~*~Rikku~*~ [Rikku] she is an Al Bhed that is the cousin of Yuna. She tried to save yuna from her fate of sacrificing herself. [Tidus] [Yuna] [Rikku] [Lulu] [Kimahri Ronso] [Auron] [Seymour Guado] [Scenes From the Intro] [Blitzball and the Attack of Sin] [The Power of Sin] [The Wedding] [The Kiss at Lake Macalaina] [Group Pictures] [Scenes from the Ending] [FiNaL fAnTaSy MaIn] © 2000·02 AzN1x6FlAmE
~*~Rikku~*~ [Rikku] she is an Al Bhed that is the cousin of Yuna. She tried to save yuna from her fate of sacrificing herself.
[Tidus] [Yuna] [Rikku] [Lulu] [Kimahri Ronso] [Auron] [Seymour Guado] [Scenes From the Intro] [Blitzball and the Attack of Sin] [The Power of Sin] [The Wedding] [The Kiss at Lake Macalaina] [Group Pictures] [Scenes from the Ending]
[FiNaL fAnTaSy MaIn]