Words Of My Mouth
{Things That We Say ~ “Spoken Out Loud ~ You Have To Mix Faith With Your Words “Spoken Out Loud, (Mark 11:23; Matthew 17:20; Matthew 21:21; Luke 6:43-45; Romans 10:9-10; 2 Corinthians 4:13),

You Are Ensnared By The Words Of Your Mouth.  You Are Trapped With The Words Of Your Mouth, Captured With The Words Of Your Mouth, (Proverbs 6:2).

“Why We Declare Things Out Loud With Our Have What You SayMouth ~
Death And Life Are In The Power Of The Tongue, And Those Who Love It And Indulge It Will Eat Its Fruit And Bear The Consequences Of Their Words [Whether They Be For Death or Life], (Proverbs 18:20-21).


Mark 11:23

“For Assuredly, ‘I Say To You’,* Whoever SAYS To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed And Be Cast Into The Sea,’ And Does Not Doubt In Their Heart, But Believes That Those Things You SAY Will Be Done, “You Will Have What You Say~!, *{THIS IS YAHOSHUA SPEAKING~! ~ The Head Of The Church~!}.  **That Means For Faith To Work It Has To Be In Your Heart Also, (“For Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart Their Mouth Speaks”, Matthew 12:34-35; Luke 6:45).

However; The Way That Things Come From Heaven To The Earth Is Through Us, So It Does Matter If You Talk Bad About What’s Hoped For?  Yes, It Does~!  Faith Has To Be In Two Places.  First, Faith Has To Be In Your Hear†, And The Second Place, Faith Has To Be Coming Out Of Your MouthYou Have To Talk Faith To Expect Faith Results~!   But, You Can’t Just Talk It, or, “Name It—Claim It”, “Blabb It—Grab It”, “Confess It—Possess It”, Because Just Speaking Alone Won’t Work.  You Have To Mix Faith With Your Words “Spoken Out Loud,

(Mark 11:23; Matthew 17:20; Matthew 21:21; Revelation 8:8; Luke 6:43-45; Romans 10:9-10; Psalm 106:24; 2 Corinthians 4:13).

{Faith Resides In Your Heart},

(Deuteronomy 1:32; Psalm 106:24; Hebrews 4:2).

UnBelief Is Called An Evil Heart, (Hebrews 3:12-Hebrews 4:2).




What We Have Been Tempted To Do Is Call Somebody, And Talk The Problem, (This Will Only Make Things Worse, So I Will Not Talk About The Problem).  We Feel As Though We Are Lying.  But That’s Just The FACTS.  The Facts Say That We Are Sick or Have A Disease, or Injured.

But, If We Want To Do The ACTS Of Yahoshua, We Have To Tell The TRUTH, For It Is The TRUTH We Know That Will Make Us Free, (John 8:32).  If You Want To Be Healed, You Had Better Start Talking The Truth~!  The Truth Is, “I Am Strong In Yahweh”.  The Truth Is, “Greater Is He That Is In Me Than He That Is In The World.

It’s Time We Stop Saying, “The Devil Is Causing Us To Have A Bad Time”, And Realize That It Is Us, Our Mouth.  We Still Do Need To Ask Our Heavenly Father To Set A Guard On Our Mouth, (Psalm 141:3).  But, More So Than That, We Haven’t Had A Mouth Problem, But We Have Had A Heart Problem For Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart The Mouth Speaks, (Matthew 12:34; Luke 6:45).  We Don’t Need To Duck Tape Our Mouth, But To Change Our ‘Hearts.  In John 14:1, 27, Yahoshua Commands Us To LET NOT Our Heart Be Troubled.  So, We Have Control Over Our Heart~!  We LET NOT Our Heart Be Troubled By Taking Thoughts Captive By Speaking To The Problem.

One Night, My Wife Informed Me That The TV In The Bedroom Was Not Set Up Right.  At This Point Neither Of Us Have The Right Knowledge To Know What To Do And How To Fix It.  However, I Know That I Am To LET NOT My Heart Be Troubled, Nor Am I To Be Dismayed, (Joshua 1:9).  So, I Walked Right Up To That TV And Said, “You Better Not Get Used To Being Broken, Because Yahweh Supplies All Our Needs According To His Riches In Glory”, (Philippians 4:19).

Yahweh Is The Supplier, (The Father Is Always The Supplier),
(2 Corinthians 9:10; Ecclesiastes 11:6; Philippians 4:19).

Yahoshua Is The Savior, (The Son Was The Sacrifice, Recall Abraham Offering His Son),
(Luke 2:11; 1 Timothy 1:15; Luke 19:10; Acts 13:23; John 3:17; Romans 10:9-10; Acts 2:21);

And The Holy Ghost Is The Whisperer Who Tells You Of Things To Come
Inside Your Heart Urging You On To Quote Yahweh’s Words~!,
(John 14:26; John 16:7-15; Acts 1:8; Acts 2:38)



Greater Is He That Is In Me”, (1 John 4:4)

Change Your Heart And You’ll Change What Comes Out Of Your MouthRomans 10:8 Says That We Get Things Into Our Heart By Our Mouth.  Did You See That Heart Is Listed First Here At Deuteronomy 30:14; Romans 10:8. That’s The Same Way We Learned The ABC’s Also or Notes Of Music, {E-G-B-D-F ~ These Are The Lines On The Treble Clef}.  We Got Them Down In Our Hearts From Our Mouth~!  Once It’s Established In Our Hearts, The Order Reverses And Then Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart The Mouth Speaks,

(Matthew 12:34-37; Matthew 15:10-11; Mark 7:14-15; Luke 6:44-45; James 3:2-13).

So, I Recommend Starting Off Saying, “I Am Strong In Yahweh And In The Power Of His Might”, (Ephesians 6:10). And “Greater Is He That Is Me Than He That Is In The World”, (1 John 4:4).

I Recommend Saying This About 12-25 Times A Day, (or More); Until You Are Totally Convinced, And Your Heart Is Established, (Psalm 112:8; Hebrews 13:9), That God Cannot Lie And That This Is For You.  For Yahweh’s Word COMMANDS US, (Not A Suggestion), To BE STRONG IN Yahweh,

Joshua 1:9; 1 Chronicles 28:20; Isaiah 41:10-12; Joel 3:10; 1 Corinthians 16:13 or Ephesians 6:10.

“How Can Anyone Enter The Strong Man’s House And Carry Off His Property, Unless He First Binds The Strong Man?  And Then He Will Plunder His House”, (Matthew 12:29).


(Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24; 1 John 4:4).

Philemon 1:6 ~ That The Communication Of Your Faith May Become Effectual By The Acknowledging Of Every ‘Good Thing Which Is In You In Yahoshua Ha Mashiach.

I Told You That Our TV In The Bedroom Was Not Setup Properly.  However, I Know That I Am To LET NOT My Heart Be Troubled, Nor Am I To Be Dismayed, (Joshua 1:9; 1 Chronicles 28:20). So, I Walked Right Up To That TV And Said, “You Better Not Get Used To Being Broken, Because Yahweh Supplies All Our Needs According To His Riches In Glory”, (Philippians 4:19).  This Morning The Holy Ghost Prompted Me To Call My Cable Provider… And I Got A Computer Generated Voice With Instructions.  I Just Followed Along The Voice, Even Though I Thought That I Knew What It Was Going To Say.  But, To My Surprise, It Didn’t Tell Me To Unplug The DVR or The Hard Drive.  I Felt Led By The Holy Ghost To Re-Check The Most Common Things, Like Are The Connections Plugged In Tight.  I Checked The Back Of The TV And The HDMI Cable Was In Snug.  I Checked The Back Of The DVR And It Was Not Seated Properly~!  I Plugged In For About 1/4” Of An Inch More And The Picture On The TV Came On~!  Problem Solved~!

However, If I Had Taken The Stance, “Why Does This ALWAYS Happen To ME”; I Would Still Be Without A TV Picture.  It’s More Than Just A Positive Attitude.  It’s A Way Of Life~!  In Fact, That Is The Precise Wording That The World English Bible Uses…

“Only Let Your Way Of Life Be Worthy Of The Good News Of Christ, That, Whether I Come And See You or Am Absent, I May Hear Of Your State, That You Stand Firm In One Spirit, With One Soul Striving For The Faith Of The Good News”, (Philippians 1:27).

The King James Reads This Way… “Only Let Your Conversation Be As It Becomes The Gospel Of Christ: That Whether I Come And See You, or Else Be Absent, I May Hear Of Your Affairs, That You Stand Fast In One Spirit, With One Mind Striving Together For The Faith Of The Gospel”.

And You Know That I Want To Jump On That Because The Word Conversation, (In Fact, I Have).  But This Time, This Word Is Concerning Your Lifestyle… Your Day-To-Day Way Of Dealing With Situations.  When Problems Arise Is The First Stuff You Hear Coming Out Of Your Mouth, “What Are We Going To Do?”  If So, Just Repent And Ask Yahweh To Put A Guard On Your Mouth.  My Conversation, And The Words That Came Out Of My Mouth Are … “I Have Been Redeemed From The Curse~!



The Whole Armor Of God

Ephesians 6:10-18

11 Put On The Whole Armor Of God, That You May Be Able To Stand Against The Wiles Of The Devil,
12 For We Do Not Wrestle Against Flesh And Blood, But Against Principalities, Against Powers, Against The Rulers Of The Darkness Of This Age, Against Spiritual Hosts Of Wickedness In The Heavenly Places.
13 Therefore Take Up The Whole Armor Of God, That You May Be Able To Withstand In The Evil Day, And Having Done All, To Stand.
14 Stand Therefore, Having Girded Your Waist With Truth, Having Put On The BreastPlate Of Righteousness,
15 And Having Shod Your Feet With The Preparation Of The Gospel Of Peace; 16 Above ALL, Taking The Shield Of Faith With Which You Will Be Able To Quench All The Fiery Darts Of The Wicked One.
17 And Take The Helmet Of Salvation, And The Sword Of The Spirit, Which Is The Word Of God;
18 With ALL Prayer And Requests, Praying At ALL Times In The Spirit, And Being Watchful To This End In ALL Perseverance And Requests For ALL The Saints:



We Do NOT Wrestle Against Flesh And Blood

Why Does d—Evil One, And Our Flesh Want Us To Call Up 15 Folks And Get Them To Agree With Us That This Is The ‘Worse’ Case Of Sickness That Anybody Has Ever Had, [Including Yahoshua], (Again This Is False ~ No Temptation Has Overtaken You Except Such As Is Common To Man; But God Is Faithful, Who Will Not Allow You To Be Tempted Beyond What You Are Able, But With The Temptation Will Also Make The Way Of Escape, That You May Be Able To Bear It, {1 Corinthians 10:13}).

Since Yahweh’s Word Tells Us We Do NOT Wrestle Against Flesh And Blood, And That Would Include Our Own Body — Then Tell d—Evil One To BUG OFF~! (See Ephesians 6:12).

{Memory Jog ~ Both ‘OFF’ And ‘6-12’ Are Insect Repellents Used To Keep The Bugs Off}).



He Sends His Word

Because d—Evil One Knows That We EmPower Him With Our Words.  If d—Evil One Knows This, Then Don’t You Think That We Ought To Also, (For We Are NOT Ignorant Of His Schemes And Devices [Strong’s Concordance # G3540 / G3540],  {2 Corinthians 2:11}).  In Ephesians 6:11, Schemes Is From The Same Root Word That Method, or Methodology Comes From - Methodeía, {G3180}.

He Sends His Word, {H1697}, And Heals Them, And Delivers Them From Their GravesLet Them Praise Yahweh For His Loving-Kindness, For His Wonderful Works To The Children Of Men~! (Psalm 68:20; Psalm 107:20).

But The Righteousness Which Is Of Faith Speaks On This Wise, (Romans 10:6).



Uttered By A Living Voice

In The Greek There Are Two Words Translated Into English For, “Word” In The Scriptures.  One Is Logos, (Strong’s Concordance #G3056), or Written Word, {Actually, This Word Is First Defined As A Word, Speech, Uttered By A Living Voice}.  Generally, This Is Considered To Be, “The Written Word”, Even Though It Was “Uttered” And “Spoken” To People Who Recorded It On Parchment, (Then To Paper, To Computers).  Yahoshua Quoted The Old Testament Scriptures To d-Evil One And Would Say, “It Is Written” Then Use The Written Word To Point To The Revealed Word Below.

The Other Word Is For Word Is Rhema, <4487>, or (The “Spoken” Word To Your Heart), And It Is A ‘Revealed Word’, (NT:G4487 ~ To ‘Speak’; To ‘Give Utterance’.  That Which Is “Spoken”, A Statement, Word; Particularly A Word As Uttered By A Living Voice, Utterance; (From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament © 1992 By AMG International, Inc.  Revised Edition, 1993).  WikiPedia Says That Rhema, <4487>, Literally Means An, “Utterance” or, “Thing Said”.  It Is A Word That Signifies The Action Of Utterance.  Rhema, <4487>, Is The ‘Revealed Word’ Of God, As An Utterance From Yahweh To The Heart Of The Receiver via The Holy Spirit, As In John 14:26.  Rhema, <4487>, Is Like When Jesus Addressed Simon Peter And Said, “Blessed Are You, Simon Bar-Jonah, For Flesh And Blood Has Not ‘Revealed’ This To You, But My Father Who Is In Heaven.  Yahoshua Told Peter That Upon This Rock I Will Build My Church.”  This Rock Was Not Peter, But Rather The ‘Revelation Knowledge, As Yahoshua Had Just Said To Peter, “Flesh And Blood Did Not ‘Reveal’ This To You, But My Father Who Is In Heaven And Upon This Rock, {‘The Rock Of Revelation Knowledge}, Will I Build My Church ~ Matthew 16:17-18).

Notice The Word ‘Revealed In Verse 17.  Yahoshua Was Saying To Peter: “You Didn’t Get This Because Somebody Told It To You.  You Don’t Really Realize Who I Am Because You Heard It Somewhere.  Flesh And Blood Did Not Reveal It To You;  And I Say Also Unto You, That You Are Peter”.  Now The Word Peter In The Greek Is “Petros,” <G4074>, Means “Rock”, {Compare To ‘Cephas, <G2786>, (John 1:42)}.  Then Yahoshua Said: “And Upon This Rock, I Will Build My Church”, (Matthew 16:18).  In The Greek The Word Translated “Rock” That Yahoshua Spoke Of This Time Is Not “Petros”, But “Petra”, <G4073>, Which Means A Huge Rock, Like The Rock Of Gibraltar.  The “Rock” Yahoshua Referred To Was ‘The Rock Of Revelation Knowledge.  Yahweh, The Father Had Given Peter This Revelation.  That’s When Peter Said To Yahoshua, “You Are The Christ, The Son Of The Living God”, (Matthew 16:16).  Then Yahoshua Responded To Peter And Said, “And Upon This Rock”… [‘The Revealed Word, {Which Is Hidden From The Enemy’s Eyes}] … “Will I Build My Church” ~ (Matthew 16:17-18).

