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(Family) (Shakespeare Facts)

What a good looking guy...?
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford in Warwickshire on April 23 or 24 1564. The date of his birth is presumed from the record of his baptism in holy Trinity, the Stratford church of England on April 26.
Though no school records exist, Shakespeare most likely attended Startford grammar school. Young children spent first year in an elementary school learning their alphabets, numbers, and catechism. Between age of 7 and 17, Shakespeare most likely attended grammar school where he would have been expected to be in his seat by 6:00AM, 7:00AM in the winter for a school that began with bible readings, pslam singings and prayers. Students memorized Latin grammar and studied logic and Latin composition and literature. Shakespeares education extended well beyond this. Shakespeare would have early become accoustomed to reading the bible and the Book of Common Prayer. Scholars have counted in Shakespeares plays allusions to 40 books of the bible. When Shakespeare was 18 years old, he married Anne Hathaway who was 8 years older.
Turning Point in Shakespeare's Career
The year 1594 was the turning point in Shakespeare's career. By summer of 1594, a group of actors formed an acting company and called them Lord Chamberlands Men. Burbage, the famous tragedian and Kempe, the famous comedian played leading roles in plays Shakespeare wrote specifically for their talents. From then on, he wrote for the company, acted in the plays, shared in the profits, and eventually became one of the owners of the Globe Theatre. In 1596 and 1597, Shakespeare was occupied with 3 personal matters. First, Shakespeare's son had died. With his death, Shakespeare has lost hope of continuing his family name and he expressed his greif in King John act 3, scene 4. Second, he sent out to obtain a coat of arms and title of gentlemen. Third, in 1597, he purchased New Place, a large house in the center of Stratford. The years between 1593 and 1598 marked the first period of Shakespeare's success as a playwright.
The Final Period
After his outpouring of tragedies, Shakespeare's art changed because of changes in theatre ownership and attendence. Burbage Shakespeare and other actors had began performing for Blackfriars audiences. This suited Shakespeare who could try new plays at Blackfriars that were neither tragedies nor, comedies. The plays express theme's of reunion after long seperation, reconciliation, and forgivness. Shakespeare wrote 4 plays in this new form. These were the plays, Pericles, Cynbeline, The Winter's Tale,and The Tempest. The Tempest was his farewell to the theatre; his only writing after this farewell was Henry VIII.
Shakespeare made no effort to publish his works. His plays belong to the memebers of the theatre company, who sold individual plays for publication when readers requested them. Beginning in 1612, Shakespeare divided his time between Stratford and London and once went to Parliament to lobby for better roads between the two cities. He suddenly became ill and died on April 23, 1616 at the age of 52. As he laid dying, the chapel bell rang for the passing of his soul for the man who's love was the center of the universe and central subject of his many works.

There ends his life. His love is the center of the universe and this site is to help you see that truth. To learn about his many but unlucky family members, check out the link on the top and go to fun facts for miscellaneous stuff about Shakespeare.