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This is the place to come if you want to know the latest News about the barn and in general about Saddlebreds!!
February 25, 2003
bulletBrrr! It's a Snow Day in Dallas, that's for sure! Schools are closed, but I don't think anyone is daring to venture out to the barn! Debbie e-mailed me and said that she made warm bran for the horses - they're in good hands!
bulletI made the background just the way I wanted it. The buttons are still outta whack - the Customers button just won't come up! Temporarily you can use the text to jump around while I figure out the "Button Issue."
bulletThe Customers page is up, but I still need a TON more pictures! Not even a fraction of our customers appear on it! Please send pictures of you and your horse to Thank you!

February 24, 2003

bulletThe website was JUST published today, so bear with me - I'm trying to fix all errors. Also, I'm having a few technical difficulties.  Also I'm going to tweak the background graphic a bit. And yes, I know that this page doesn't have music - I tried to do every song with a theme (i.e. "Big Star" for the Shows page, "Wide Open Spaces" for Barn Info, etc) and nothing went to News!!
bulletLet's see, I'd like to say how wonderfully Hakeem is coming along! Has everyone seen him lately? If you haven't, you need to make a point to watch him and Emily - she's really changed him for the better!
bulletSan Antonio is this weekend, so our warmest wishes to everyone competing! May we all be safe and bring home blues! Maybe this year we'll get the High Point Champion award!
bulletNot this Saturday, but next (March 8th), I'm planning on coming to the barn with my digital camera to have a photo shoot of everyone and their pictures. I'm going to make a photo gallery for the website of all the customers and their horses.
bulletThe Youth Club has been revitalized!! Yay! The President is Emily MacDonald and the Vice President is Anne McCutcheon. I myself, Katie Rose Watson, am the webmaster! :-) More info on the newly coming page, Youth Club.