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Online Tutorials
Technology Related Links
Online Resources
Technology Integration


Do you know of a tutorial on the Internet that will help Bridgewater-Raritan School District teachers?  Send the URL to Dr. Herman!

Technology is a tool - It is not a substitute for good teaching!!

Technology Integration

Distance Learning Site:

The site is designed to aid teachers in the process of creating an Electronic Portfolio.  Teachers would take an in-service class and develop their own professional portfolio.  The teachers could complete the in-service class in a traditional classroom setting with the information housed on-line or the in-service class could be conducted as a distance learning type situation.  The proposed outcome of the in-service class would be that teachers could incorporate knowledge learned through in-service training into their own classrooms while utilize the on-line resources on the web site.




  Electronic Portfolios

WebQuest Sites:

These are various sites that I have found on-line that have WebQuest Lessons on-line.  You are welcome to check out the web sites and utilize the lessons in your classroom.  This list is by no mean all inclusive, it is just a sample.

Web Quests

WebQuest Index (MISD)


Integrating Technology Sites:

These are various sites that I have found on-line that specialize in Integrating Technology into the classroom.  You are welcome to check out the web sites and utilize the information in your classroom.  This list is by no mean all inclusive, it is just a sample.

Integrating Technology

Integrating the Internet

The Educational Web Design Group - Innovators in Technology & Teaching

Teacher Resources


Various Teaching Related Resources

Online Tutorials


Review Activity


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