Rhema, <4487> — A Revealed or “Spoken” Word In Our Hearts~!   Also A Rhema Word, <4487> May Refer To A Verse or Portion Of Scripture That The Holy Ghost Brings To Our Attention With Application To A Current Situation or Need For Direction, [Folks Might Refer To This As Having A Word From Yahweh].  Rhema, <4487> Is Used In Luke 4:4; Matthew 4:4: Romans 10:8~!

Our Weapons Are NOT Carnal, (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).



Every Word Of Yahweh Is Important

Matthew 4:4 ~ But He Answered And Said, “It Is Written, ‘Men And Women Shall Not Live By Bread Alone,
But By Every Word
, {Rhema Word’ or ‘Revealed Word’, <4487>}, That Proceeds From The Mouth Of Yahweh.’”

Luke 4:4 ~ But Yahoshua Answered Him, Saying, “It Is Written, ‘Men And Women Shall Not Live By Bread Alone,
But By Every Word
, {The Rhema Word, <4487>, or (Revealed “Spoken” Word To Your Heart)}, Of Yahweh’”.

Romans 10:8 ~ But What Does It Say?, “The Word, {The Rhema Word, <4487>, or (Revealed “Spoken” Word To Your Heart)},
Is Near You; It Is In Your Mouth And In Your Heart”, That Is, The Word Of Faith We Are Proclaiming.

Proverbs 17:20 ~ He Who Has A Wayward And Crooked Mind Finds No Good, And He Who Has A Willful And Contrary Tongue Will Fall Into Calamity.



Thanks Be To Yahweh, Who Gives Us The Victory~!

Remember, Faith Gets In Your Mouth First.  If Company ABC Can Answer Their Phone And Say With A Smile, “It’s A Great Day At ABC”; or A Certain Sugar Loaded Cereal Have Tony The Tiger Saying, “They’re GR-R-REAT~!” ~ How Much More Should We~!  Think What An Awesome Company Yours or Mine Would Be If Every Time An Employee Answered The Phone They Were Putting This Into Their Hearts With Their Mouths.

I’m Going To Start Answering My Phone Saying, “But Thanks Be To Yahweh, Who Gives Us The Victory Through Our Lord Yahoshua, {Jesus} ~ Christ*, * {Ha Mashiach}”.

1 Corinthians 15:57 ~
But Thanks Be To Yahweh, Who Gives Us The Victory Through Our Lord Yahoshua Ha Mashiach.

2 Corinthians 2:14 ~
But Thanks Be To Yahweh, Who Always Leads Us In Triumph In Christ, And Reveals Through Us The Sweet Aroma Of His Knowledge In Every Place.

Isaiah 41:2 ~Whom Victory Meets At Every Step~!”



If You Say So~!

(From The Old Testament Hebrew; One Of The Forms Of Worship Is Towdah, Which Means Confession, That I May Publish With The Voice Of Thanksgiving, <H8426>, And Tell Of All Thy Wondrous Works, (Psalms 26:7).
Confess Literally Means To, “Say The Same Thing”, {As Yahweh Says or Said In His Word}.

Follow Along With The Rest Of This Story.

Mark 5:37-42 ~
37 And He Permitted No One To Follow Him Except Peter, James, And John The Brother Of James.**
38 Then He Came To The House Of The Ruler Of The Synagogue, And Saw A Tumult* And Those Who Wept And Wailed Loudly.
39 When He Came In, He SAID To Them, “Why Make This Commotion And Weep?  The Child Is Not Dead, But Sleeping”.
40 And They Ridiculed Him.  But When He Had Put Them All Outside, He Took The Father And The Mother Of The Child, And Those Who Were With Him, And Entered Where The Child Was Lying.
41 Then He Took The Child By The Hand, And HE SAID To Her, “Talitha, Cumi”, Which Is Translated, “Little Girl, I SAY TO YOU, Arise”.
42 Immediately The Girl Arose And Walked, For She Was Twelve Years Of Age.  And They Were Overcome With Great Amazement~!
{If The Saying Part Wasn’t Important, Why Didn’t Yahoshua Just Walk In And Zap The Little Girl}?

Yahoshua Had To Clear Everybody With Doubt And UnBelief Out… Because Their, “Uproar” or We Might Emphasize This By Saying It Twice As A, “Tumultuous Uproar”.  From Now On, Every Time You Hear The “Roar Of The Crowd”, or, “Uproar” or, “Tumultuous Uproar”, Then I Want You To Think About How d—Evil One Goes LIKE A, “Roaring Lion”.  Why Did Yahoshua Include The “I SAY TO YOU” In His Statement Of, “Little Girl, I SAY TO YOU, Arise?” That Is Because Yahoshua Was Giving Us An Example Of How Faith Works, (John 13:15; 1 Peter 2:21).

**Only Agree With Those That Have “Like Precious Faith”, (2 Peter 1:1) ~ Enter Here To Read More.




Luke 7:11-15
11 Now It Happened, The Day After, That He Went Into A City Called Nain; Many Of His Disciples, {His Mathētēs¤ / Talmidim¤, Like In The Movie Series, “The Chosen” … Much More Than Just The Twelve Disciples ~ At The Least Were Also “Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Susanna; And Many Others Who Provided For Him From Their Substance”, (Luke 8:1–3)}, Along With A “Great Multitude, {When You See “Great Multitude” … Think “Mega Church”}, Went With Him.
12 And When He Came Near The Gate Of The City, Behold, A Dead Man Was Being Carried Out, The Only Son Of His Mother; And She Was A Widow.
And A Large Crowd From The City Was With Her.
13 When The Lord Saw Her, He Had Compassion On Her And Said To Her, “Do Not Weep”.
14 Then He Came And Touched The Open Coffin, And Those Who Carried Him Stood Still.  And He Said, “Young Man, I Say To You, Arise”.
15 So He Who Was Dead Sat Up And Began To Speak.  And He, {Yahoshua}, Presented Him To His Mother.

To Help You Visualize This… Pay Attention To This..  And Many Of His Disciples Went With Him, And A Large Crowd From The City Was With Her.

From The Outside, It Appears That Yahoshua Has Raised This Young Boy, The Son Of The Widow Of Nain, From The Dead Like A Gift Of Healing or A Working Of Miracles, And It Seems Like Something That We Cannot Possibly Do.

However, Look Closely At Luke 7:11-15, And You’ll See It Again, Where Yahoshua Said, “I SAY TO YOU
Why Didn’t Yahoshua Just Say, “Young Man Arise?”  *{If The Saying Part Wasn’t Important, Why Didn’t Yahoshua Just Walk In And Zap The Boy}?
Why Did Yahoshua Include The “I SAY TO YOU” In His Statement Of, “Young Man, I SAY TO YOU, Arise”.  That Was Because Yahoshua Was Giving Us An Example Of How Faith Works So That We Could Do The Works That He Did And Greater Works Than These Shall We Do~!, (John 14:12; John 13:15; 1 Peter 2:21).

¤ The Student, Usually Called A Talmid (Disciple), Would Attach Himself To And Travel With The Rabbi As Part Of His Education.

Also, Had Yahoshua Not Specifically Addressed That Son, He Would Have Raised The Entire Cemetery~!

First, He Had Compassion, {For Faith Works By Love, (Galatians 5:6), Then He Spoke Out Of His Mouth And Believed In His Heart, Mark 11:23}; So That We Can Follow In His FootSteps, And Do Greater Works Than He Did, Because He Went To The Father~!  (John 14:12).

You’ll Find This Happening Again At Luke 4:38-39 Where Yahoshua, “SPOKE” To A Fever}~!



Yahweh’s Words Cause Things To Produce

Look At Isaiah 55:10-11 ~ “For As The Rain Comes Down, And The Snow From Heaven, And Does Not Return There, But Waters The Earth, And Makes It Bring Forth And Bud, That It May Give Seed To The Sower And Bread To The Eater”.

Yahweh’s Words Always Are On Purpose And Cause Things To Produce~!

Does Isaiah 55:11 Mean That Only Yahweh’s Words Will Not Return Unto Him VoidWill Your Words That Goes Out Of Your Mouth Return Unto You Void?  I Know That You Believe That Yahweh Will Have What He Says, (Joshua 21:45; Joshua 23:14), But Do You Believe That You Will Have What You Say?

Say This Out Loud, And Let It Be Known To Whoever Is Within The Listening Range That You’re Talking About Your Words.

Isaiah 55:11
So Shall My Word Be That Goes Forth From My Mouth’; It Shall Not Return To Me Void,
But It SHALL Accomplish What I Please, And It SHALL Prosper In The Thing For Which I Sent It



Yahweh’s Words Cause Things To Happen~!

Yahweh Sent His Word To Do Something.  Yahweh Doesn’t Just Comment On Stuff.  He Changes Things When He Speaks.

Yahweh Doesn’t Just Make Remarks, His Words ReMakes When He Speaks.

Look At Genesis 1 And Notice The Number Of Times That The Scriptures Read, “Yahweh Said”,

All Scripture References Below From Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

Genesis 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28-29

3 And Yahweh Said, Let There Be Light; And There Was Light.
6 And Yahweh Said, Let There Be A Firmament [The Expanse Of The Sky] In The Midst Of The Waters, And Let It Separate The Waters [Below] From The Waters [Above].
9 And Yahweh Said, Let The Waters Under The Heavens Be Collected InTo One Place [Of Standing], And Let The Dry Land Appear   And It Was So.
11 And Yahweh Said, Let The Earth Put Forth [Tender] Vegetation: Plants Yielding Seed And Fruit Trees Yielding Fruit Whose Seed Is In Itself, Each According To Its Kind, Upon The Earth.  And It Was So.
14 And Yahweh Said, Let There Be Lights In The Expanse Of The Heavens To Separate The Day From The Night, And Let Them Be Signs And Tokens [Of God’s Provident Care], And [To Mark] Seasons, Days, And Years.
20 And Yahweh Said, Let The Waters Bring Forth Abundantly And Swarm With Living Creatures, And Let Birds Fly Over The Earth In The Open Expanse Of The Heavens.
22 And Yahweh Blessed Them, Saying, Be Fruitful, Multiply, And Fill The Waters In The Seas, And Let The Fowl Multiply In The Earth.
24 And Yahweh Said, Let The Earth Bring Forth Living Creatures According To Their Kinds: Livestock, Creeping Things, And [Wild] Beasts Of The Earth According To Their Kinds.  And It Was So.
26 Yahweh Said, Let Us [Father, Son, And Holy Spirit] Make Human-Kind In Our Image, After Our Likeness, And Let Them Have Complete Authority Over The Fish Of The Sea, The Birds Of The Air, The [Tame] Beasts, And Over All Of The Earth, And Over Everything That Creeps Upon The Earth.
28 And Yahweh Blessed Them And Said To Them, Be Fruitful, Multiply, And Fill The Earth, And Subdue It [Using All Its Vast Resources In The Service Of God And Man]; And Have Dominion Over The Fish Of The Sea, The Birds Of The Air, And Over Every Living Creature That Moves Upon The Earth.
29 And Yahweh Said, See, I Have Given You Every Plant Yielding Seed That Is On The Face Of All The Land And Every Tree With Seed In Its Fruit; You Shall Have Them For Food.

Yahweh Said, “Let There Be Light” And Light Was~!  The Creative Power Of The Word, “BE” With The “Spoken Voice~!



Study How To Answer~!

Proverbs 15:2, 4, 23, 28
2 The Tongue Of The Wise Utters Knowledge Rightly, But The Mouth Of The [Self-Confident] Fool Pours Out Folly.
4 A Gentle Tongue [With Its Healing Power] Is A Tree Of Life, But Willful Contrariness In It Breaks Down The Spirit.
{From The Message Translation ~ Kind Words Heal And Help; Cutting Words Wound And Maim}
28 The Heart, {Mind}, Of The Righteous Studies How To Answer, But The Mouth Of The Wicked Pours Out Evil Things.

Proverbs 16:23 ~ The Mind Of The Wise Instructs Their Mouth, And Adds Learning And Persuasiveness To Their Lips.

Psalm 119:42 ~So Shall I Have An Answer For Them Who Reproaches Me, For I Trust In Your Word”.

Colossians 4:6 ~Let Your Speech Always Be Gracious, Seasoned With Salt, So That You May Know How You Ought To Answer Each Person”.

2 Timothy 2:24-25
24 “And The Lord’s Servant Must Not Be Quarrelsome But Kind To Everyone, Able To Teach, Patiently Enduring Evil”,
25Correcting His Opponents With Gentleness   God May Perhaps Grant Them Repentance Leading To A Knowledge Of The Truth”,

1 Peter 3:15 ~ “But In Your Hearts Honor Christ The Lord As Holy, Always Being Prepared To Make A Defense To Anyone Who Asks You For A Reason For The Hope That Is In You; Yet Do It With Gentleness And Respect.

Galatians 6:1 ~ “Sisters And Brothers, If Someone Is Caught In A Sin, You Who Live By The Spirit Should Restore That Person Gently   But Watch Yourselves, or You Also May Be Tempted”.

Isaiah 50:4 ~ Yahweh GOD Has Given Me The Tongue Of The Learned, That I Should Know How To Speak A Word In Season To Him That Is Weary: He Wakes Me Morning By Morning, He Wakes My Ear To Hear As The Learned.

And Let Us Consider And Give Attentive, Continuous Care To Watching Over One Another, Studying How We May Stir Up (Stimulate And Incite) To Love And Helpful Deeds And Noble Activities; {So That We Might Encourage or Exhort One Another}, (Hebrews 10:24-25).  Exhort Means To Speak To One Another.

Just The Right Words That Are The Words That Are “Fitly Spoken At The Right Time, {In Due Season}, That Avails Much That Are Like Apples Of Gold In Settings Of Silver,

Exodus 4:12; Psalm 81:10; Psalm 103:5; Isaiah 50:4-5; Matthew 10:19-20; Luke 12:11-12; Mark 13:11; Colossians 4:6; James 3:2; Proverbs 15:23; Proverbs 25:1

The Words “Fitly Spoken” At Just The Right Time, How Powerful They Are.  They Are Like Apples Of Gold In Settings Of Silver With Each Apple Weighing About 4 Ounces And At Today’s Price Of Gold ~ That’s About $4,500,000 Dollars Per Apple~!  And There Was More Than One Apple Mentioned In This Passage, As The Word “Apples” Is Plural; “Apples Of Gold”, And I Didn’t Even Calculate The Price Of The Settings Of Silver.

