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Chapter 12 : Cry for Help

"Hiei!!" Kurama yelled, pleased to see him.

Karasu turned. "Shimatta!! Guards!!!" Immediately a throng of demons appeared, willing to do Karasu's bidding. "Kill them."

They immediately attacked Hiei, who finished them up at one go. The skinny guy who was with him almost peed in his pants at the sight of Hiei's power.

Karasu cursed silently. "Fennbrent!! Dispose of him at once. Hiei (referring to the clone), finish off Kurama, but don't hurt his face."

A battle ensued; Kurama against Hiei (2) and Hiei against Fennbrent. Jen just stood there, shaking.

Hiei (2) punched Kurama and sent him flying towards Jen, who managed to catch him and break his fall. "Hey," Kurama said softly. "I'm going to open up a portal to the Ningenkai for you. Go and get Yuusuke."

"But...but... there's a forcefield..."

"The creator is fighting, he can't concentrate his power on two things at once." With that, Kurama exercised some ki and opened a portal. Then he gave Jen Yuusuke's address before getting up to fight again. He was tired and badly injured.

Jen appeared in the Ningenkai, and immediately gaped at the beauty of it. It had been years since he came back. He set off to find Yuusuke.. Luckily, the portal Kurama had opened up was quite close to Yuusuke's place.

Yuusuke was playing cards with Kuwabara, Shizuru and Atsuko. He was most surprised to find a bedraggled and disheveled looking fellow with a backpack standing in front of his door.

"Who are you?" he asked sharply.

"Uhh......I'm Jen. A red-haired ningen asked me to find you."


"I don't know. He didn't give me his name. But I know Hiei...they're both battling it out at Karasu's Castle."

"What?!!" Yuusuke grabbed Jen's collar and shook him hard. "Take us there immediately!!"

"You trust him?" Kuwabara's voice came. "How do you know that he's not one of Karasu's minions himself?"

Yuusuke stopped. "That's true..." He shook Jen hard until his teeth rattled. "Spill the beans, honey. Tell us the truth."

Jen trembled. All this was getting into him. He wished he'd never helped Hiei escape from the castle. "Karasu...Karasu captured Hi.. Hiei.. and forced me to m.. m.. make a clone of him. Karasu's p.. plan was to use th.. the clone t.. to k.. kill t...the guy he calls K....K... Kurama," Jen stuttered.

"Come on, Yuusuke, he's scared," Shizuru told him. "I can't sense any bad ki around him. I think he's telling the truth."

"Oh, what do you know, drunk," Kuwabara sneered at his sister. She flashed him a glare and gulped down the rest of her liquor.

Yuusuke thought for a while. "I trust you. Come on. Take us to them." Jen gave him a small smile and led the back to the portal.

shimatta - damn it



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