall Cover The Earth, And Gross Darkness The Peoples; But Yahweh Shall Rise On You, And His Glory Shall Be Seen On You.

3 And The Nations, [H1471], Shall Come To Your Light, And Kings To The Brightness Of Your Dawning.

4 Lift Up Your Eyes ALL Around, And See.  All Of Them Gather Themselves; They Come To You.  Your Sons Shall Come From Far, And Your Daughters Shall Be Nursed At Your Side.

5 Then You Shall Fear And Become Bright, And Your Heart Shall Throb And Swell For Joy; Because The Abundance Of The Sea Shall Turn To You, The Wealth Of The Nations Will Come To You.

6 The Multitude Of Camels Shall Cover Thee, The Dromedaries Of Midian And Ephah; ALL They From Sheba Shall Come: They Shall Bring Gold And Incense; And Then Shall Show Forth The Praises Of Yahweh.

7 I Will Glorify The House Of My Glory, (Isaiah 60:1-7).

For Yahweh Who Said, Let Light Shine Out Of Darkness, Has Shone In Our Hearts So As [To Beam Forth] The Light For The Illumination Of The Knowledge Of The Majesty And Glory Of Yahweh [As It Is Manifest In The Person And Is Revealed] In The Face Of Yahoshua The Messiah.

But We Have This Treasure In EarThen Vessels, That The Excellency Of The Power May Be Of Yahweh, And Not Of Us. (2 Corinthians 4:6-7).


26 The Mystery Of Which Was Hidden For Ages And Generations [From Angels And Men], But Is Now Revealed To His Holy People (The Saints),

27 To Whom Yahweh Was Pleased To Make Known How Great For The Gentiles Are The Riches Of The Glory Of This Mystery, Which Is Christ Within And Among You, The Hope Of [Realizing The] Glory. (Colossians 1:26-27).

“Among Whom You Are Seen As Bright Lights (Stars or Beacons Shining Out Clearly) In The [Dark] World, (Philippians 2:15).

No One Putting His Hand To The Plow Is FIT For The Kingdom Of Yahweh ~ Phillip’s Translation ~ Anyone Who Puts His Hand To The Plough And Then Looks Behind Him Is Useless For The Kingdom Of Yahweh, {Implied ~ Those Who Are Fit Are Those Who Are Able To Work Under Yahweh’s Rule or Where He Reigns},
(Luke 9:62 ~ J. B. Phillips Translation;
Luke 9:62 ~ Amplified Bible Classic Edition & The New King James).
12 The Night Is Far Spent, The Day Is At Hand: Let Us Therefore Cast Off The Works Of Darkness, And Let Us Put On The Armor Of Light.

13 Let Us Walk Honestly, As In The Day; Not In Rioting And Drunkenness, Not In Chambering And Wantonness, Not In Strife And Envying.

14 But Put You On The Lord Yahoshua, (The Messiah), And Make Not Provision For The Flesh, To Fulfill The Lusts Thereof.  (Romans 13:12, 14).

For You Cause My Lamp To Be Lighted And To Shine; Yahweh My Yahweh illumines My Darkness, (Psalm 18:28).

14 You Are The Light Of The World.   A City Set On A Hill Cannot Be Hidden.

15 Nor Do Men Light A Lamp And Put It Under A Peck Measure, But On A Lampstand, And It Gives Light To ALL In The House.

16 Let Your Light So Shine Before Men That They May See Your Moral Excellence And Your PraiseWorthy, Noble, And Good Deeds And Recognize And Honor And Praise And Glorify Your Father Who Is In Heaven, (Matthew 5:14-16).