Suppose, I Heard From Our Heavenly Father And Told You Not To Go To A Certain Fast Food Restaurant Tomorrow And You Obeyed And Later Found Out On The News That Restaurant Had A Tornado Strike At The Precise Time That You Would Have Been There And Everybody That Was Inside Died.  Or Suppose That You Were To Meet With Your Son or Daughter There; And You Trusted What I Said, And Called Them And Cancelled or Postponed Your Meeting.  How Much Would These Words Be Worth To You?  Millions?  Billions?  Ca-Trillions Of Dollars?

Ephesians 4:15, 25 ~ But, Speaking The Truth In Love, May Grow Up In All Things Into Him Who Is The Head—Christ
Ephesians 5:19 ~ Speaking To One Another In Psalms And Hymns And Spiritual Songs, Singing And Making Melody In Your Heart To The Lord,
Colossians 3:16 ~ Let The Word Of Christ Dwell In You Richly In All Wisdom, Teaching And Admonishing One Another In Psalms And Hymns And Spiritual Songs, Singing With Grace In Your ‘Hearts’ To The Lord.  {Teaching = Instruct By Word Of Mouth, Admonishing Is A Synonym Of Exhort}.

(Enter Here To Read More About Exhorting And Encouraging One Another).



Illustration 1

Hebrews 10:24 …†

And Let Us Consider And Give Attentive, Continuous Care To Watching Over One Another, “Studying” How We May Stir Up, (Stimulate And Incite), To Love And Helpful Deeds And Noble Activities; {Amplified Bible Classic Edition (AMPC)}.

Once I Went Up Behind My Wife While She Was Washing Dishes And I Put My Arms Around Her And Hugged Her, {“Physical Touch” And Said, “You Are So Beautiful~!”, {“Words Of Affirmation”} ~ Both My Language Of Love… But Not My Wife’s.  She Shrugged Me Off And Said, “Pass Me The Dishing Washing Detergent”, (Her Language Of Love Is “Acts Of Service” And She Wanted Me To “Do” Something For Her And Not Shower Her With “Words Of Affirmation”, Nor Did She Relish “Physical Touch”.

This Was Before I Prayed About Why My Wife & I, And Why We Were So Different.  Yahweh Led Me A Book Called, “The Language Of Love” By Gary Smalley And John Trent.  To Be Honest, I Didn’t Read It, Because Reading Isn’t Me, (And That’s Another Part Of Someone’s Make-Up If They Are A Text Reader or As I Am An Audio Visual Learner).  I Bought The Audio Version Of The Book And Listened To It.  The Results Changed My Life.  And Later On To Gary Chapman’s Book Called, “The Five Languages Of Love”.  I Recommend Reading Both “The Language Of Love” By Gary Smalley & John Trent And
Gary Chapman’s Book Called, “The Five Languages Of Love”.

You See Gary Smalley Had Counseled A Couple And As He Was Praying About It, He Felt Led To Have Both Parties Write Down 25 Great Things About The Other Person And To Say Five Of These Things Each Day To The Other Person.  After A Month, They Came Back And The Man Was Excited And Felt Like The Marriage Had Turned Around For The Better.  But, The Wife Was Unchanged.  So, Step By Step With Yahweh Guiding Him, Gary Smalley Discovered That There Are Five Languages Of Love, or How We Express Love To One Another; And That If You Don’t Get Your Love Language Met, Then Your Love Tank Feels Empty.

The Five Languages Of Love Are:

1.  Quality Time Spent With Them, (This Is Not Being In The Same Room With Them Watching TV).
2.  Words Of Affirmation, (or Encouraging Words)
3.  Acts Of Service, (Doing Things For Another Person)
4.  Gift Giving, (Loves To Give, And They Also Treasure Gifts Given To Them)
5.  Physical Touch ~ If You Read The Book, It Says That Physical Touch As A Love Language Is Not The Same As Sex.  Physical Touch Is More Like A Kiss On The Cheeks, A Pat On The Back, Hugging Someone, Arm Around A Shoulder or Waist, or Holding Hands or Even Cuddling, But Surprisingly, Another Aspect Of Physical Touch Is Food, And If You Notice That A Person Likes A Certain Food At A Restaurant, Why Not Go By There And Surprise Them When Then Come Home And Say, “I Noticed That You Seemed To Enjoy This Food A Lot And So I Thought I’d Get You Some”, And See What Happens.  Of Course, If You Are The Kind Of Person That Is More Frugal With Money, This Might not Occur To You, As You Think You Can Make It At Home And Save Some Money, Don’t.  If You Want To “Walk In Love”, Then Do Something Different Than What Your Personality And Language Of Love Is… For Where There Is “Selfish Ambition”, There You Find Disorder And Every Evil Practice, (James 3:16).  *Your Language Of Love That Is The Way That You Want To Be Loved Which Would Be “Selfish Ambition”.  Perhaps Your Opinion About Finances Is Conservative; { However, One Gives Freely, Yet Gains Even More; Another Withholds What Is Right, Only To Become Poor.  The Generous Person Will Be Prosperous, And They Who Water Will Themselves Be Watered, (Proverbs 11:24-25)}.  Another Observation That I’ve Noticed Is That If Someone Is Left-Handed, Then Pass Them Objects With Your Left Hand And They Will Better Be Able To Receive Them From Your Hand, And Vise-Versa, (If You Happen To Be Left-Handed, Pass Right-Handed Folks Objects With Your Right Hand), And This Will Take A Lot Of Frustrations Out Of The Situation.



Illustration 2

I Recently Went To Fort Worth, Texas, And While I Was Gone My Wife Decided That She Would Like To Do Something Nice For Me.  So, She Put In Another Folding Table In My Office For Me To Put Things On, And Rearranged Some Items.  When I Saw It, At First I Didn’t Like It Very Much.  I Was Kicking The Things That She Had Placed Under My Feet, And Seriously Wondering Why Would Anyone Mess With Someone Else’s Stuff Without Asking Them, or At Least Letting Them Be There In Person When The Changes Are Being Made.

And The Holy Ghost Showed Me The Numerous Times That My Wife Would Spend Hours Of Time Washing Our Van Without Me Asking.  To Me, I Always Thought That Was Such A Waste Of Time, When For $2.95 On Wacky Wednesday At Bebo’s Car Wash; I Can Have It Washed And Be Up And Gone In Less Than 25 Minutes.  You See, My Wife’s Language Of Love Is “Acts Of Service”, And We Tend To Love Someone Else In The Manner In Which We Would Like To Be Loved.  I Did About To Her What She Did To Me With The DishWashing Detergent With My Response Of Not Valuing And Honoring Her).  Her 2nd Language Of Love Is “Quality Time Spent With Her”.

But, Mostly Her Way Of Showing Me Love Would Be To Do Something For Me, (“Acts Of Service”).  However, My Language Of Love Is “Physical Touch”, And “Words Of Affirmation”; So Doing Something For Me Just Misses The Mark.  The Best Times I Recall Are Like When I Went To Christian Summer Camp, And One Of My Campers Hugged Me For No Apparent Reason.  What Means A Lot To Me Is Physical Touch, Which Also Does Include Food; (I Worked On The Streets Of Huntington Beach Until Late At Night Doing Evangelism With A Team And The Local Church We Working For Would Fix Us Food In A Different Home Every Day.  Wow, Did That Ministered To Me, Which Allowed Me To Stay Very Late At Night Out In Cold Weather Along California’s Beaches~!  They Did Their Part To Minister To Me, So That I Could Do My Part In Evangelism~!

You See My Second Language Of Love Is “Words Of Affirmation”.  Once I Worshipped Right Down Front Of The TV Cameras At A Church That Broadcast The Service On The Internet.  The Pastor Sent Someone To Tell Me To Go Back To The Middle Of The Church .  I Was So Embarrassed.  I Never Meant To Cause Harm or Drawn Attention To Myself.  The Next Sunday, I Stood Quietly And Didn’t Move A Muscle, But They Started Singing, “Rejoice In The Lord, Always, Again I Say, And Again I Say, Rejoice”, (Philippians 4:4).  And It Was Like A Light Bulb From Yahweh Going Off Inside My Head.

Rejoice, REJOICE, And AGAIN I SAY, REJOICE.  This Was Yahweh’s Words To Me.  Without Even Thinking I Jumped Up And Did A Bunch Of Spins, And I Was Again Extremely Happy In Yahweh.  You See Physical Touch Is Also My Way Of Expressing My Love To Others, Including Our Heavenly Father And I Expressed My Love To God In A Physical Manner.

When The Song Ended, A Beautiful Young Woman Turned To Me And Said, “You Are Awesome~!”   Wow, Wow, Wow~!  For Any Woman To Speak To Another Man In That Environment Is Usually Discouraged, As It Might Entice The Man To Think That Was A Come-On.  However, This Was Truly Remarkable, As It Just Ministered Life To Me~!  I Just Said “Thanks”.  But On The Inside I Was Turning Flips~! Wow~!  I Had Been Restored~!  I Believe That She Heard The Holy Ghost Say To Tell Me, That “I Was Awesome”..  I’ve Never Been Told I Was Awesome In All My Life~!  These Were Words Of Affirmation And They Ministered Life Back Into Me.



Can I Have A Word With You?

Philippians 2:3-4
3 Do Nothing According To “Selfish Ambition” or According To Empty Conceit, But In Humility Considering One Another Better Than Yourselve s, 4 Each Of You Not Looking Out For Your Own Interests, But Also Each Of You For The Interests Of Others.  {Lexham English Bible (LEB)}.

Gary Smalley Says That A Person That Feels Appreciated Will Always Do More Than What Is Expected~!

Romans 12:10
Love One Another With Kindred Affection [As Members Of One Family], Giving Precedence And Showing Honor To One Another

It’s As Easy As 1-2-3-4.  Luke 12:34.  Whatever You Treasure That’s Where Your Heart Will Be, “For Where Your Treasure Is, There Will Your Heart Be Also”   (Luke 12:34; Matthew 6:21).  As

Whatever We Honor Is Going To Be Where Our Heart Is.

Proverbs 4:23
Keep And Guard Your Heart With All Vigilance And Above ALL That You Guard, For Out Of It Flow The Springs Of Life

John 1:17
For The Law Was Given Through Moses.  Grace And Truth Came Through Jesus Christ.

Galatians 2:20
I Have Been Crucified With Christ, And It Is No Longer I That Live, But Christ Living In MeThat Life Which I Now Live In The Flesh, I Live By Faith OF The Son Of God, Who Loved Me, And Gave Himself Up For Me.  {The Faith OF Yahweh, (Opens in A New Window) Enter Here For Proof That It Is Yahweh’s Faith}.

Galatians 5:6
For In Christ Jesus Neither Circumcision Amounts To Anything, Nor Uncircumcision, But Faith Working Through Love.

Ephesians 5:1-2
THEREFORE BE Imitators Of God [Copy Him And Follow His Example], As Well-Beloved Children [Imitate Their Father]
And Walk In Love, [Esteeming And Delighting In One Another], EVEN AS Christ Loved Us And Gave Himself Up For Us, A Slain Offering And Sacrifice To God [For You, So That It Became] A Sweet Fragrance.

Proverbs 17:9
Whoever Covers An Offense Seeks Love, But Whoever Repeats or Harps On A Matter Separates Even Close Friends.

My Wife And I Were Raking, And She Would Rake Differently Than I Do, And I Would Get Mad.  I Went To Abba Father About It, And Yahweh Told Me I Was Giving d—Evil One The Bullets.  So, I Decided Right There On The Spot That From Then On, My Wife Can Do Whatever It Was That She Did, {See, I Can’t Even Remember What It Was, Honestly}, And That I Purposed In My Heart To Forgive Her Ahead Time, And d—Evil One Just Had An Empty Gun

Romans 5:5
Such Hope Never Disappoints or Deludes or Shames Us, For God’s Love Has Been Poured Out In Our Hearts Through The Holy Ghost Who Has Been Given To Us.


Here Is What, “I Think” Is A Good Spiritual Test For How A Person Is Doing In Their Life.  They Should Rank Themselves By This Test.

How Are These Fruits In Your Life, (Galatians 5:22-23)?

1) Love
2) Joy
3) Peace
4) Patience
5) Kindness
6) Goodness
7) Faithfulness
8) Gentleness
9) Self-Control

You Can Rank Them As A Percentage.  Maybe Even In Situation, “X”, I Have Only 30% Of Patience.  Then Ask Yourself What Can Be Done To Improve The Percentage.  Maybe Even Avoid Situation, “X” Altogether To Improve The Percentage.  Etc…

Are You Giving d—Evil One The Bullets?

Study People And … You’ll Find That Some People Get Energy From Routine, Others Get Energy From Change.

Hebrews 10:24

And Let Us Consider And Give Attentive, Continuous Care To Watching Over One Another, “Studying” How We May Stir Up, (Stimulate And Incite), To Love And Helpful Deeds And Noble Activitie s.
{Amplified Bible Classic Edition (AMPC)}.

I Recommend Reading Both “The Language Of Love” By Gary Smalley & John Trent And
Gary Chapman’s Book Called, “The Five Languages Of Love”.



Grace Can Be Ministered Through Words That You Speak~!

What Do They Need To Hear?  What Will Minister Life To Them?  Can We Honestly Say Something To Someone That Is About To Throw In The Towel And They Get So Encouraged That They Keep On?  Yes, Of Course We Can~!

Hebrews 3:13 ~ Also Said That We Are To, “… Instead Warn (Admonish, Urge, And Encourage) One Another Every Day”.
1 Corinthians 14:3 ~ Says That Prophecy Does The Following, “But He Who Prophesies Speaks Edification And Exhortation And Comfort To Men”.
Romans 12:8 ~ “…Or He Who Exhorts, (Encourages), To His Exhorting…”

Isaiah 50:4-5 ~ Yahweh GOD Has Given Me The Tongue Of The Learned, That I Should Know How To Speak A Word In Season To Him That Is Weary: He Wakes Me Morning By Morning, He Wakes My Ear To Hear As The Learned.
Luke 12:12 ~ For The Holy Ghost Will Teach You In That Very Hour What You Ought To Say.

Ephesians 4:29 ~ Let No Foul or Polluting Language, Nor Evil Word Nor Unwholesome or Worthless Talk [Ever] Come Out Of Your Mouth, But Only Such [Speech] As Is Good And Beneficial To The Spiritual Progress Of Others, As Is Fitting To The Need And The Occasion, That It May Be A Blessing And Give Grace (Yahweh’s Favor) To Those Who Hear It.

(NKJV Reads ~ Let No Corrupt Word Proceed Out Of Your Mouth,
But What Is Good For Necessary Edification, That It May Impart Grace To The Hearers).

Do Not Withhold Good From Those To Whom It Is Due, When It Is In Your Power To Act, (Proverbs 3:27).
{And I’ll Say That This Verse Means Whether It’s An Act Of Kindness, or Money, or An Apology or Just A Kind Word}.

