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Chapter 13 : Yuusuke and Kuwabara to the Rescue!!

When Yuusuke and Kuwabara arrived at the scene with Jen, they found Kurama lying against a tree outside the castle, soaked in blood.

"Kurama!" Yuusuke cried, running to his friend's side at once. Kurama looked up when he heard Yuusuke's voice.

"Yuusuke..." he said, in a cracked voice. "Hiei's in there..... with.. Karasu...."

Yuusuke nodded, and turned to Jen. "You stay here with him. We're going inside."

Jen was more than pleased to stay outside. He nodded, and Yuusuke and Kuwabara darted off toward the castle.

Meanwhile, Hiei was busy with Fennbrent. The guy was hard to fight, because he had a elastic body which could move in different directions in one time. But Hiei could sense that he was weakening. With a shout, he aimed a fist enveloped in fire at Fennbrent. It caught him in the chin and blew his head off. Blood dripped from his neck as he fell down.

"It's your turn," Hiei said, pointing at Karasu.

Karasu grinned. "If you can defeat yourself, only then will it be my turn." With that, he ordered Hiei (2) to battle with the real one.

"Hiei!!!" came Yuusuke's voice suddenly, and everybody turned at once. Yuusuke and Kuwabara were standing at the gaping hole in the wall where Hiei (2) had blasted Kurama out of.

"Err...... which one?" Kuwabara asked, scratching his head.

"Err....  the one on the........ I don't know," Yuusuke said.

Karasu laughed. "How are you supposed to help if you don't even know which one is your dear friend?"

"Hiei's not my friend," Kuwabara said grumpily, and he got an elbow in the stomach from Yuusuke for that.

"This is too good to be true," Karasu said to himself, chuckling evilly.

"What's your name?" Kurama asked Jen, who was busy pacing up and down in front of him.

"Jen. What's yours?"

"Minamino. Or you can call me Kurama." Kurama looked at him. "How'd you meet Hiei?"

Jen stopped pacing and was quiet for a moment. "When I was young, I had strong rei-kan. I could see things normal people couldn't see. That aroused my interest in the supernatural. I studied about youkais and the Makai intensively, and became and expert on this. Because of my knowledge, Karasu kidnapped my sister and forced me to work for him if I wanted my sister back..... alive. He brought in Hiei one day, and told me to create a clone of him. If I did, then my sister would be freed. So I did, but he broke his promise and locked me up with Hiei. We escaped... and here we are now."

Kurama was saddened by his story. "I'm sorry...... . " Then he bent his head for a while, then looked up. "You know, I've been thinking, don't you have anything that can destroy the clone of Hiei?"

"Well...... I have a device that can destroy the electronic chip in the clone that makes it obey Karasu, but other than that.... no."

"That's good enough." Kurama smiled, despite the pain he was feeling. "Help me up and take me to the castle. I have a plan."



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