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Chapter 14 : Kurama and Jen to the Rescue!

Yuusuke and Kuwabara stared at Karasu, who was laughing his heart out. The two Hiei's stood by the side, staring too.

Yuusuke turned to Kuwabara. "Kuwabara, go along with me. Pretend that we know which one is the real Hiei. Don't let him know that he's got an advantage over us," he whispered. Kuwabara nodded.

Then Yuusuke turned to Karasu. "Your tricks don't fool me. I know which one is the real Hiei!!"

Karasu raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Is that so? If you really do know the real Hiei, give him a hard punch in the stomach. If not, I can order the fake one to destroy the real"

Yuusuke paused and conferred with Kuwabara first. "Take the one on the right. He looks meaner," Kuwabara told Yuusuke. "But then, Hiei IS a mean thing.. ." Yuusuke nodded and agreed with Kuwabara. With a flash, he darted over to the Hiei on the right and punched him hard in the stomach.

He immediately realised that it was the real Hiei. "I'll get you for this," Hiei said, stumbling down. Karasu laughed merrily. He clapped his hands loudly. "Hiei, kill the both of them. Then kill Jen, and get Kurama for me." The clone of Hiei nodded mechanically, and gave Yuusuke a sharp kick to the head. Yuusuke fell to the ground and hit his head hard, and blacked out.

Seeing this, Kuwabara immediately got his rei-ken out. "Come on!!" he shouted at Hiei (2). Hiei (2) aimed a punch at Kuwabara, who miraculously managed to dodge it. "Come on, chicken!!" he shouted, waving his rei-ken in front of him. Hiei (2) came forward again, determined to finish him off when suddenly he stopped in mid-stance, and fell to the ground.

"What?!!" Karasu stormed, his eyes sweeping round the room.

"Hahahahahaha!!" Jen's voice came floating in from above. Karasu looked up, and gasped. What he saw was a huge Makaian tree, its branches growing into the castle rooftop. Vines dangled from it, and Jen was neatly tied unto one and lowered down until he near enough to use his controlling device. Kurama sat on a branch, looking down and smiling despite the pain and fatigue he felt.

"What have you done to my machine?!!!" Karasu shouted, and the walls shook and trembled.

"Nothing," Jen said cheekily. "Just did some modifications to it." His tone grew serious. "I can order him to kill you, Karasu."

Karasu's face went as black as thunder. "If you want things done well, you've got to do it yourself," he said softly. A few bombs appeared in front of him. "Goodbye, Jen." He directed one at Jen, who couldn't see it coming because he didn't have strong enough rei-kan to detect it.

"Jen!!" Kurama shouted, seeing the bomb. He immediately grabbed the vine and tried to pull him up but to no avail. The bomb connected, and exploded in a brilliant display of fireworks.

"Such a fiery death," Karasu stated, and curled his black cloak around him like a crow.

rei-ken - Kuwabara's main fighting weapon, a sword made out of rei-ki

rei-kan - ESP, sixth sense



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