Ironically, A 327 Is A Powerful Chevrolet Engine Back In The Day Of The Muscle Cars, (A Chevy II With A 327 Being Lightweight Often Beat The Heavier Oldsmobile 442’s With A 455 Cubic Inch Block, [Engine], or The Chevrolet Chevelle With 396 Cubic Inches).  Another Powerful Engine Was The Police Interceptor Was A Powerfully Fast Car With A 429 Cubic Inch Engine~!  Ephesians 4:29 Would Be The Other Verse That I Might Have As My Favorite Verse Of Scripture.



Words Of Life~!

One Time I Tumbled Down About A 19 Feet Embankment And Landed On An 8 Inch Tree On My Back Near My Pancreas And My Wife Hollered At Me Asking If I Was Okay.  I Was Fine, or So I Thought, And I Wanted To Reassure Her That I Was Okay.  As I Lay On My Back Recovering, I Tried To Talk But Nothing Would Come Out.  This Was The First And Only Time That I’ve Ever Had The Breath Knocked Out Of Me To That Extent.

Daniels Tells Of A Similar Time When He Was Exhausted And An Angel Spoke To Him And It Strengthened Him~!  15 When He Had Spoken Such Words To Me, I Turned My Face Toward The Ground And Became Speechless. 16 And Suddenly, One Having The Likeness Of The Sons Of Men Touched My Lips; Then I Opened My Mouth And Spoke, Saying To Him Who Stood Before Me, “My Lord, Because Of The Vision My Sorrows Have Overwhelmed Me, And I Have Retained No Strength. 17 For How Can This Servant Of My Lord Talk With You, My Lord?  As For Me, No Strength Remains In Me Now, Nor Is Any Breath Left In Me”. 18 Then There Touched Me Again One Like The Appearance Of A Man, And He Strengthened Me.  19 He Said, “Greatly Beloved Man, Don’t Be Afraid: Peace Be To You, Be Strong, Yes, Be Strong”   When He Spoke To Me, I Was Strengthened, And Said, “Let My Lord Speak; For You Have Strengthened Me”. (Daniel 10:14-19).

This Angel, (Michael), Started To Speak To Daniel, And Daniel Got So Weak He Fell With His Face To The Ground And Became Silent.  But When The Angel Spoke Over Him, He Became Strengthened And Was Able To Have The Vision Revealed To Him.  Was Michael Just Talking And Making Comments To Encourage Him, or Did The Words That Michael Spoke Actually Cause Him To Be Strengthened.  Daniel Says, “When He Spoke To Me, I Was Strengthened”.



Edifying Words Build Up~!

Think About The Effect Of What You Are Saying Is Having On Folks Who Are Hearing You.  Ephesians 4:29 ~ Let NO Corrupt Communication Proceed Out Of Your ‘Mouth’, (Did Yahoshua Say, “Try Not To”, or “Work On It?”  No, Yahweh Said, “Don’t Let It Come Out Of Your Mouth”)~!  But, What Should Come Out Of Your Mouth Is That Which Is Good, To The Use Of Edifying

Edifying, Edification, {Strong’s Concordance # (G3619)}. ~ Is Where We Get Our Word Edifice From.  It Has To Do With Something That Is Built On A Foundation, And Builds Up, Like A Skyscraper, It Builds Up.

So, That Which Is Good To The Use Of Building Up That It May Minister Grace To The Hearer.  What’s Going To Minister To Grace To The Hearer?  Whatever Is Coming Out Of Your Mouth Is Ministering Grace~!  The Words That You Speak.  Are They Important?  Will The Grace Of Yahweh Help People?  Can The Grace Of Yahweh Come Into Folks Minds, Hearts, Lives, Bodies, Marriages, Homes When You Open Your Mouth?



Words That Will Help Others Become Stronger~!

Is It True?  Is It Possible That You Could Say Some Things That People Would Hear, And It’s Not Just Your Words?  Yahweh Gave Those Things For You To Say And You’re Speaking Them.  The Person or Persons Were Weary.  They Were Worn.  They Felt Like Quitting And Giving Up.  But After Listening To You For 30 Minutes, They Want To Get Up And Tackle This Thing Again.   And They Believe That They Can Have A Different Outcome.  What Happened?  You Didn’t Do It~!  You Were A Vessel.  But, Yahweh Ministered Grace To Them Through Your Words, And His Grace Is More Than Enough.  And Grace Can Be Ministered To Them Through Words That You Speak~!

Ephesians 4:29 ~ New Century Version (NCV) ~ When You Talk, Do Not Say Harmful Things, But Say What People Need—Words That Will Help Others Become Stronger.  Then What You Say Will Do Good To Those Who Listen To You.

Now, That You Can See How Important Words Are And Words That Minister Grace To The Hearers

Psalm 62:4 ~ “You Speak Words Of Blessing, But In Your Heart You Curse Him”. … “They Delight In Lies; Their Mouth Utters Blessings, While Their Heart Is Cursing”
James 3:10 ~Out Of The Same Mouth Come Blessing And Cursing” …
Proverbs 18:21 ~Death And Life Are In The Power Of The Tongue; Those Who Love It Will Eat Its Fruit”.  Believe It or Not, Words Can Build Up, Bless, Curse, Encourage, And Motivate or … So From Now On, Make Your Mouth A Fountain Of Life And Not Death~!

Blessing God With The Mouth Without The Soul Would Be Hypocrisy.  Psalm 103:1 ~Bless The Lord, O My Soul, And All That Is Within Me, Bless His Holy Name~!” … It Means To Speak Well Of His Greatness And Goodness~!

There Have Been Times When People Spoke Positive Faith Healing Words, But Suffered or Passed On Anyhow   Obviously, Yahweh’s Word Is True, So In Their Hearts, They Didn’t Believe What They Spoke, But might Find The Opposite Where Somebody Believed In Their Hearts That They Were Going To Be Healed, But Spoke Out Loud What They’ve Heard, (The Traditions Of Folks), And They Passed On Also, But That Is unlikely Because out Of The Abundance Of The Heart, The Mouth Speaks.

And With That In Mind, Take A Look Again At Psalms 103:5 Through The Eyes Of Greek And Hebrew Scholars “Spiros Zodhiates” And “Warren Patrick” In “The Complete Word Study Bible”, Where They Both Interpret The Hebrew Chaldean Word As Mouth.

Psalm 103:5, {Compare To (Proverbs 18:21; Psalm 107:20)}
Who Satisfies YourMouth* <H5716> With Good <H2896> Things; So That Your Youth <H5271> Is Renewed <H2318> Like The Eagle’s, <H5404>;

* The King James Translates This Word As Mouth, And The Mouth Is The Origin Of Where Things In The Spirit Start~!

However, The Word Used Here For Mouth, May Be Describing Ornamentation ~ Jewelry / Desires /
Trappings Of A Horse, {An Ornamental Covering or Harness For A Horse}.
The Word Trappings Originally Described The Decorations People Attached To Their Horse’s Bridle And Saddle.
The Goal Was To Make A Statement About The Rider’s Power And Privilege.
And The Word, <H5716> Is Used In Other Scriptures Such As Such …

(Exodus 33:4-6; 2 Samuel 1:24; Psalm 32:9;103:5; Isaiah 49:18; Jeremiah 2:32;4:30; Ezekiel 7:20;16:7,11; 23:40).

But, The Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon Acknowledges That Many Attribute To This Word The Significance Of Mouth.

So The Bottom Line…Is That Yahweh Outlined What We Are To Say With Our Mouth Right Here, Even If Someone Can’t Hear The Holy Ghost Talking Telling Them What To Say, {And There Is Much Scripture Regarding That)   In Fact, That Is The Definition Of The Word Confess As Used In Romans 10:9-10, {Where The Greek Words Are Saved, [Sozo”] And Salvation, [Soterio”]), Encompasses More Than Just Getting Our Ticket Punched So That We Can Go To Heaven, But Also Embraces “Healing”, Both Physical, Mental, And Emotional].

Rather Than Go Down That Rabbit Hole To Show That Confession or Profession Means To Say With Your Mouth, I’ll Just Refer To Another Of My Web Pages And You Can Choose To Read It At Your Leisure With This Link Below That Will Take You To The Exact Spot On The URL Site, {So That You Don’t Have To Read The Entire Web Page Enter Here}.



The Power Of The Tongue

A Blessing Is Spoken Out Loud From The Mouth, {See Genesis 48:8-20 Where Jacob Pronounced A Blessing Over Joseph’s Sons, (Ephraim And Manasseh)}.  If A Blessing Is Not Said With The Mouth, Then Why Do We Pronounce A Blessing Over Someone When They Sneeze By Saying, “God Bless You?”

The Power Of Forgiveness Is The Same Power To Heal ~ For Which Is Easier, To Say, “Your Sins Are Forgiven”; or To Say, “Get Up, And Walk?” (Matthew 9:5-7; Luke 5:23-25).
{Notice How Many Times In The Scriptures That Forgiveness Is Mentioned With Healing~!}.

So, We Are Supposed To Say What The Scripture Says, To Achieve The Promises.  If Psalm 103:3 Says That “Who Heals All Our Diseases”, I Think We Are Running Crossways To Yahweh’s Instructions To Say That God Said Anything Else.

Who Forgives All Our Iniquities”,
Who Heals All Our Diseases” …

And To Emphasize That What I Am Saying Is The Truth, Just Immediately Prior To This Psalm 103:5*, Was Verse 4 That Says…

Who Redeems Your Life From Destruction”.
* The King James Translates This Word Life As Mouth, And The Mouth Is The Origin Of Where Things In The Spirit Start~!

However, The Word Used Here For Mouth, May Be Describing Ornamentation ~ Jewelry / Desires /
Trappings Of A Horse, {An Ornamental Covering or Harness For A Horse}.
The Word Trappings Originally Described The Decorations People Attached To Their Horse’s Bridle And Saddle.
The Goal Was To Make A Statement About The Rider’s Power And Privilege.
And The Word, <H5716> Is Used In Other Scriptures Such As Such …

(Exodus 33:4-6; 2 Samuel 1:24; Psalm 32:9;103:5; Isaiah 49:18; Jeremiah 2:32;4:30; Ezekiel 7:20;16:7,11; 23:40).

But, The Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon Acknowledges That Many Attribute To This Word The Significance Of Mouth.

This Same Word “Destruction”, {Strong’s Concordance # {H4480}} Is Found Also In Psalm 107:20, (Where The Scripture Says,
He Sends Forth His Word And Heals Them And Rescues Them From The Pit And Destruction”.

The NIV Reads, “Snatching Them From The Door Of Death”; The Amplified Bible Classic Edition Reads, “The Pit And Destruction”.

Some Translations Say It This Way.

He Sends His Word, {H1697}, And Heals Them, And Delivers Them From Their Graves.  Let Them Praise Yahweh For His Loving-Kindness, For His Wonderful Works To The Children Of Men~!

(Psalm 107:20-21). *Praise Yahweh, Bless Yahweh… {Means The Same Thing}.

We In Our Vernacular Would Probably Say, “Delivers Them From Death’s Doorstep”.

So, The Pit And Destruction Are Talking About Being So Close To Death That We Might Say, “They Have One Foot In The Grave”, But Yet They Praised Yahweh With Their Mouths, {And Their Heart Had To Be “All In” For This To Work … And They Got Healed~!, (Mark 11:23)}.

Now, As To Further Prove That What I’m Saying Lines Up With The Scriptures, The Very Next Verse Puts The Cause And Effect Together,
“Who Satisfies Your Mouth With Good Things, So That Your Youth Is Renewed Like The Eagle’s”.  That Means You Live, As The Eagles Get A Do Over, A Mulligan, {A Second Try After Your First Has Gone Awry}.



The Tongue Of The Wise Promotes Health~!

Proverbs 12:18 ~ There Is One Who Speaks Like The Piercings Of A Sword, But The Tongue Of The Wise Promotes Health, (NKJV).  There Is One Who Speaks Rashly Like The Thrusts Of A Sword, But The Tongue Of The Wise Brings Healing, (NAS).

Using Your Words On Purpose For Effect.  Learning To Choose Our Words Wisely And To Release Faith, Love And Wisdom In Our Words.  What Can I Say To Them That Will Pick Them Up And Help Them, (Selah).  Do You Believe That Words Can Be “Spoken” And The Hearer Be Strengthened And Quickened?  Now, Do You Believe Such Words Can Come Out Of Your Mouth?  Do You Desire This?

Enter Here To Read About How Yahweh Instructed Moses To Encourage Joshua,
And Moses Did As Was Instructed And Watch The OutCome~!

And Let Us Consider And Give Attentive, Continuous Care To Watching Over One Another, Studying How We May Stir Up (Stimulate And Incite) To Love And Helpful Deeds And Noble Activities; {So That We Might Encourage or Exhort One Another}, (Hebrews 10:24-25).  We Are Supposed To Encourage One Another, (Sisters And Brothers In Yahweh), It’s One Of Our Commands.



Yahweh’s Redemption Will Turn It Around~!
Looking For A Vein Of Silver

These Notes Were Extracted From A Sermon That Perry Stone Delivered At The Church Of His Presence On March 13, 2016.  I Was Outside Driving Folks From Their Vehicles To The Church Building In A Golf Cart, But My Wife Said That During Worship, A Cloud Came And Hovered Over The Congregation During Worship Just Before This Message Was Preached.  As I Came Inside And Heard The Message, I Thought This Is Exactly What Yahweh Is Instructing Me To Say On This Website.  I Also Had The Thought That Even Though It’s The Same Message, I Could Never Speak So Fluently With So Many Scriptures As Perry Stone.  I Heard The Holy Ghost Say, “Why Don’t You Try.  Set Aside Some Time And Listen To The Sermon Again And Take Notes”.  This Is The Result Of That.  It Took Me Approximately 9 Hours To Compile These Notes, And To Look Up Scriptures And To Listen Over And Over Again To Jot Down Precisely What Perry Stone Was Saying As He Talks Very Rapidly.

Satan Was Threatened By Job’s InfluenceGenesis 46:13 ~ And The Sons Of Issachar; Tola, And Phuvah, And Job, And Shimron, {Job May Have Been One Of These Sons Of Issachar}, And The Scriptures Say These Sons Were People That Knew What To Do, (1 Chronicles 12:32), Of The Sons Of Issachar, Men Who Understood The Times, With Knowledge Of What Israel Should Do.

