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(Summary) (Analysis) (Characters) (History of Macbeth) (Shakespeare) (Trivia!)

          Well well well. I see you wish to extend your understanding of Macbeth. But be warned; tis not a easy task. Under this paragraph ,the five links lie, from which enlightnment springs. Lengthy they be, wisdom you shall see.

1st Witch: SHOW!
2nd Witch: Show!
3rd Witch: Show!
All: Show his eyes, and grieve his heart;
Come like shadows, so depart.
[Eight Kings appear, and pass over the stage in order; the last with a glass in his hand; Banquo following]
Macbeth: Thou art too like the spirit of Banquo; down!
Thy crown does sear mine eyeballs:—And thy hair,
Thou other gold-bound brow, is like the first:—
A third is like the former:—Filthy hags!
Why do you show me this?—A fourth?—Start, eyes!
What! will the line stretch out to the crack of doom?
Another yet?—a seventh?—I'll see no more:—
And yet the eighth appears, who bears a glass
Which shows me many more; and some I see,
That two-fold balls and treble sceptres carry:
Horrible sight!—Now, I see, 'tis true;
For the blood-bolter'd Banquo smiles upon me,
And points at them for his.—Act 4 Scene 1

Act One Analysis
Act Two Analysis
Act Three Analysis
Act Four Analysis
Act Five Analysis

          That is the end of the analysis, but if you wish to have more, there still exists a famous critical essay. It is by a noted Skakespeare scholar, William Hazlitt. Click click click below if you wish to read it or "Home" if not
William Hazlitt's Essay