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Learn Chinese Characters 








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Learn Chinese characters is not as hard as you think. I tell you why:

The sum of Chinese characters is about 50,000, and there are only 13,000 characters in most computer encoding systems. An educated person normally uses 6,000 characters, while 3,000-4,000 characters is enough for common reading and writing. To master few thousand characters is not easy, but it may not be so difficult if you know how to learn. Because Chinese characters are generally composed by two or three basic characters, while there are only less than 200 basic characters, which many of them are come from pictographs and are easy to remember by understanding their pictures. It means that you only need to master 200 basic characters, after that, learn more words by recognizing how combine basic characters to make new ones. 

Whatever your learning goal is 3,000 or 6,000 characters, have a trip on my web, Lesson 1 shows you how the basic characters are created, and in lesson 2, introduce some component characters that combined with other basic characters logically. In lesson 3, character tree can help you to learn new words quickly and do not forget to have a look at the learning "tips".  Hope you can build more confidence to learn Chinese after visiting this page.


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