The Scriptures Also Informs Us That Having Wisdom Is Not Enough To Be An Influence.  A Person Can Know What To Do, But No One Will Listen To Him, Because He Does Not Have Any Money, (Ecclesiastes 9:14-16), {Or Proof Of What He Is Saying Works}.  People Listen To People That Have Money; For Example, Job Was A Not A Poor Man.  In Fact, He Was The Wealthiest Man In All The Land And Could Teach Others.  If One Wanted To Know How To Conduct Great Business Practices, They Would Go To Someone That Had Achieved Success.  Job Was Also Highly Respected, And His Opinion Held In Such High Esteem That Job 29:7-25 Says,

7 “When I Went Out To The Gate By The City, When I Took My Seat In The Open Square,
8 The Young Men Saw Me And Hid, And The Aged Arose And Stood; 9 The Princes Refrained From Talking, And Put Their Hand On Their Mouth; 10 The Voice Of Nobles Was Hushed, And Their Tongue Stuck To The Roof Of Their Mouth.
11 When The Ear Heard, Then It Blessed Me, And When The Eye Saw, Then It Approved Me; 12 Because I Delivered The Poor Who Cried Out, The Fatherless And The One Who Had No Helper.
13 The Blessing Of A Perishing Man Came Upon Me, And I Caused The Widow’s Heart To Sing For Joy.
14 I Put On Righteousness, And It Clothed Me; My Justice Was Like A Robe And A Turban.
15 I Was Eyes To The Blind, And I Was Feet To The Lame.
16 I Was A Father To The Poor, And I Searched Out The Case That I Did Not Know.
17 I Broke The Fangs Of The Wicked, And Plucked The Victim From His Teeth.
18 Then I Said, ‘I Shall Die In My Nest, And Multiply My Days As The Sand.
19 My Root Is Spread Out To The Waters, And The Dew Lies All Night On My Branch.
20 My Glory Is Fresh Within Me, And My Bow Is Renewed In My Hand.’
21 Men Listened To Me And Waited, And Kept Silence For My Counsel.
22 After My Words They Did Not Speak Again, And My Speech Settled On Them As Dew.
23 Then Waited For Me As For The Rain, And They Opened Their Mouths Wide As For The Spring Rain.
24 If I Mocked At Them, They Did Not Believe It, And The Light Of My Countenance They Did Not Cast Down.
25 I Chose The Way For Them, And Sat As Chief; So I Dwelt As A King In The Army, As One Who Comforts Mourners”.

Job Was A Deliverer, A Judge, A Chief, (Like A Supreme Court Chief Justice), Deciding Matters, And Helping The Poor, Being Eyes To The Blind, And Legs For The Lame, (Does That Mean He Had Folks Running Errands For The Lame, {Like Assigning Some Of His Staff To Go To The Store For Them To Get Groceries?}).



For The Thing I Greatly Feared Has Come Upon Me~!
And What I Dreaded Has Happened To Me
[Faith Is The Substance Of Things Hoped For, (Hebrews 11:1); Whereas Fear Is The Substance Of Things Dreaded~!]

Job 1:6-11 ~
6 Now There Was A Day When The Sons Of God Came To Present Themselves Before The Lord, And Satan Also Came Among Them. 7 And Yahweh Said To Satan, “From Where Do You Come?” So Satan Answered Yahweh And Said, “From Going To And Fro On The Earth, And From Walking Back And Forth On It”. 8 Then Yahweh Said To Satan, “Have You Considered My Servant Job, That There Is None Like Him On The Earth, A Blameless And Upright Man, One Who Fears God And Shuns Evil?” 9 So Satan Answered Yahweh And Said, “Does Job Fear God For Nothing?  Have You Not Made A Hedge Around Him, Around His Household, And Around All That He Has On Every Side? 10 You Have Blessed The Work Of His Hands, And His Possessions Have Increased In The Land.
11 But Now, Stretch Out Your Hand And Touch All That He Has, And He Will Surely Curse You To Your Face~!

In Our Way Of Speaking, d—Evil One Was Saying, Job Is Just Serving You For What He Can Get From You.  But, In Actually, Job Was Like Satan’s Nemesis Thwarting d—Evil One Of His Wicked Plans Because Of Job’s Sphere Of Influence, And Satan’s Objective Was To Get Job To Curse* God, {Curse* ~ Something We Do With Our Mouths}.  Evidence Shows That d—Evil One Had Tried To Set Foot On Job’s Property But Was Stopped By The Hedge, (Job 1:6-11).  The Hedge, {Of Protection}, Was Angels~!  What Activates AngelsAngels Hearken To The Voice Of Yahweh’s Word ~ (Psalm 103:20-21; Daniel 10:12 And We Are The Ones Voicing Yahweh’s Word); And Also When Yahweh Commands Them With His Word, (Psalm 34:7; Psalm 91:1-16).

While It Is True That Job Never Cursed God Directly, Job Was Acting In Fear, {Rather Than Faith}, With The Words That He Was Speaking and By His Actions Concerning His Children.

Job 1:4-5 ~ Job Would Send And Sanctify Them [His Children], And He Would Rise Early In The Morning And Offer Burnt Offerings According To The Number Of Them All.  For Job Said, “It May Be That My Sons Have Sinned And Cursed God In Their Hearts”.

Thus Job Did Regularly, {Job 3:25 ~ For The Thing I Greatly Feared Has Come Upon Me, And What I Dreaded Has Happened To Me}.



A Hedge Of Protection~!
This Hedge Of Angels Was In Response To The Burnt Offerings Of A Blood Sacrifice

This Hedge Of Angels Was In Response To The Burnt Offerings Of A Blood Sacrifice.  How Did Satan Know About This Hedge Of Protection?  Satan Answered Yahweh, “Have You Not Made A Hedge Around Him?” (Job 1:10). And From Walking Back And Forth On It, (Job 1:7).  {Compare This Walking About To 1 Peter 5:8 ~ “Be Sober And Self-Controlled. Be Watchful. Your Adversary, The Devil, Walks Around Like A Roaring Lion, Seeking Whom He May Devour”}.  Evidently, Satan Had Been Trying To Get Pass This Hedge Of Protection.  d—Evil One Said, “Remove The Hedge, And He Shall Curse You”.  Curse Means Saying Something Negative Against Yahweh With Their Mouth.  And Yahweh Said To Satan, “Behold, All That He Has Is In Your Power; Only Do Not Lay A Hand On His Person”.  So, Satan Went Out From The Presence Of Yahweh.

Behold”, Means “Look”.  Yahweh Was Saying, “Look And See That He Is Already In Your Power”, (Because Of The Fear ~ Job 3:25).  Did You Notice That The First Thing That d—Evil One Attacked Were Job’s Means Of Having A Blood Sacrifice Offering, {The Oxen, Donkeys & Sheep}, Then The Camels, {Transportation, Like Our Modern Trucks That Would Be Used To Haul The Animals To The Sacrifice).  (Job 1:14-17).  And After That, His Children, (Job 1:18-19)  Yet, In All This, Job Did Not Sin, {With His Mouth {By Cursing God}, Nor Charge Yahweh With Wrong, (Job 1:22).  Sometimes, You Just Have To Keep Your Mouth Shut, (Ecclesiastes 5:1-2, 6; 2 Timothy 2:14).  Satan Even Spoke Through Job’s Wife In Job 2:9, Trying Again To Get Job To Curse Yahweh And Die~!  {Satan’s Objective Was Still To Get Job To Curse Yahweh, [With His ‘Mouth]}.

So, As Job Didn’t Curse Yahweh When The Material Possessions And His Children Were Taken Away, That Made d—Evil One Have A Change Of Plans To Now Inflict Job’s Body, (Job 2:1-7), But The Main Objective Still Remained The Same, To Get Job To Curse Yahweh, {Which Job Never Did Directly}.  However, Job Finally Wears Down And Curses The Day That He Was BornJob 3:1, 8, 11 ~ After This Job Opened His Mouth And Cursed The Day Of His Birth, (Verse 1).  He Is Cursing Himself.  “May Those Curse It Who Curse The Day, Those Who Are Ready To Arouse Leviathan”, (Verse 8).  “Why Did I Not Die At Birth?  Why Did I Not Perish When I Came From The Womb?”, (Verse 11).  {Note That Job Was The First Person In These Conversations To Mention Leviathan.  Table That Remark, And I’ll Come Back To That Point Later On}.  Job Is At This Point Sinning With His Mouth, And He Realized This In Job 3:25.

Job 3:25 ~ For The Thing I Greatly Feared Has Come Upon Me, And What I Dreaded Has Happened To Me.  In The Context Of The Rest Of Job 3, Job Is Saying, “Here I Was Afraid Of Opening My Mouth And Saying Something Crazy About Yahweh, And Here I Am Opening My ‘Mouth To A God That Created Me And Cursing Myself”, And Basically Saying That Yahweh Had Made A Mistake When He Made Job.  Job Realized That He Was Guilty Of Essentially Cursing Yahweh And He Repented.  Job Didn’t Have The Advantage Of Ephesians 2:10, But I Feel That You Might Need To Hear It So That d—Evil One Cannot Convince You That You Are A Worthless No Good, No Count.  “For We ARE His Workmanship, Created In Christ Jesus For Good Works, Which God Prepared Beforehand That We Should Walk In Them”.



Job’s Friends Voice Their Opinion~!

Job’s Three Friends Put In Their Two Cents Trying To Answer The Why Question ~ Friend #1 Says, “You’re Just Too Proud”; Friend #2 Says, “You Have Hidden Sin In Your Life”; Friend #3; “Sin In The Family”;  “Pride, Hidden Sin, or Sin In The Family”.

Walter Hallam Had A 17 Year Old Daughter That Was Killed In A Plane Crash Along With Some Staff Members From The Church Where He Was The Pastor.  Yahweh Showed Him That Sorrow Is Normal, But Grief Is A Spirit.  Yahweh Also Showed Walter Hallam The Four Reasons Bad Things Happen From Luke 13.  Walter Hallam Wrote A Book Called “The Big Why?: Understanding Adversity And Transforming”.

1 Pilot Mingled The Blood At A Passover: (Trouble Happens Because There Are Wicked People Ruling The World).
2 A Tower Fell And Killed 18 People, No Earthquake: (Someone Did Not Do Their Job Right).
3 Tree Producing No Fruit, (The Entire World Is Under A Curse).
4 A Woman With A Spirit Of Infirmity, (Some Things Are Caused By Devils, The Demons And Evil Spirits).

One Of Job’s Counselors, Bildad The Shuhite Said: (Job 18:16-21); That Your Branch Would Be Cut Off, [Verse 16], That Your Memory Would Perish From The Earth, [Verse 17], No Name Left Among The People In The Streets, [Verse 18], He Predicted No Future Relatives, [Verse 19], And Everything Bildad Said Turned Out To Be False~!

16 His Roots Shall Be Dried Up Beneath.  Above Shall His Branch Be Cut Off,
17 His Memory Shall Perish From The Earth.  He Shall Have No Name In The Street.
18 He Shall Be Driven From Light Into Darkness, And Chased Out Of The World.
19 He Shall Have Neither Son Nor Grandson¤ Among His People, Nor Any Remaining Where He Lived {or Dwelt}.
¤ {(H5220) ~ Posterity And Later Offspring From A Person or Family}.
20 Those Who Come After Shall Be Astonished At His Day, As Those Who Went Before Were Frightened.
21 Surely Such Are The Dwellings Of The Unrighteous.  This Is The Place Of Him Who Doesn’t Know God”.



You Will Also Declare / Decree A Thing, And It Will Be Established For You~!

Job 28:1-8
1Surely There Is A Vein Of Silver, And A Place Where Gold Is Refined.
2 Iron Is Taken From The Earth, And Copper Is Smelted From Ore.
3 Man Puts An End To Darkness, And Searches Every Recess For Ore In The Darkness And The Shadow Of Death.
4 He Breaks Open A Shaft Away From People; In Places Forgotten By Feet They Hang Far Away From Men; They Swing To And Fro.
5 As For The Earth, From It Comes Bread, But Underneath It Is Turned Up As By Fire;
6 Its Stones Are The Source Of Sapphires, And It Contains Gold Dust.
7 That Path No Bird Knows, Nor Has The Falcon’s Eye Seen It.
9 The Proud Lions Have Not Trodden It, Nor Has The Fierce Lion Passed Over It”.

Silver Represents Redemption~!  The Tabernacle Was In Silver Sockets, (Exodus 26:19; Exodus 38:27); Silver Cup Of Redemption That They Drank At The Time Of Passover, {Four Cups Actually, While Other Explanations Have Been Given For The Four Cups, The Most Common Was To Base The Tradition Upon The Four Activities Of God As Described In (Exodus 6:6-7)}.  There’s More To Redemption Than Just This~!

Yahweh’s Words Were Saying To Job, It’s Dark Out There.  I Know You Don’t Understand What’s Going On.  Job You Are In A Pit Right Now.  You Are In A Pit Of Solid Darkness.  You Can Look To Your Left, And You Can’t Find Yahweh.  You Look To Your Right, And You Can’t Find Yahweh.  You Are Looking Behind You, And You Can’t Find Yahweh.  You Are Looking In Front Of You, And You Can’t Find Yahweh.  But Job, You Don’t Find Gold Laying On The Ground.  You Don’t Find Silver Laying On The Ground.  You Don’t Find Sapphires Just Laying On The Ground.  If You Want A Sapphire, You Got To Dig In The Dark.  If You Want Gold, You Got To Dig In The Pit.  If You Want Silver, You Gonna Find A Vein Of Silver Underneath The Ground~!

So, Here’s What They Are Saying.  Job, I Know That You’re Trying To Figure Out What’s Going On.  Job, I Know That You Don’t Have An Answer To Your Problem.  But, There Is A Vein Of Silver, A Vein Of Redemption~!  Hey, Hey.  Keep On Digging Just A Little Bit Further, And You’re Gonna Strike Redemption~!   You’re Gonna Strike Where Yahweh’s Gonna Give It Back~!  You’re Gonna Strike Where Yahweh’s Gonna Turn It Around~!  (Ezekiel 21:27).
Right In The Middle Of This, Yahweh Was Giving Job Hope~!  Right In The Middle Of It All, You’ll Hear A Word From Somebody, or A Song On The Radio, etc.

Job 22:23-28
23 If You Return To The Almighty, You Will Be Built Up; You Will Remove Iniquity Far From Your Tents.
24 Then You Will Lay Your Gold In The Dust, And The Gold Of Ophir Among The Stones Of The Brooks.
25 Yes, The Almighty Will Be Your Gold And Your Precious Silver;
26 For Then You Will Have Your Delight In The Almighty, And Lift Up Your Face To God.
27 You Will Make Your Prayer To Him, He Will Hear You, And You Will Pay Your Vows.
28 You Will Also Declare / Decree A Thing, And It Will Be Established For You; So Light Will Shine On Your Ways.

Hold-On, Hang-In, Do What’s Right, And Yahweh Will Show Up, (Joel 2:26; Psalm 69:6; Romans 10:11; 1 Peter 2:6).

But, You Gotta Keep Decreeing That It’s Gonna Happen.  You Gotta Keep Talking.  I Know It’s Crazy Right Now, But It’s Gonna Happen.  I Know I’ve Been In This Thing A Long Time, But I Know Yahweh Is Going To Do It, Yahweh Did It Before, He’s Going To Do It~!  Again.  Yahweh Is Going To Turn It Around~!



Yahweh’s Starts Talking To Job~!
Out Of The WhirlWind~!

