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Now,now. You actually want to learn more about the Okonomiyaki Haven? Well, where shall I start, ahhh..... Okay, here we go-o-ooooo!

"just why?" explanation by the webmaster

Okay, it all starts about 2 years ago ( note: this was written in the year 2000), and I come across a video in Blockbuster. Now, now, I was actually looking for Hayao Miyazaki's "My Neighbor Totoro" that day. Instead, I came across a non-appreciated video of "Ranma 1/2 TV series II", with a cute lil' panda and such. So, well, to my surprise, I actually rented it. I was watching it, and I gotta admit, the 3 things of anime were in it. Action, Stupidity, and a Cute lil' Panda( or P-Chan, gotta love that lil' piggy!), it was all I needed to love Ranma 1/2. Afterwords, a friend(Mr. D I shall refer to him) seemed to be as hooked on Ranma 1/2 as I was, and he told me that Ranma 1/2 actually had issues in the local hobby shop. So basically, I came across the comic as well... My very first issue was Part 5, 1, or basically, the very first Ukyou appearance. So, then I got hooked on Ukyou Kuonji. Well, I still collected the comics, when I finally came across an innocent little site called "Angelfire". It seemed to have pretty good service, showing a wholloping 30megs available, FREE! So, thus begins my hardships of being an HTML programmer. So, basically, I am H-O-O-K-E-D!

James Huynh

Webmaster of the "Okonomiyaki Haven"

web resources

Here is a list of resources I used to make this website:

.:JASC Paint Shop Pro 6.0
Windows Paint(just when I lost PSP for a while^_~)

Site Programming:
.:Windows Notepad(Hehheh. I only use standard programming!)

or just an explaination of the site
from..... ...Mog?!

-Yeah, that's me!

so, why was the "Okonomiyaki Haven" created?
-Well, after talkin to James personally, I have found out the dark truth. James is absolutely obsessed with Ukyou Kuonji! So, him having a site, hmm...

what kind of a name is the "Okonomiyaki haven"?
-Hmmm...why not just e-mail him and ask him yourself. Remember, i'm just a mog!

when was the "Okonomiyaki Haven" created?
-The Okonomiyaki Haven was created on November 23rd, 1999. It was origionally released as the Okonomiyaki Inc. which you can see here. Stupid name, but nevertheless, it was the roots of the "Ribbon and the Spatula". Ku-po!

So, what kind of stuff did you sell from the Okonomiyaki Inc. ?
-No!No!No! The Okonomiyaki Haven was strictly an Ukyou website. Not another E-bay!!

So, why Angelfire?
-Read my lips: 3-0 m-e-g-s.

Why are you so wierd?
-...I'll take that as a compliment...

-Okay...One more question, and that is all...

Do you want us to leave?
-No, because...

You don't wanna break my l'il heart do you? Kupo...

The Ribbon and the Spatula: The Okonomiyaki HavenŠ All rights reserved.