Local House Of Yahweh


As We Give Praise And Thanks To You, O Yahweh, We Praise And Give Thanks; Your Wondrous Works Declare That Your Name Is Near And They Who Invoke Your Name Rehearse Your Wonders,
(Psalm 75:1; Nehemiah 1:11 ~ Amplified Bible Classic Edition)(Note That The Word “Name” Is Singular)



Knowing The Titles Of Yahweh Is Knowing The Character Of Yahweh

When You Know Yahweh’s Titles, Then You Will Know Yahweh’s Character.  However, When You Say Yahoshua, You’ve Said It ALL, {The Name Through Which Every Family In Heaven And On Earth Is Named}, (All The Characteristics Of Yahweh Are Summed Up In The Name Of Our Lord.  Using The Name Of Yahoshua Was The Only Thing That The Religious Rulers Wanted Peter And John To Stop Doing In Acts 4:16), But Just Don’t Use This Name.

They Didn’t Care If Peter And John Got ALL The People Healed, But They Had To Stop Using That Name.  (Contrast This With What Yahweh Told The Apostles In But Let Him Who Glories Glory In This: That He Understands And Knows Me, [Personally And Practically, Directly Discerning And Recognizing My Character] That I Am Yahweh, Who Practices Loving-Kindness, Judgment, And Righteousness In The Earth.  For In These I Delight”, Says Yahweh, (Amplified Bible Classic Edition, Jeremiah 9:24).


The Word, “Host” In The Scriptures Meant, “Army”, (The Three Battlegrounds”, (By Francis Frangipane)}.  Indeed , No One Can Do Warfare Who Is Not First A Worshiper Of God.  The Ultimate Form Of Warfare Is Worshiping Our God.

As We Bring Yahweh Near, No d—Evil One’s Can Stand In The Manifest Presence Of Yahweh For His Righteousness Will Burn Them Up, (Psalm 97:1-5).  Meaning That As I Call Out The Titles Of Yahweh Of For Example, Yahweh Nissi, (The One Who Gives Us Victory), Then Yahweh Is Entitled To Become My Victory For Me, And Angels Are Invoked To See To It That I Have Success, But More Importantly Than That, Yahweh Shows Up, And We Begin To Experience The Glory Of Yahweh.

Worship Is Not Standing In The Congregation Saying, “ Thank You Yahweh”, “Thank You Yahweh, Oh We Worship You, Thank-You Yahweh, We Glorify Your Name”. That’s More Like A Beginning Of Praise, (And Praise Is Not The Same As Worship).  That’s Like Standing Around In The Kitchen Saying, “I Make Cakes”, or, “My Family Loves What I Fix”, Compared To Actually Blending The Eggs & Other Ingredients And Making A Cake.

It’s About The Same As Saying To You, “I Glorify Your Driving Ability”, Compared To Talking To You Personally And Saying, “You Drive Well, And Always Make Me Feel Safe And Comfortable When You Drive”. One Method Is Personal, (And That What Worship Is), And The Other Method Is Third Person.

See Also: Yahweh Tsebaah, God, Titles Of Yahweh, Praise Is Becoming To The Upright


It Was Yahweh Who Showed Me That It Is Of More Value To Know Yahweh’s Character In Language That We First Thought.  The Hebrew ~ Chaldee Titles Of Yahweh Were Given Only Because The People Spoke Hebrew Giving Them Good Descriptions Of Yahweh In A Way That They Could Relate.

So, There Is Nothing More ‘Mysterious’, ‘Miraculous’, ‘Elusive’, or ‘Supernatural ’ About Using The Hebrew or Greek Titles Of Yahweh, Than Using The Words We Know.  I’ll Show You What I Mean.  Yahweh Is King Over ALL The Earth.  So, One Of Yahweh’s Handles Is “Yahweh”, And Another Is Yahweh Melek Which Means, “Yahweh Who Is Your King”.  But, It Doesn’t Make Sense For Me To Address King Yahweh As Yahweh Melek, As I Understand What The Word King Means, And “Melek” Is Not In My Vocabulary.  For God Is The King Of ALL The Earth; Sing Praises With Understanding.  (Psalm 47:7).  However, I Prefer To Call The Name Of Our God By His Real Name Of “Yahweh”, (Exodus 3:15; Jeremiah 16:21; Psalm 83:18; Proverbs 30:4 And Psalm 68:4).

Despite This, They Make Nice Labels For Me Today To Know The Character Of Yahweh.  For Example, The Hebrew, Chaldee Word Yahweh Yowm Amas, Means, “The God Who Carries Me Daily”.  Well, I Didn’t Know That There Was A Name For Yahweh As The God Who Carries Me Daily.  Now, I Know.  I Can Say Every Day, “ Yahweh Yowm Amas, I Thank You That You Carry Me Daily, And Daily Load Me With Benefits”, or I Can Say ”, Abba, Father, I Thank You That You Carry Me Daily, And Daily Load Me With Benefits”.

I Wouldn’t Have Known This Except For Finding The Hebrew Name, But Now That You Have Both Available Here, Then You May Not Need The Hebrew Name.  One Way Is Not Better Than Another; However, The Way That Conveys To You What You Are Saying Is The Best.