Do You Know What Provoked Yahweh To Speak To Job Out Of The WhirlWind?  It Was Because Job Not Knowing Any Better, Said, "Yahweh Gives and Yahweh Takes Away"… {Which Was Wrong, Making Yahweh To Be A Thief}.  Then Yahweh Revealed To Job That He Was Not The Thief and Revealed Who The Thief Was.

Yahweh Starts Talking To Job Out Of A Whirlwind About Behemoth & Leviathan, (Job 40-41).  Leviathan, [Satan, {The Serpent With Seven Heads, (Revelation 12:3-4)}], Is Over All The Children Of Pride, (Job 41:34),).  Yahweh Was Doing Like Yahoshua Did And Was Telling A Parable To Job.  Yahweh Is Describing Something, And Telling Job This Was Where All Your Problems Were Coming From.  (Once I Was In Need Of A Garbage Bag, And I Heard Our Father Say, “Just Grab One Of Those Wal*Mart Bags”.  I Went To The Shelf Where I Store These Plastic Bags From Home Depot, Wal*Mart And Grabbed A Lowe’s Bag.  Then Realized What I Had Done, And Said, “I Grabbed A Lowe’s Bag And Not A Wal*Mart Bag”.  The Father Said Back To Me, “That’s Okay”.  And I Replied Back, “But It’s Not A Wal*Mart Bag”   The Response Was, “I Knew You’d Know What I Meant.  In The Same Way, Job Knew Satan Only As Leviathan {The Serpent}, So That When Yahweh Shows Him Who Is Doing This, Yahweh Also Calls Him Leviathan).  And Since Job Didn’t Know Who The Thief Was And Job Had Been Speaking Wrongly And Saying, “Yahweh Gave, And Yahweh Has Taken Away”, (Job 1:21).  This Prompted Yahweh To Show Up Personally And Expose The Thief, The Real Root Of These Problems, d—Evil One, Known As Leviathan.  Yahweh Knew That There Was A Law In Exodus 22:7 ~If The Thief Is Found, He Shall Pay Double”.  And Job Got Back Precisely Double Proving That This Was The Thief, Not Yahweh That Had Taken Stuff Away.

Now, That Job Now Knows Who The Thief Was, (The Thief Was Found, With Yahweh Giving The Clues), And Now That The Thief Has Been Discovered, Yahweh Has A Legal Right To Bless Job Double~!  Yahweh Rebuked Job’s Counselors ~ Job 42:8, {Saying To Them To Bring To Job Seven Bulls And Seven Rams And For Them To Present A Burnt Offering For Themselves, (Interesting No Offering For Job), But Still This Was A Blood Sacrifice, As Job Didn’t Have Animals To Be Sacrifices As They Had Been Stolen or Destroyed By Fire, (Job 1:14-17).  The Other Folks Had To Do All The Labor, All The Work Of Slaughtering The Animals.  Yahweh Will Even Make Your Enemies Foot The Bill~!}  Proverbs 16:7 ~ When A Person’s Ways Please Yahweh, Them Makes Even Their Enemies To Be At Peace With Them.  Did You Also Notice The Order Of These Calamities, [Steal, Kill, Destroy ~ (John 10:10) ~ Stole Job’s Oxen And Donkeys, Then Killed The Servants, Then Destroyed The Sheep ~ Then This Sequence Of Events Was Repeated Again In This Precise Order.  Stole The Camels, Then Killed The Servants And Then Destroyed Job’s Children.  (Job 1:14-19) ~ Steal, Kill, Destroy].

All The Animals That Could Be Used For A Blood Sacrifice Had Been Stolen, {Job 1:14-17}.  But Now, That There’s Blood Back On The Altar With Animals, Yahweh Told The Angels To Get The Hedge Back Up And Run Off Every Devil That’s Been Camping In Those Tents, Run Off Every Enemy That’s Been Camping.  There Can Be A Hedge When There’s Blood~!  There Can Be Protection When There’s Blood~!

In The End, Job Had To Repent Of Saying Wrong Things:
Job 42:3-6 ~ 3 You Asked, ‘Who Is This Who Hides Counsel Without Knowledge?’ Therefore I Have Uttered What I Did Not Understand, Things Too Wonderful For Me, Which I Did Not Know. 4 Listen, Please, And Let Me Speak; You Said, ‘I Will Question You, And You Shall Answer Me.’ 5 “I Have Heard Of You By The Hearing Of The Ear, But Now My Eye Sees You. 6 Therefore I Abhor Myself, And Repent In Dust And Ashes”.



Pray For Them Which Despitefully Use You, And Persecute You~!
(Matthew 5:44; Luke 6:27; Proverbs 17:9)

“But I Say Unto You, Love Your Enemies, Bless Them That Curse You, Do Good To Them That Hate You, And Pray For Them Which Despitefully Use You, And Persecute You”.  Recall That We Used To Be Ourselves The Enemies Of Yahweh, (Romans 5:8-10; Ephesians 2:3, 12; Colossians 1:21-22);

When Job Prayed For His Friends, Job Got Back Double ~ (Job 42:10), {Also Notice That The Scripture Calls These Folks Who Had “Spoken” Wrongly, “Job’s Friends”… That Was A Refreshing Label Of Redemption For These Former False Counselors.  When Job Got Right With Yahweh, It Also Set In Motion Their Redemption}.

Job Was 70 When The Trial Started.  Job Lived To Be 140 Years, {That’s Double}, (Job 42:16),
Job Had 7,000 Sheep When This Ordeal Started, (Job 1:3).
Job Ended With 14,000 Sheep, (Job 42:12),
Job Had 3,000 Camels When This Ordeal Started, (Job 1:3).
Job Ended With 6,000 Camels, (Job 42:12),
Job Had 500 Yoke Of Oxen When This Ordeal Started, (Job 1:3).
Job Ended With 1,000 Yoke Of Oxen, (Job 42:12),
Job Had 500 Female Donkeys When This Ordeal Started, (Job 1:3).
Job Ended With 1,000 Female Donkeys, (Job 42:12),
Job Had 7 Sons When This Ordeal Started, (Job 1:2).
Job Ended With 7 More Sons, {7 On Earth + 7 That Were Already In Heaven  = 14  or Double}, (Job 42:13),
Job Had 3 Daughters When This Ordeal Started, (Job 1:2).
Job Ended With 3 More Daughters And They Were The Most Beautiful Women In The Land, {3 On Earth + 3 That Were Already In Heaven = 6 or Double}, (Job 42:13, 15).

If Your Child Passes, They Are Still Your Child When You Get To Heaven.  That We Are Known Even As We Are Known When We Get Into The Kingdom Of Yahweh, (1 Corinthians 13:12).

1 Ignore The Negative Opinions Of People And What They Are Saying When You Are Following Yahweh And Trying To Do The Right Thing:
(What People Are Saying About You Should Never Define You).
2 Job Prayed For Those That Spoke Wrong About Him: (He Didn’t Take Pride In This Thing And Say, “You See, Yahweh Said I Was Right”,
Matthew 5:23-24 ~ 23 “If Therefore You Are Offering Your Gift At The Altar, And There Remember That Your Sister or Brother Has Anything Against You,
24 Leave Your Gift There Before The Altar, And Go Your Way.  First Be Reconciled To Your Sister or Brother, And Then Come And Offer Your Gift.

3 Offered His Sacrifice On The Altar, (Today Our Altar In The New Testament Is Your Praise, Your Time You Give To Yahweh, Your Giving, {Your Offering}.  Never Forget In The Middle Of Your Trial To Offer To Yahweh, Your Praise, Your Time, And Your Offerings).
4 You Decree A Thing, (Sinning With Your MouthLet What You Are Praying Match What You Are Saying~!   Don’t Abort Your Break-Through By Praying One Way, And When It Doesn’t Happen That AND You See It Go The Way That You’re Praying; By Saying Words That Contradict Your Prayers)~!



Your Break-Through Could Be On Its Way~!
Decree A Thing With Your ‘Mouth’ Right Now~!

Perry Stone Went On To Testify With Tears How His Very Own Son Was A Good Son, But A Little Wayward, And Perry Was Praying One Way, But Saying Things That Contradicted His Prayer By What He Was Saying About His Son, (This Was So Extremely Awesome But If You Want To Hear This Testimony, Then You Will Want To Watch / Listen To This Video /Audio).

You Heard That Yahweh Reverses Things.  What You Go To Bed With Tonight That’s A Problem, Yahweh Can Literally, (While You Were Sleeping); Turn Itself Completely Around.  The Phone Calls You’ve Been Making To Try To Find A Job, (The One That You Need Could Come In The Morning).  The Children That You’ve Been Praying For Could Call You And Say, “Mamma, I Went To A Revival Last Night”.

Your Break-Through Could Be On Its Way~!  But, It’s Up To You.  Yahweh Says To Tell You To, “Decree A Thing With Your ‘Mouth’ Right Now~!”  It Must Come From Your Mouth.  Your Mouth Has Authority, If You Believe What You Are Saying, (Mark 11:24).

I Want You To Right Now To Make Your Decree~!  Call The Name Of The Person, Call The Name Of The Situation.  Pray It Right Now, Out Loud.  I Know Without Any Shadow Of Doubt That Heavenly Father, That You Are The God Of Divine Reversal.  That If We Can Hold On, Sooner or Later That There Is Going To Be A Great Breakthrough That Will Come In The Name Of Yahoshua.  Yes, Something Can Reverse, Something Can Change, Something Can Alter.  Yahweh If Our Faith Can Get To The Point Where It Just Triggers A Quickening In Our Spirit.  We Have To Know That Yahweh Wants Us To Have What We Are Praying For, To Live To Give Us More Days.  We Shall Live And Not Die And Declare The Works Of Yahweh, (Psalm 118:17).  Yahweh Is The Deliverer, (Psalm 18:2; 2 Samuel 22:2).  Yahweh Is The Healer, (Psalm 30:2; Proverbs 4:20-22; Psalm 107:19-21; Exodus 23:25).  Blessed Be Yahweh In The Trial And The Temptation.  Blessed Be Yahweh That He Has Given Us The Strength To Hang On.  I’m Gonna Hold On, Yahweh Is Going To Do This For Me~!

If You Want To Hear More, Then You Will Want To Watch / Listen To This Video /Audio).  You Can Hear The Entire Message At The Following Website, And You Might Want To Listen To It.  I Have Notes Here, But Still The Holy Ghost Might Say Something To You That Are Neither In My Notes Nor In Perry Stone’s Message While You Listen, (So, I Greatly Encourage You To Watch And Pray And Listen; Unless You Want Things To Stay The Same In Your Life~!  Perry Stone Starts Preaching About 55 Minutes, 24 Minutes Into This Video Clip).

Perry Stone At The Church Of His Presence

There Are Four Expressions Of Redemption:
I WILL Bring You Out—I Will Deliver You—I WILL Redeem You And I WILL Take You.
These Correspond To The Four Decrees Which Pharaoh Issued Regarding Them.
The Sages Accordingly Ordained Four Cups To Be Drunk On The Eve Of Passover To Correspond With These Four Expressions, In Order To Fulfill The Verse:
I Will Lift Up The Cup Of Salvation, And Call Upon The Name Of Yahweh, (Psalm 116:13).

Whosoever Calls Upon The Name Of Yahweh WILL BE Saved~!  (Joel 2:32; Acts 2:21; & ; Romans 10:13).

Let The REDEEMED Of Yahweh SAY SO, Whom HE HAS REDEEMED From The Hand Of d—Evil One, (Psalm 107:2).



Plentifully Declaring The Thing As It Is~!

When A Crisis or A Dilemma Arises, Even The Folks Without Christ Can Say OMG, OMG And Call 15 Folks In Anxiety And Get Everyone In A Tizzy.  It’s Like We Are Mountain Climbing And We’re All Attached By A Rope And We Are The Anchor Person, And Someone On The End Slips And Falls Off, And Their Weight Is Enough To Drag The Next Person Off And Then Another, And We Can See That The Mighty Shift In Weight Is Coming Our Way.  This Is The Time To Drive An Anchor Into The Ground And Secure Ourselves With The Words Of Our Mouths, So That We Can Save Them And Ourselves.  Having Done All To Stand, Stand, (Ephesians 6:14).  Hope, {In Yahweh’s Word And That It Is Impossible For Yahweh To Lie}, For Hope Is The Anchor Of Our Soul, (Hebrews 11:13-20).

(Psalm 91:4-7)

Hebrews 10:22-23 ~ Let Us Hold Fast The PROFESSION / CONFESSION, Strong’s Concordance # G3671}) Of Our Faith, {To Say With Your Mouth ~ What One Confesses, [Professes]}, Of Our Hope Without Wavering, For HE Who Promised Is Faithful~!

Anybody Can Call Those Things, “As They See It”,  {Job 26:3 ~ 3 How Have You Counseled Him That Has No Wisdom?  And How Have You Plentifully Declared The Thing As It Is?”}.

Instead Of “Plentifully Declaring The Thing As It Is”, We’ve Got To Have Someone That Stands Up And Stands On The Word Of Yahweh, {They Ridiculed Yahoshua, So Don’t Be Surprised When They’ll Make Fun Of You For Saying And Calling Into Being Those Things That Are Not As Though They Are”, (Romans 4:17)}.  Yahweh Needs Someone Who Can Change The Situation Based On The Words That Are Coming Out Of Their Mouth.

Romans 4:17 ~ As It Is Written, I Have Made Thee A Father Of Many Nations, Before Him Whom He Believed, Even God, Who “Quickens”, {(G2227) ¤, The Dead, And Calls Those Things Which Be Not As Though They Were.

¤Quickens”, {(G2227), Means To Bring Forth Life; To “Make Alive”}.



Your Words Can Change The OutCome~!

Job 16:1-5 ~
1 Then Job Answered,
2 “I Have Heard Many Such Things.  You Are All Miserable Comforters~!
3 Shall Vain Words Have An End?  Or What Provokes You That You Answer?
4 I Also Could Speak As You Do.  If Your Soul Were In My Soul’s Place,
.  I Could Join Words Together Against You, And Shake My Head At You,
5 But I Would Strengthen You With My Mouth.  And The Consolation Of My Lips Would Assuage The Pain. {JUB}

*KJV Version Says Of Job 16:5 ~ Asswage Means To Withhold, Restrain, Hold Back, Keep In Check, RefrainYour Words Are Powerful Enough To Stop, To Block The Grief~!

But I Would Strengthen You With My Mouth, The Solace* Of My Lips Would Relieve You, {WEB}
But I Would Strengthen You With My Mouth, And The Comfort Of My Lips Would Relieve Your Grief, {NKJV}
[But] I Would Strengthen And Encourage You With [The Words Of] My Mouth, And The Consolation Of My Lips Would Soothe Your Suffering, {AMPC}.



Spout Off~!

