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~*~The Wedding~*~
[wedding] This is the wedding of Maestor Seymour to Summoner Yuna. They are now bound to each other as Yunaleska was to her husband. Yuna had other thoughts before marrying Seymour. She found out that Seymour killed his own father. In return for marriage, she hoped that Seymour will turn himself into Yevon's judgement. But he did neither. The people of Spira saw this as a joyous moment, but for Yuna, she was sacrificing herself to make the people of Spira happy.
[the wedding is pretty koo. very nice way to crash the wedding. Them riding on the ropes was pretty kool. haha yup. nice dress yuna has...but it doesn't look very much like a wedding dress. and the way seymour is dressing... man...i almost felt tidus' feelings wen yuna and seymour kissed. awww...poor tidus.]
there's alot. so it'll take a while to load

[nez page]

[Tidus] [Yuna] [Rikku] [Lulu] [Kimahri Ronso] [Auron] [Seymour Guado] [Scenes From the Intro] [Blitzball and the Attack of Sin] [The Power of Sin] [The Wedding] [The Kiss at Lake Macalaina] [Group Pictures] [Scenes from the Ending]

[FiNaL fAnTaSy MaIn]