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Chapter 15: Kazumi


“Jen!!!” Kurama cried, and Hiei looked his way. Karasu grinned evilly, when suddenly Jen’s voice was heard.


“I’m all right!!” he yelled. Kurama was surprised. Then he realized that the plant had sensed the bombs coming, and had protected itself against the attack. In turn, it had protected Jen.


“What???!!!!!” thundered Karasu, thoroughly angry by now. The whole castle shook and the walls cracked.


“Looks like the tables have turned, Karasu,” Hiei said, smiling cruelly. Karasu turned to look at him.


“Impossible…… impossible!!!!! My plan was foolproof!” Karasu shouted, to no one in particular.


“You underestimated Jen’s intelligence, Karasu. You didn’t think that he would turn against you,” Kurama said.


“Jen…. have you forgotten something? I still have your sister with me!!! If you don’t rectify this problem immediately, I shall order my henchmen to kill her slowly,” Karasu threatened, now smiling gleefully.


“You won’t be able to order your henchmen to kill her once you’re dead,” Hiei told him, fingering the tip of his katana. Yuusuke’s finger shone with ki, Kuwabara’s rei-kan blazed and Kurama’s plant danced around as if tired of waiting for Kurama’s orders to kill Karasu.


Karasu looked around. He knew he was beaten, but still, he smiled. “Don’t think that this is the end.” He leaped high up into the air and disappeared.


“Kuso!!!” Hiei cursed, looking up to where Karasu had disappeared. Yuusuke glanced at Kurama. “You all right?” he called, and Kurama nodded.


Jen climbed down from the plant. “Thanks for everything,” he said gratefully. They smiled back at him.



“Wha…. what?!” Yuusuke woke up to unfamiliar surroundings. Then he realized that he was at Kuwabara’s house. Yukina was there, watching Kuwabara. Kurama and Jen were still asleep.


“Urameshi-san!” greeted Yukina, smiling. “You guys were half-dead when you returned home yesterday evening. What happened?”


Yuusuke groaned. He didn’t feel too good. Yukina looked at him. “Sit down, Urameshi-san. Don’t force yourself.”


He sat down and told her a very condensed version of yesterday’s happenings.



“I guess I’d better be going,” Jen said, after two days’ rest at Kuwabara’s house. He grabbed his backpack. “I have to save my sister.”


“Not quite,” Yuusuke said from the door.


Jen looked up in surprise, and tears formed in his eyes.


With Yuusuke was his lost sister, Kazumi.


“Ka…..” he stuttered, unable to find the right words to express his joy. He ran to her and hugged her tight. “What happened?!”


“We returned to the castle before you woke up,” Yuusuke replied. “We found out where Karasu had hidden your sister, and we searched the Makai until we found her. We didn’t tell you because we wanted it to be a surprise.”


Jen was lost for words.


Kurama smiled at Yuusuke, and Yuusuke smiled back.




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