Several Years Ago, The Alabama Baptist Convention Was Held In Huntsville, Alabama.  During This Time In Huntsville, Several Tornadoes Tried To Spawn.  Being That I Had Lived In That Region For Over 25 Years At That Time, I Knew That A Tornado Warning Was Not Something To Be Ignored And To Hope That It Would Go Away On Its On.  It Takes Someone With A Spiritual Authority, {Any Of Us Qualify As “Whosoever” Means Us;

(Mark 11:23; Matthew 17:20; Matthew 21:21; John 3:16; Acts 2:21; Romans 10:11,13; 2 Corinthians 4:13)}.

It Will Take Someone Who Knows That They Have The Spiritual Authority To Stop The Tornado.  The Winds Blew And The Clouds Puffed Up And Tried To Get The Convention Goers In Fear, But I Stood My Ground, And I Had Jurisdiction Over That County, As I Resided There.  And No There Were No Tornadoes.

Well, My Wife And I Moved To The Lower Alabama Area And During November 2015, The Alabama Baptist Convention Was Held In Daphne, Alabama.  I Thought To Myself, Well At Least We Don’t Have To Deal With Tornadoes As They Almost Never Happen Down In The South Part Of Alabama.  But, As I Walked Out Of A Store, I Could Detect A Tornado Brooding In The Atmosphere, And I Thought What?  We Never Hear Of Tornadoes In This Part Of The Country.  I Heard Yahweh Saying, It’s A Spirit Trying To Catapult Off Of The Fear And Lack Of Knowledge Of The Baptist At This Convention.

If You Believe That Tornadoes Are An Act Of God, You’re Not Going To Be Able To Ward Off Anything.  In Fact, If You’ve Been Known To, “Spout Off” About The Weather When Someone Asks How Things Are Going, (Like Saying, “Well, It’s Hot As Blue Blazes Here”), Then You’ve Been Duped Into Believing That Calling These As They Are Is The Norm.  Even Job’s Bad Advice Giving Friends Did That, (Anybody Can Call Those Things, “As They See It”.  Job 26:3 ~ 3 “How Have You Counseled Him That Has No Wisdom?
And How Have You Plentifully Declared The Thing As It Is?



Pulling Down Of Strongholds~!

We’ve Got To Have Someone That Stands Up And Stands On The Word Of Yahweh~!   So, Again I Stood My Ground, And Once Again I Had Jurisdiction Over This Area As I Now Reside Down South, And Bound Tornadoes With My Voice And Again No Tornadoes Were Able To Develop.  However, Several Weather Alerts Went Off On My Smart Phone For The Neighboring Town.  I Asked Yahweh Why Do They Seem To Just Keep Having Severe Weather Alerts In This Town And Don’t Just Leave, And I Heard Yahweh Say, “Because That’s As Close As They Can Come, As You Will Not Allow Them Into Your Area”, (It’s A Spirit Behind These Things Trying To Launch Off Of Our Fears).

In A Related Story, I Got A New Rappelling Rope This Week And It Came With A Maintenance Log To Record When The Rope Was Purchased, And When It Was First Put Into Use, And To Make An Entry Each Time That It Was Used.  At First, This Sounds Like The Company Selling The Rope Is Very Concerned With My Safety.  But, On Second Thought, I Think That They Might Be Trying To Avoid A Liability Suit.  But, The Bottom Line Is That The Real Reason That They Are Giving Me This Maintenance Log Is So That I Will Begin To At Some Point Feel Like It’s Time For A New Rope, And Of Course With Product Loyalty Chances Are High That I’ll Buy From Them Again, All Along With The Perception That They Are Looking Out For My Best Interest.

This Is How A Demonic Deception, (or Stronghold), Operates.



d—Evil One Is A ‘Has Been’~!

Yahweh Brought These Thoughts To Me As I Put On My Armor Of God Getting Prepared For Spiritual Warfare.  2 Corinthians 2:11 ~ That No Advantage May Be Gained Over Us By Satan; For We Are NOT Ignorant Of His Schemes~!  This Is Not A Fair Match With d—Evil One, For Yahweh Has Given Us Superior Spiritual Warfare Weapons.

Did You Know d—Evil One Is Not What He Used To Be?

Hebrews 2:14
14 Forasmuch Then As The Children Are Partakers Of Flesh And Blood, He Also Himself Likewise Took Part Of The Same; That Through Death He Might Destroy Him That HAD The Power Of Death, That Is, The Devil;
He Used To Have Something, But Now He Doesn’t.  He’s A “Has Been”.



Taking Thoughts Captive~!

2 Corinthians 10:4-6
(For The Weapons Of Our Warfare Are NOT CARNAL, But MIGHTY THROUGH GOD To The Pulling Down Of Strongholds;)
Casting DOWN Imaginations, And EVERY High Thing That Exalts Itself Against The KNOWLEDGE Of God, And Bringing Into Captivity EVERY Thought To The Obedience Of Christ; And Having In A Readiness To Revenge All Disobedience, WHEN YOUR OBEDIENCE IS FULFILLED.

Having In A Readiness To Revenge All Disobedience … That’s Not A Phrase We Say Often In Common Everyday Language, But If You Think About It, In the United States We Have Missiles In Silos That Are In A State Of Readiness To Launch If The Need Arises.  It’s The Same Concept.  The Angels Are Waiting On The Ready, Waiting And Watching For Us To Voice With Our Heart And On Our Lips A Word From Yahweh Concerning The Situation, {Psalm 103:20-21; And Daniel 10:12   ~ Angels Respond To The Voice Of Yahweh And It Is Us Using Our Words Of Faith That Is Voicing Yahweh’s Words}.

Our Obedience IS Fulfilled When We Take Every Thought Captive, And There Is An Army, {Of The Heavenly Host}, On Standby Waiting To Act On Our Behalf, {Having In A Readiness To Revenge All Disobedience}.  When We Take Every Thought Captive, (That’s Our Part, “When Your Obedience Is Fulfilled”).  It’s The Enemy’s Plans To Call Evil Good And Good, Evil, So Don’t Be Surprised When d—Evil One Presents A Tornado As Just Something That We Are Supposed To Duck Our Heads And Hope For The Best.

Here’s A Few Thoughts That We Can Take Captive Right Now.  It Might Not Be Obvious In The Things We Say or Sing, So I Don’t Sing, “Take My Hand, Precious Lord, I Am Tired And I Am Weak”.  No~!  “Let The Weak Say, ‘I Am Strong’”, (Joel 3:10).

But, Take ALL Thoughts Captive, Even Songs That I Had Liked.  One Of My All Time Favorite Songs Is By George Beverly Shea, “I’d Rather Have Jesus Than Riches Untold … I’d Rather Be A Pauper” … “I’d Rather Be His Than Have Riches Untold.”  I Have Sang This Song In A Fast-Food Restaurant Going From Table To Table And Led Five People To Christ.  However, As I Was Singing This Song Alone In My Car, The Holy Spirit Corrected Me, And Said, “Why Would I Sing Songs Of Poverty When He That Was Made Rich Became Poor For Me, In Order That I Might Be Made Rich”, (2 Corinthians 8:9).  It Makes Null And Void The Covenant And The Finished Work On The Cross as I Don’t Have To Make A Choice Between Poverty And God.  This Was A Religious Spirit Way Of Thinking That We Must Choose Between Having One or The Other, And It Is A Song Of Unbelief.  God Has Provided That I Can Have Both Him, And Be Wealthy According To Deuteronomy 8:18; That I Might Establish His Covenant.

“I Want To Free You, Every One Of You, My People, To Be Able To Stretch Out Their Hand To The Lonely, To The Hungry, To The Poor, And Feed Them And Clothe Them   This Is My Desire”, Says Yahweh.



Casting DOWN Imaginations~!

So, Let’s Take One Thought Captive Right Now.  Pink Is Considered To Be A Female’s Color, And Whenever You See Pink, Then You’d Think Of Women.  Breast Cancer Awareness Is Given A High Regard, And Has Stolen Pink To Be Their Color.  There Are Car Tags, Bumper Stickers, In Pink All Paying Special Homage To The God Of Breast Cancer Awareness, Changing Our Mindset From Thinking It’s d-Evil One Doing These Things; To Thinking It Is Normal To Have A Moment Of Silence, When We Ought To Be Speaking The Word Of Yahweh Over The Situation.  [Acts 10:38 ~ How God Anointed Yahoshua Of Nazareth With The Holy Ghost And With Power: Who Went About Doing Good, And Healing All That Were Oppressed Of The Devil; For God Was WITH HIM; {And Not The Other Way Around, Yahoshua Wasn’t Tracking Where Yahweh Was, But, Yahweh Was Following Where Yahoshua Was~!}].  2 Samuel 5:10; John 14:16; Acts 10:38; Hebrews 13:6 Says, “Yahweh Is My Helper; I Will Not Fear   What Can Humans Do To Me?”  Not “I Am The Yahweh’s Helper”.

Supposedly Devout Men & Women Of Yahweh Will Hang Their Hats On Their Hearts As We Take A Few Moments And Remember Breast Cancer Awareness.  This Pink Misleading Propaganda Is An Effort To Raise Awareness Of Breast Cancer.  We Are Now Fully Aware, And Now We Bow Our Heads And Let This Demon Walk In And Take Over .  Not On My Watch.  I Never Had A Fear Of Water Nor Of Sharks, Until Jaws Came Along And I Had To Turn This Over To Yahweh.  In The Same Way, Breast Cancer Awareness And The Color Pink And The Pink Ribbons Are Attempt To Get Us To Think Breast Cancer, And Especially With The Women Whose Color Was Hijacked.

As We Are Taking This Thought Captive Right Now, Thought-Bombs Are Falling Off Of You, And You’re Realizing That We Have Been Opening The Door To Fear, Just As The People At The Convention Were Unknowingly Yielding To The Fear Of A Tornado.  Without This Fear d—Evil One Cannot Operate.  Even Now, Some Of You Are Saying, “But, I Know So-n-So And They Died Of Breast Cancer”… But This Runs Contrary To The Word And To The Will Of Yahweh Who Said, “By His Stripes, You Are Healed”.  It’s Like You’re A Judge And Just As Jacob Used Spotted Sticks To Get The Cattle At The Brook To Think Spotted And Produce Spotted Offspring, (Genesis 30:37-39), The Accuser Of The Sisters And Brothers Is Saying, “You Can Have Breast Cancer, You Need To Get This Color And Thought Into Your Head”.  And The Defense Attorney, (Our Advocate And Defender Yahoshua), Is Saying, “By His Stripes, You Are Healed”, (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24).

But, You As The Judge Get To Decide The Outcome Of This Case.  Whoever You Decide To Go With Will Win.  If You Decide Migraine Headaches Are The Norm, Then You’re Denying The Scriptures, {UnBelief Is Shown To Be The Instrument Used To Keep Us From Entering Into The Promises, (Hebrews 4:2)}.  If You Decide That Despite The Outward Appearance, That You’re Going To Stand Based On The Word Of Yahweh, Then You’ve Just Taken Some Thoughts Captive, And Now That Your Obedience Is Complete or Fulfilled, Then The Angels Who Have Been Standing On Ready, Are Now Going To Punished The Originator Of These Thought Bombs.  But, You Must Decide, {Without Faith It Is Impossible To Please Yahweh ~ (Hebrews 11:6)}.



Damaging Words Hurt Folks~!

Think About The Effect Of What You Are Saying Is Having On Folks Who Are Hearing You.  They Don’t Need To Hear Your Problems, As That Will Just Discourage Them.  It Won’t Be Just Your Words And What You’re Thinking And Feeling.  Can You Also See How Damaging Words Can Be?  Paul, (Formerly Named Saul), Barnabas And Other Folks Ministering, (Acts 13:5, 13), With Him Were Stopped Cold In City After City Because Of Others Talking About Them~!  Paul Was The Chief Speaker, But That Meant That Barnabas, (And John) Also Were Speaking, (Acts 14:12).



Dissenters Cause Dissension At Antioch In Pisidia~!
(Acts 13:48-52)

44 On The Next Sabbath Almost The Whole City Came Together To Hear The Word Of Yahweh.
45 But When The Jews Saw The Multitudes, They Were Filled With Envy; And Contradicting And Blaspheming, They Opposed The Things Spoken By Paul.

48 As The Gentiles Heard This, They Were Glad, And Glorified The Word Of God.  As Many As Were Appointed To Eternal Life Believed.
49 Yahweh’s Word Was Spread Abroad Throughout All The Region.
50 But The Jews Urged On The Devout Women Of Honorable Estate, And The Chief Men Of The City, And Stirred Up A Persecution Against Paul And Barnabas, And Threw Them Out Of Their Borders.
51 But They Shook Off The Dust Of Their Feet Against Them, And Came To Iconium.
52 The Disciples Were Filled With Joy With The Holy Ghost.

Paul, Barnabas And Their Ministry Team Had Come To Town.  People Were Believing And Getting Saved~! (v.48)  They Were Preaching The Word Of Yahweh, (v.49).  Paul And Barnabas Were Filled With Joy With The Holy Ghost, (v.52).  They Were Having A Move Of Yahweh~!   But A Dissension Stirred Up A Persecution Against Paul And Barnabas, And Threw Them Out Of Their Borders.  Words Stopped A Move Of Yahweh Among The People~!



Dissension At Iconium~!

It Happens Again~!

Acts 14:1-2 ~ 1 Now It Happened In Iconium That Then Went Together To The Synagogue Of The Jews, And So Spoke That A Great Multitude Both Of The Jews And Of The Greeks Believed2 But The Unbelieving Jews Stirred Up The Gentiles And Poisoned Their Minds Against The Sisters And Brothers.

Other Translations Says That, “But The Disbelieving Jews Stirred Up And Embittered The Souls Of The Gentiles Against The Brothers”.

Watch For d—Evil One To Attack This Way.  Looking Carefully Lest There Be Any Man Who Falls Short Of The Grace Of God; Lest Any Poisonous,Root Of Bitterness Grows Up To Trouble You, Corrupting Many, (Hebrews 12:15).

Again, Paul, Barnabas And The Ministry Team Came In To Do The Work Of Yahweh.  They’re Preaching The Word Of Yahweh And A Great Multitude Both Of The Jews And Of The Greeks Believed.  People Were Getting Saved~!  Folks Were Receiving Help.  The Word Was Being Ministered.  They Were Having A Move Of Yahweh~!   But Once Again, Words Were Used To Poison The Mind Of The Listeners To The Point That Paul And Barnabas And Their Ministry Team Fled To Lystra And Derbe, Cities Of Lycaonia, And To The Surrounding Region.  And They Were Preaching The Gospel There, (Acts 14:6-7).

