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Act One


(Summary) (Analysis) (Characters) (History of Macbeth) (Shakespeare) (Trivia!)

Scene One:The Weird Sisters wait for Macbeth and say a bunch of paradoxes.
Scene Two:Scottish army fights Norwegian army. King Duncan meets a soldier who tells of Banquo's and Macbeth's brave deed. Macbeth had killed traitorous Macdonwald and Duncan decides to strip title off Thane of Cawdor and give to Macbeth.
Scene Three:Macbeth and Banquo meet the Weird Sisters and Weird speak yet another series of paradoxes. This time they predict Macbeth's future title as King and Thane of Cawdor. Ross and Angus bring news of MacBeth's title as Thane of Cawdor immediately after the hags disappeared. To his horror, Macbeth's mind starts to turn toward murder of the King to fulfill the second prophecy.
Scene Four:Duncan thanks Banquo and Macbeth for their loyalty and announces his son Malcolm as heir, as mistake since Duncan's throne was elected not inherited. Duncan announces his visit to Macbeth's home in Inverness. Macbeth ponders about the obstacle the King had just placed to his ambitions as he goes home to prepare for the King's visit.
Scene Five:Lady Macbeth reads a letter from Macbeth regarding the witches predictions. She fears Macbeth will not carry out the second prophecy. A messenger brings news of Duncan's coming and Lady Macbeth calls on the spirits to fill her with cruelty to carry out this evil deed of murder.
Scene Six:Duncan comes, yadiyada, Lady Macbeth leads him to Macbeth.
Scene Seven:Macbeth ponders and worries about the murder he is about to commit. Lady Macbeth comes out and mocks him. Macbeth, astonished at her cruelty, tells her to only have boy offsprings, since she is too tough for girls. Hm...wonderful...
So...What you think? Hehe...if you expected more, too bad. What more can I say? READ THE PLAY SLACKER! The brief summary is the best you'll get. But...if you wish to have more wonderful summaries of the scenes, you are welcome to check out the rest.:)
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Brief Summary
Act Two(Wow, sure this is worth your time? Well, guess so...)
Act Three
Act Four
Act Five