Do you know of a tutorial on the Internet that will help Bridgewater-Raritan School District teachers? Send the URL to Dr. Herman! Technology Related Links All programs may work on all systems.Lesson Plan and Curriculum Resources - Developed by Len Herman includes lesson plans and curriculum for on-line lessons. Various Technology Related Resources - Developed by Len Herman includes electronic portfolios and technology integration. Getting Images from the Quicktake 150 - this site is designed for a Mac user Kodak Digital Camera For Kids - A brief tour of the Kodak DC210 Plus Zoom Camera for Students and Teachers Using a Digital Camera: The QuickTake 150 - from the Link2Learn site (in .pdf format)
Link2Learn - "You have the responsibility for your own professional development. This section, Learning About Technology, can provide you with a wealth of information." TutorialFind has a list of the newest tutorials on the web and a large index of tutorials on many subjects. Computer Basics How-To's from ZD Net Teacher PD.com from the Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology in Canada. Caution, some of their material is in the form of PowerPoint shows saved as HTML. Free-Ed.net - Free education on the Internet Acrobat and File Management - Good basic tutorials File Management - can be one of the most important skills to learn. Paint Brush - Can provide an outlet for your creativity. Journey inside the Computer - This is interesting, but very large to load and execute. I suggest you complete this on a computer with a large bandwidth to the Internet. Back to Technology Related Development main page
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