Some Other People Came Along And Started Saying Things Against Paul, Barnabas And Their Ministry Team And Persuaded The Gentiles Not To Listen To Their Words.  The Gentile’s Minds Were Changed Towards These Men Of Yahweh.  They Were Not Going To Go To The Disciple’s Meetings, And Not Going To Listen To Them, Nor Receive From Them.  Is This Serious?  Were Paul And Barnabas Sent Of Yahweh Were Paul And Barnabas Anointed?  Was Their Message From Yahweh?  Did The People Need To Hear This Word?  (Yes, See Acts 13:2-3).  It Was Like The Opposite Of Our Words Giving Grace To The Hearers, (Ephesians 4:29); Where These Dissenters Brought Words Of Doubt And UnBelief Undermining The People’s Faith And Nullified The Grace Of Yahweh At That Point In Time, (Galatians 2:21).



Stop Talking About Others~!

d—Evil One Wants To Use Your ‘Mouth’ And My ‘Mouth’ To Poison The People’s Minds To Embitter Them.  If d—Evil One Wants To Cause Trouble In The Church, Why Should He Go Get An Outsider When You Are Already There?  The Closer To The Ministry And To The Operations Of The Church, And To The Man Of Yahweh You Are; There Is A Demonic Ploy To Get You And Others Separated From The Man Yahweh Has Designated To Speak Into Your Life~!

Matthew 18:6 ~ But Whoever Causes One Of These Little Ones Who Believe In Me To Sin,
It Would Be Better For Them If A Millstone Were Hung Around His Neck, And He Were Drowned In The Depth Of The Sea.

And That’s Better Than Something Else?  How Can Being Tied To A Huge Millstone Used To Grind Corn And Being Drown Be Better?  Better Than What?  Better To Go On To Be With Yahweh.  Than To Cause One Of These Young Believers Who Believes In Yahweh, To No Longer Believe In Yahweh.  Better Than Causing A Believer To Become Unhooked, And Their Minds Changed; And For Them To Become Hurt And Offended, With The Very Person Yahweh Has Put Them Together With,

(1 Corinthians 12:18; Ephesians 4:16; Mark 9:10);
Thus Causing Strife.

One Man Asks The Church To Pray That A $16,000 Roof Be Replaced And He Didn’t Have The Money, So A Hurricane Came By And Took The Roof Off And The Insurance Paid For The Repairs, (And Yet He Was Mad That A Storm Had Taken His Roof Off).  Don’t Say, “I Hate This Job” or “Honey, I Just Hate Getting Up In The Morning” or “I Hate Going To Work In The Morning” or “I Don’t Like The People I Work With” or “I Don’t Even Like My Boss” or “I Hate The Whole Thing”, And Then When Yahweh Hears That, “You Hate This Job”, And Then If You Get A Pink Slip, Don’t Complain Saying, “I Don’t Know Why Yahweh Let Me Lose My Job, I Just Don’t Know How We’re Going To Make It”, (Watch Your ‘Mouth’).  Just Like The Israelite People Of Egypt That Murmured And Complained,

(Deuteronomy 1:27-35; Psalm 106:24-25; Ecclesiastes 5:2,6; Exodus 16:2; Numbers 14:2),

*Especially, Deuteronomy 1:34.

The Israelite Folks Didn’t Haven’t To Wander In The Wilderness; However, They Didn’t Mix Faith With The Word That They Heard, (Hebrews 4:2).  Why Did The Israelite Folks Die In The Wilderness?  It’s Because Their Confession Was That “They Would Die In The Wilderness” And Thus Denying That Yahweh Would Deliver Them Even After Seeing The Parting Of The Red Sea, (20 Scripture References Showing This).  Or Look At Numbers 14:1-24 ~ Are We Justified By Yahweh’s Words or By Our Words?

Recall That When The Israelites Sent Spies Into The Land And Ten Of The Spies Brought Back An Evil Report, (Numbers 13:32-33).  Ten Of The Spies Discouraged The Hearts Of Their Sisters And Brothers.  They Influenced The Whole Community, They Swayed Them And Caused Their Hearts To Melt, (Numbers 32:7; Deuteronomy 1:28).

Acts 21:13-14 ~ If They Had Discouraged Paul From Going, We Would Not Have Most Of The New Testament Because Paul Wrote Most Of These Letters That Became The New Testament From Jail.  Don’t Let It Be Us That Attempts To Talk Someone Out Of Their Faith or To Talk Someone Out Of Their Vision.  If It’s Judgment, Then That’s Between Them And Yahweh, (Matthew 7:1).



Fit Of Rage~!

Rage Is Not A Good Word, (In A, “Fit Of Rage”, People Are Often Known To Speak A Word That They Later Regretted, or To Take Actions That Were Not Led By Yahweh.  James 3:15 Goes So Far As To Call This Demonic, Saying In Verse 14, But If You Have Bitter Jealousy (Envy) And Contention (Rivalry, “Selfish Ambition”), In Your Hearts, Do Not Pride Yourselves On It And Thus Be In Defiance Of And False To The Truth And Galatians 5:19-20 Calls Strife One Of The Works Of The Flesh.  James 1:20 Says, For The Wrath Of Man DOES NOT Produce The Righteousness Of Yahweh.  (NKJV).

In The Aramaic Bible In Plain English ~ For The “Rage” Of Man Does Not Perform The Righteousness Of God.

But Take A Look At What The Verse Says Just Before This … At James 1:20 ~

So Then, My Beloved Sisters And Brothers, “Let Every Person Be Swift To Hear, Slow To Speak, Slow To Rage, Anger, Wrath”; (It’s Same Word Used In James 1:19-20 ~ (NT:G3709) And The Aramaic Bible in Plain English Translation Uses The Word Rage, (Tap or Click Here To See For Yourself).

The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament © 1992 By AMG International, Inc   Revised Edition, 1993 Describes Rage As:
Wrath, Anger As A State Of Mind, Indignation, Wrath As The Outburst Of A Vengeful Mind.




Rage” Is What You Think Of When You Someone Does Something Harmful To Another Person Because Of A Real or Perceived Wrong Done To Them And They Respond Back In A, “Fit Of Rage”.  In The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, It Is Said That Some Synonyms For Rage Are: “Deliriousness” And “Delirium”.  Webster’s Also Gives As Related Words, “Chaos, Confusion, Disorder, Havoc, Pandemonium, Turmoil; Bedla” And One Way Of Defining, “Rage” Is Described As A Mental Disorder, (And Lawyers Cry Out, “Temporary Mental Insanity”).

Nicolas Cage Was In A Movie Called, “Rage”, (“Cage” In “Rage”).  You Should Put Someone That’s In A “Fit Of Rage” In A Cage, (Rag’n Cajun).  The Movie Does Show Some Very Nice Scenes Of DownTown Mobile, Alabama.  But, Has A Lot Violence, (So Much Violence, That I Would Not Recommend Seeing It).  Even The Billboard Shows Nicolas Cage With A BackDrop Of Fire, (Like Hell, or A Take Off From His Previous Movies As The Ghost Rider).

This Movie Is About A Person That Had Something Done Wrong To Him And He Perceived That It Was Done On Purpose, And He Goes Off Into A Tyrant And Hurts A Lot Of Folks.  But, This Movie Really Describes Rage Very Well, (We’ve Just Not Seen Clearly The Picture Of Rage As It Really Is).  However, And This Is Just Totally Awesome, At The End As The Credits Came By They Played A Song, But It Had Been Slowed Down A Tad bid And There Were No Lyrics Being Sung, Just Instrumental.  I Recognized The Song.  It Was, “And They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love”.  Totally Ironically Appropriate~!

Yahweh Has A Whole Bunch More To Say About Love, And You Can Enter Here To Read Just The Parts That I Have Gotten~!



It Just Slipped Out~!

We Are Told In Ephesians 4:26 To Be Angry, And Do Not Sin: Do Not Let The Sun Go Down On Your Wrath~!  We’re Supposed To Cast Our Cares Over To The Heavenly Father, (1 Peter 5:6-7; James 4:6-7).  In Both Of These Scripture References, The Instruction To Humble Ourselves Comes Up, Just Before We Are About To Open Our Mouths In A, “Fit Of Rage” To Give Them A, “Piece Of Our Mind”.  A New Study By Lenox Hill Hospital Cardiologist Dr. Tara Narula Finds The Risk Of A Heart Attack Is Eight And A Half Times Higher After An, “Angry” Outburst~! ¤

Matthew 5:22 ~ But I Say Unto You, That Whosoever Is Angry With His Sister or Brother Without A Cause Shall Be In Danger Of The Judgment: And Whosoever Shall Say To His Sister or Brother, Raca, Shall Be In Danger Of The Council: But Whosoever Shall Say, Thou Fool, Shall Be In Danger Of Hell Fire.  The Word Raca, <Strong’s Concordance # G4469> Is Translated In The New American Standard Bible As This Phrase, “Good For Nothing”, And The Amplified Bible Classic Edition Uses This Wording, (“Empty-Headed Idiot”).  These “Sayings” Are Designed To Convince A Person That They Are Utterly Worthless.  Who Would Want To Convince A Person That They Are Utterly Worthlessd—Evil One Would~!

d—Evil One Wants To Use Your Voice To Do It, And Notice The Word, “Angry”.  This Is Not A Word Studied For To Answer, Encourage And Help Nor A Word “Fitly Spoken At The Right Time, But A Word Slipped Out In Anger That You Didn’t Mean To Say.  However, Now That It’s Been Said, Like A Nail In A Piece Of Wood, You Can Take The Nail Out, But It Will Still Leave A Hole And d—Evil One Can Use Your “Spoken Word” Playing What You Said Over And Over Again In Their Mind To Try To Persuade Them That They Are A, “No Count, Sorry, Good For Nothing, Scum Of The Earth Dog, Utterly Worthless Person”.  It’s Better Not To Say Things Wrong To Start With, But If You Slip, Then Allow The Holy Ghost To Be The Wood Putty To Fill In The Hole,

(Proverbs 12:18; Proverbs 16:23-24; Proverbs 17:27).

¤ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRt6ACcTAjA



Angry Words “Spoken” Causes Discouragement~!

Colossians 3:21 ~ Fathers, Do Not Provoke, (To Incite To Anger), Your Children, Lest They Become Discouraged.

When Someone Is Angry or Mad, Is It Because They Are or Have Been Discouraged, Being Provoked And Poked Since They Were Little Children?  There Is Hope, There Is A Way Out.  Yahweh Will Help Them, And If They Could Hear Someone Say To Them Some Encouraging Words, Anxiety In A Person’s Heart Weighs Them Down, But An Encouraging Word Brings Them Joy”, (Proverbs 12:25).  So A Person Can Have Their “Heart” Effected By Hearing, Both Physically And In The Spirit.  Could That Encourager Be You? (They’ll Say, “I’ve Never Had Anyone Tell Me That Before”).  They’ll Wonder, “Could It Be True That Yahweh Will Heal Me?” “Could It Be True That Yahweh Can Get Me Out Of This Poverty?”  John 14:12 Says That We Are To Do Greater Things Than Yahoshua Did, And That’s What He Did Based On Luke 4:18-19, {He Has Anointed Me To Preach Good News To The Poor   He Has Sent Me To Heal The Broken Hearted.}; So That’s What We Are Supposed To Do Also.  When Someone Irks You, Wink At Them With A Smile And A Twinkle In Your Eye Keeping In Mind That, “A Gentle Answer Turns Away Wrath, But A Harsh Word Stirs Up Anger”, (Proverbs 15:1)”.

Confession: Father, I Thank You That You Have Delivered Me From Rage And From Anger.  I Thank You For Showing Me That If I’ll Be Slow To Speak, I Won’t Have To Take Back Something I’ve Said.  I’d Be Much Obliged If You’d Set A Guard On My Mouth, (Psalm 141:3); And Every Time I’m About To Speak Rashly To Remind Me Of James 1:19-20 ~Let Every Person Be Swift To Hear, Slow To Speak, Slow To Rage, Anger, Wrath”; For The “Rage” Of Man Does Not Perform The Righteousness Of God.

Notice That, “Rage” Is In Both The Word EncouRAGE And DiscouRAGE.



Speak To The Rock”,
{NOT Strike The Rock}

Numbers 20:8-11 ~ 8 “Take The Rod; And You And Your Brother Aaron Assemble The Congregation And Speak TO THE ROCK Before Their Eyes, You Shall Thus Bring Forth Water For Them Out Of The Rock And Let The Congregation And Their Beasts Drink”.  9 So Moses Took The Rod From Before Yahweh, Just As He Had Commanded Him; 10 And Moses And Aaron Gathered The Assembly Before The Rock.  And He Said To Them, “Listen Now, You Rebels¤; Shall We Bring Forth Water For You Out Of This Rock?” 11 Then Moses Lifted His Hand And Struck The Rock Twice With His Rod; And Water Came Out Abundantly, And The Congregation And Their Animals Drank.

¤ Psalm 106:33 “For When They Embittered His Spirit, [Moshe] Spoke Up Without Thinking.”, {Complete Jewish Bible}.
“For They Provoked [Moses’] Spirit, So That He Spoke Unadvisedly With His Lips”, {Amplified Bible, Classic Edition}.

Did We Hear That Right, Yahweh Said This Time To SPEAK TO THE ROCK … Yet Moses Struck The Rock~!  It Doesn’t Matter If Moses Struck The Rock Twice or Even If He Struck It 1,000 Times.  That Wasn’t The Issue.  Yahweh Did Not Instruct Him To Strike The Rock This Time At All~!  {To Get More Details On This, Enter On This Link}.  Oops, We’ve Been Taught Wrong All These Years~!  Did Moses Just Forget What Yahweh Said And Was Accidently Going Back To The Way That Yahweh Brought Forth Water Out Of A Rock The 1st Time?  Well, Not According To Numbers 20:12.  “Yahweh Said To Moses And Aaron, Because You Didn’t Believe In Me, To Sanctify Me In The Eyes Of The Children Of Israel, Therefore You Shall Not Bring This Assembly Into The Land Which I Have Given Them”.  And What Is Up With This “We” Thing?  Moses’ Words Carried The Weight Of The Father, And He Said, “We”, Implying And Making The People Think That Yahweh Was Mad At Them.  Plus, Because You Didn’t Believe In Me, To Sanctify Me In The Eyes Of The Children Of Israel,Therefore You Shall Not Bring This Assembly Into The Land Which I Have Given Them”.  Plus, 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 Shows Us That This Was Significant To The Future, And How Christ Would Be The Rock Spoken Into Existence, (See More On This At Covenant).

Moses Misrepresented Yahweh By Not Being Gracious And You Can Read More About This By Clicking Here.

Speak To The Rock or The Mountains In Your Life~!

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Yahweh Through The Faithfulness Of Keith Moore Has Forever Impacted And Changed My Families Lives  

Yahweh Through The Faithfulness Of Keith Moore Has Forever Impacted And Changed My Families Lives.  I Strongly Recommend Listening To What Yahweh Is Teaching Through Him

I Strongly Recommend Listening To What Yahweh Is Teaching Through Him.  Click On This Link or On The Icon Above To Start Listening To Word Studies From Moore Life Ministries~!



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