For ALL Have Sinned, And Come Short Of The Glory Of Yahweh;
Romans 3:23

For You Have Made Him A Little Lower Than God, (*Elohim), And Hast Crowned Him With Glory And Honor.  Psalm 8:5

*{“Elohiym” In The Original Hebrew-Chaldee - Strong’s Concordance # 0430 ~
The King James Version Incorrectly Translated This Word At Psalm 8:5 As “Angels”}

For It Became Him, For Whom Are ALL Things, And By Whom Are ALL Things, In Bringing Many Sons Unto Glory, To Make The Captain Of Their Salvation Perfect Through Sufferings.  Hebrews 2:10


6 Yet When We Are Among The Full-grown (Spiritually Mature Christians Who Are Ripe In Understanding), We Do Impart A [Higher] Wisdom (The Knowledge Of The Divine Plan Previously Hidden); But It Is Indeed Not A Wisdom Of This Present Age or Of This World Nor Of The Leaders And Rulers Of This Age, Who Are Being Brought To Nothing And Are Doomed To Pass Away.

7 But Rather What We Are Setting Forth Is A Wisdom Of Yahweh Once Hidden [From The Human Understanding] And Now Revealed To Us By Yahweh—[That Wisdom] Which Yahweh Devised And Decreed Before The Ages For Our Glorification [To Lift Us Into The Glory Of His Presence].

8 None Of The Rulers Of This Age or World Perceived And Recognized And Understood This, For If They Had, They Would Never Have Crucified Yahweh Of Glory,(1 Corinthians 2:6-8).

The Glorious Rapture Of The Glorious Church

That He Might Present The Church To Himself In Glorious Splendor, Without Spot or Wrinkle or Any Such Things [That She Might Be Holy And Faultless].
Ephesians 5:27


8 Rejoice Not Against Me, O My Enemy~! When I Fall, I Shall Arise; When I Sit In Darkness, The Lord Shall Be A Light To Me.

9 I Will Bear The Indignation Of Yahweh Because I Have Sinned Against Him, Until He Pleads My Cause And Executes Judgment For Me.  He Will Bring Me Forth To The Light, And I Shall Behold His Righteous Deliverance.  (Micah 7:8-9).


13 Who Has Delivered Us From The Power Of Darkness, And Has Translated Us Into The Kingdom Of His Dear Son.

14 In Whom We Have Redemption Through His Blood, Even The Forgiveness Of Sins, (Colossians 1:13-14).


(Doxa Strong’s Concordance 1391
From Which We Get The Word Doxology; The Opinion, The View, The Judgment Of Yahweh).

Praise Yahweh, From Whom ALL Blessings Flow;
Praise Him, ALL Creatures Here Below;
Praise Him Above, You Heavenly Host;
Praise Father, Son, And Holy Ghost.

At The 2009 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Dr. Jerry Savelle Was Recounting A Time When He Was Humming And He Realized What He Was Humming, And It Was The Doxology And ALL Of A Sudden As He Recalled The Words That He Was Humming The First Line Hit Him Like A Ton Of Bricks, “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow”.

This Was Yahweh, {God}, Endeavoring To Get Into His People That, “I Am Your Source”.

1674 ~ Doxology Was Written
1709 ~ Doxology First Published

The Doxology Was Written By An Anglican Priest Thomas Ken Who Spent Most Of His Ministry Preaching In Cathedrals And Teaching In Bible Schools.  He Continually Sought To Uplift The Spiritual Lives Of Those In Whom He Taught, And In An Effort To Bring A Greater Awareness Of The Goodness Of God He Wrote This Song And Charged His Students To Sing It Both In The Morning When You Get Up And Every Night Before You Go To Bed.

One Of The First Things That King James VI Had On His Agenda When He Was Inaugurated As King And His First Command Was To Have Yahweh’s Word Translated With The Translation As Close As Possible To The Original Hebrew & Greek Language, So That People Would No Longer Be Ignorant And Remain In Darkness.

1604 ~ Idea Conceived For The King James Bible
1611 ~ King James Bible Completed
1629 ~ King James Bible Published

Worthy Of Note Is That 55 Years Later That The Doxology Came Out.
{As Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing, {Romans 10:17}, And Up Until The Word Was Printed In Their Language There Was No Word For Faith To Be Built Upon}

Soteria (Strong’s Concordance # 4991).
Sozo (Strong’s Concordance # 4982).

The Strongest Prayer Is To Believe What Yahweh Wrote In His Word… The Most Important Part Of A Prayer Is The Amen, (Mark 11:24).


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