Using The Hebrew Titles In Public Puts Distance Between The Congregation And What I Am Trying To Convey, And They Are Not Drawn Corporately In One Thought Into The Presence Of Yahweh.  I Always Like To Use Abba, Father, So That I Address Yahweh As Both My Father And The Name That Describes The Attribute That I Desire To Come Forth.  I Also Included ALL The Hebrew-Chaldee & Greek Words Transliterated Into English Words.  I Urge You To Study Over The Titles Of Yahweh, Just So That You Can Know The Nature And Attributes Of Yahweh.

However, If You Cannot Study The Titles Of Yahweh, Then Realize That Yahweh Told Moses That His Name Is Yahweh, Which Means, “I Am.  In Other Words, “I AM, “EVERYTHING YOU NEEd~!”, (Strong’s # H3068, Present Tense, Whenever You Need It).  Now, Where This Comes Into Play, Is When We Praise.  As In, “I Praise You For Being Such A Good Example To Me As My Father.  Abba, Thank You For Your Tender-Mercies Towards Me And Showing Me How To Be A Good Parent”.

Or, Suppose, That You Were Being Accused Of Something.  You Could Fight In Your Own Strength, or You Could Begin To Praise Yahweh For Being Your Defender.  Or You Could Find In The Titles Of Yahweh Listed On The Other Web Pages That The Hebrew Name For, “Yahweh Who Pleads Your Cause”, (Contends Against Those Who DisHonor You), Is Yahweh Riyb Cherpah, And You Could Say, “I Praise You For Being Yahweh Who Pleads My Cause And Contends Against Those Who DisHonor Me”.


Or You Can Make Up Titles For Yahweh Since Yahweh Said That, “I Am Whatever You Need Whatever You Need”.  I Thank You As Yahweh Of Car Mechanics, or As Yahweh Of Computers, or Yahweh Of Algebra, or Yahweh Of Organization, or Yahweh Of Grocery Shopping.  Let Yahweh Be Allowed To Be In Your Daily Walk.  He Wants To Be, And As We Use Our Faith To Lift Up The Titles That Describe Him, This Entitles Him To Be What You Need.

I Give Praise And Thanks To You, O Yahweh, I Praise And Give Thanks; Your Wondrous Works Declare That Your Name Is Near And As I Invoke Your Name, I Rehearse Your Wonders(Amplified Bible Classic Edition, Psalm 75:1).

Sing Praises To Yahweh, Who Dwells In Zion~!  Declare His Deeds Among The People, ( This Is Probably Different Than What You Might Have Done. In The Past, You Might Have Just Cried Out To Yahweh, “Oh, God, They Are Accusing Me, “Blah, Blah, Blah, What Should I Have Done, or What Should I Do Now”.  This Is Hog-Wash, And Really Gets You Nowhere And Gets No Results.  And Saying, “ I Praise You God, I Worship You God”, Is Not The Same As Praising Yahweh.

Angels Are ALL Around You Listening To Yahweh’s Word Spoken By You, Ready To Do Yahweh’s Will, And You Keep Saying That You Are Going To Worship God.  The Angels Are Saying, “Okay, Any Time Now, They Are Going To Worship Yahweh”, And Yet We Never Do, And The Angels Have Nothing To Act On As They Respond On Your Words, (Daniel 10:12,

Yahweh, Let Your Ear Be Attentive To The Prayer Of Your Servant And The Prayer Of Your Servants Who Delight To Revere And Fear Your Name, (Your Nature And Attributes); And Prosper, I Pray You, Your Servant This Day And Grant Him Mercy In The Sight Of This Man, (Amplified Bible Classic Edition, Nehemiah 1:11). …But The People Who Know Their God Shall Prove Themselves Strong And Shall Stand Firm And Do Exploits, ( Psalm 8:2
Out Of The Mouth
Of Babes And Nursing Infants You Have Ordained Strength, Because Of Your Enemies, That You May Silence d—Evil One And The Avenger.

Matthew 21:16 And Said To Him, “Do You Hear What These Are Saying?” And Yahoshua Said To Them, “Yes.  Have You Never Read, ‘Out Of The Mouth Of Babes And Nursing Infants You Have Perfected Praise ’”

Psalm 149:6-7 Let The High Praises Of Yahweh Be In Their Mouth , And A Two-Edged Sword In Their Hand.  To Execute Vengeance On The Nations, And Punishments On The Peoples;

The Titles Listed At The Titles Of Yahweh Can Help You To Stop Claiming That You Are Worshiping Yahweh, And Really Worship Yahweh~! ~ “Whoever Offers The Sacrifice Of Thanksgiving, Glorifies Me; And To Him Who Orders Their Conversation Aright I Will Show The Salvation Of Yahweh”. {Psalm 50:23 ~ KJV}.

See Also:

I AM, Titles Of Yahweh, Declarations ~ “Why We Declare Things Out Loud With Our Have What You SayMouth, Praise


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In Righteousness You Shall Be Established; You Shall Be Far From Oppression, For You Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near You. Isaiah 54:14


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