Chapter 11 : Showdown

"You're so slow," Hiei complained, watching as Jen slowly trudge through the forest towards him.

"I'm....I am not.... a demon," Jen panted, falling down to his knees next to Hiei.

"Where's Kurama?" Hiei asked, peering through the leaves, ignoring Jen.

"Probably......inside," Jen panted, heaving in deep breaths of air. Hiei darted out of his hiding place, and went towards the castle.

"Hey....wait for me!!" Jen yelled, running after Hiei.

"Kurama.......... it's been a long time," Karasu said softly, smiling at Kurama. His violet eyes shone in glee.

"Hiei, what kind of sick joke is this?!" Kurama asked Hiei(2), his voice angry.

"Hiei, come here," Karasu ordered, and to Kurama's intense surprise, he obediently did.

"What did you do to him?" Kurama asked, his voice shaking in anger.

"Nothing," Karasu said airily. "You see, my dear, this is not Hiei."

Kurama's surprised look made Karasu chuckle gleefully.

"This is a clone of Hiei," Karasu explained. "It was made... let me say..... willingly for me by a doctor by the name of Jen. He looks exactly like Hiei, doesn't he?" He was referring to the clone. He laughed. "Of course, he is a clone of him. The only difference is that this Hiei does my bidding. And  what's more, there is a chip in his brain that allows me to control him. Isn't that just neat?"

"Yeah, neat," Kurama scoffed. "Just like you to resolve to sneaky tricks to get your own way."

"Sneaky? I wouldn't call it sneaky. I would say it's smart."

"Smart? Hah, well you forgot one thing. I've defeated you before and I will do it again," Kurama replied, turning into his youko form at once.

Karasu chuckled.

"Hey......," Hiei said as they silently walked down the corridor in Karasu's Castle. Jen looked at him. "Aren't you going to use that device of yours? The one which can override the clone's systems?"

Jen smiled sheepishly. "I would, only that the device can only work if the clone is within a radius of 5 metres."

Hiei glared at him. "That's all?"

Jen nodded back, feeling rather ashamed. He held on tightly to his blaster as they neared a huge door. They could hear voices coming from the inside. Hiei recognised them.

"Looks like Hiei is a better fighter than you are, huh?" Karasu grinned, taking a sip from his red wine. He had ordered Hiei (2) to fight with Kurama.

Kurama lay on the ground, blood dripping from his chin and forehead. "I will prevail. Anything to stop you."

"Looks like you can't." Karasu smiled. "Hiei, kill him. But don't injure his head anymore. I want it whole and as beautiful as before."

"Looks like you won't have it your way this time," a familiar voice came from the doorway.



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