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Day camp is offered each week in June. Hours are from 9:00 A.M. until 3:00 P.M. on Monday through Friday, for just $175.00 per week. Space is limited to ten students per week. Reserve your space now for this fun summer event! If interested contact Debbie Graves.

More Details

What exactly do we do at camp? What is it like? Well, first of all, camp is especially fun and unique due to the camp counselors - fellow riders! Experienced teenage riders, whom have been with the barn for a while, are your child's counselors. This provides for a fun, comfortable atmosphere. The counselors, however, do have adult supervision - sometimes with a riding instructor, Victoria Hanson, and sometimes with Debbie herself.

From (roughly) 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. the counselors instruct the campers. The counselors tack-up and fully prepare every lesson horse before the campers arrive. Due to the children's ability and skills, they are placed with certain horses. An agenda is already formed by the time anyone shows up.

When they do, the counselors explain what is going to be done that day and then begin the morning. There is a special activity for each morning: English riding, Western riding, Bareback riding, Trail riding, and Buggy Driving. After an exhausting but fun morning, the campers help out to untack and clean up the horses. Then we all break for lunch, while watching horse videos.

Every afternoon also has different activities. However, these activities vary from week to week - it depends on the counselors. Some activities might be: braiding mains & tails, spotting all different horse colors around the farm, swimming, and horse games.

Camp Photos

Horses left to right: Pony (Saddlebred), Sheri (Arabian), Little Man (Buckskin), Cricket (Saddlebred), Beau (Quarter Horse). As you can see, we have a wide variety of horses!

A trail ride down the front drive, one of our shorter trails.