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Chapter 10: Trap

Kurama whistled gaily as he walked back to his home from Yuusuke's place. He stopped by his beloved rose-bushes to enjoy the sweet scent of its flowers, and realised that he was not alone. "Who's there?" he asked warily, breaking off a flower from the bush, ready to fight if necessary.

"Just me," Hiei (2) replied, emerging from the shadows.

"Hiei..." Kurama sighed in relief. "What are you doing here?"

Hiei (2) shrugged. "There's a place in the Makai I want to show you."

"Really?" Kurama smiled. "What so special about it?"

"I just think that you should come and see it."

Kurama frowned slightly. Hiei (2) sounded rather weird. He was never like this. Kurama shrugged. "Another day, perhaps. I'm busy."

"Kurama, I really think you should come."

Kurama looked at Hiei (2). He sounded so worried, and there was an urgent tone in his voice.

Kurama shrugged. "Okay. But maybe we should call Yuusuke and Kazuma too."

"No. Only you."

Kurama was slightly taken aback by Hiei (2)'s sharp tone. He glanced at him and nodded slowly.

Hiei stopped in his tracks. Jen bumped into him. "Ow...." he muttered. "What's wrong?"

"Somebody opened a gateway," Hiei said, his eyebrows knitted.

"Impossible," Jen huffed, and continued walking.

Hiei caught hold of his arm. "Really," he said. "I feel Kurama's ki. He's headed towards the.... the..." He pointed to the west.

"West," Jen finished the sentence for him. WEST? he thought. It hit him like a ton of bricks. "West is where Karasu's castle is!!!"

"Kuso," Hiei cursed, and darted off, leaving Jen behind.

"This is the place you wanted to show me?" Kurama asked, looking at the tall structure in front of him. "What so special about it?"

"Wait till you see the inside," Hiei (2) said mysteriously, and went towards it. Kurama followed hesitantly.

As they neared the castle, Kurama noticed that there was a gaping hole on one part of the wall. Funny, he thought. The castle looks so old and ancient, but yet there is no moss or creepers growing around. Somebody must be living here.

Hiei (2) entered the castle, but Kurama stayed outside. "Come in," Hiei told him. "I want to show you something."

Kurama looked at him suspiciously, but followed anyway.

Strange, Kurama thought as they were walking down the corridor. Hiei seems to know this place very well indeed. Could this be a trap? But why would Hiei do such a thing?

They came to a brightly lit area. There was a huge steel door on the right, and Hiei (2) knocked hard on it.

And from inside, came a voice which Kurama knew so well.

kuso - shit (in vulgar language)



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