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Online Tutorials
Technology Related Links
Online Resources
Technology Integration


Do you know of a tutorial on the Internet that will help Bridgewater-Raritan School District teachers?  Send the URL to Dr. Herman!

Technology Related Links

All programs may work on all systems.

Lesson Plan and Curriculum Resources - Developed by Len Herman includes lesson plans and curriculum for on-line lessons.

Various Technology Related  Resources - Developed by Len Herman includes electronic portfolios and technology integration.

Getting Images from the Quicktake 150 - this site is designed for a Mac user

Kodak Digital Camera For Kids - A brief tour of the Kodak DC210 Plus Zoom Camera for Students and Teachers

Using a Digital Camera: The QuickTake 150 - from the Link2Learn site (in .pdf format)

Link2Learn - "You have the responsibility for your own professional development. This section, Learning About Technology, can provide you with a wealth of information."

TutorialFind has a list of the newest tutorials on the web and a large index of tutorials on many subjects.

Computer Basics How-To's from ZD Net

Teacher from the Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology in Canada. Caution, some of their material is in the form of PowerPoint shows saved as HTML. - Free education on the Internet

Acrobat and File Management - Good basic tutorials

File Management - can be one of the most important skills to learn.

Paint Brush - Can provide an outlet for your creativity.

Journey inside the Computer - This is interesting, but very large to load and execute.  I suggest you complete this on a computer with a large bandwidth to the Internet.

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