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Chapter 16 : Jen and Hiei


“I guess you’ll be going soon,” Hiei suddenly said to Jen, who was across the room, sipping a cup of water. They were the only ones in the kitchen. Jen looked surprised. Then he smiled. “I guess so too,” he replied, and added, “with Kazumi.”


Hiei turned away and got lost in his own thoughts again. He was surprised when Jen suddenly came towards him. “What?” Hiei asked sharply. He hated to be disturbed.


“Do you really, really like Kurama?” Jen asked, looking at Hiei intently.


“What has that got to do with you?” Hiei replied, sounding irritated.


“Plenty. I’m your friend,” Jen answered, and looked into Hiei’s fiery red eyes. “I hope you regard me as your friend too.”




“Hiei, I guess I just want to tell you to be honest about your feelings toward Kurama. The longer you keep them bottled up, the longer you’ll have to wait for him. And I don’t think he will want to wait his whole life just for you, Hiei.”


“Well, so tell him to tell me about his feelings, then.” Hiei was feeling rather uncomfortable about this subject. But he did badly want somebody to talk about it with him.


“I don’t know how he feels. But I do know how you feel, and as a friend, I’d like to help. I’d like to see you happy.” Jen sighed. “You have guts, Hiei. You’re the stronger of the two of you. If one had to make the first move, I think it should be you.”


Hiei was silent, for once. He stared out of the window. Jen looked at him, and touched him lightly on the shoulder. “Think about it,” he said quietly, and left the kitchen.



Hiei did think about it. In fact, he thought so hard that his head felt like it was going to burst.


“I don’t think he’ll want to wait his whole life just for you..” Jen had said. Hiei remembered that phrase very well indeed. What Jen had meant was that Kurama had limited time in the Ningenkai. He was a ningen. Sooner or later he would die. Hiei knew that. But wasn’t it better not to know what will happen if he really did tell Kurama about his feelings, than to tell, be happy and later on suffer when Kurama dies?


Hiei was torn. It was the first time he had ever felt that way. He banged his head against the tree.



“Sayonara! Thanks for taking care of me,” Jen waved goodbye, pulling his sister along. They were leaving Kuwabara’s house, after staying there for two days more. “And thanks for saving my sister too.” Kazumi nodded and bowed.


Jen smiled and waved goodbye, then saw Hiei perched on a branch high up on the tree opposite Kuwabara’s house. He smiled at that direction, and nodded his head meaningfully. Then he left, hand in hand with his beloved sister, Kazumi.


“He’s a nice guy,” Kurama remarked.


“Yup. Can’t think why he could bear it with Hiei, though,” Kuwabara replied, closing the door. Kurama just smiled.



Ningenkai – human world


ningen – human


sayonara - goodbye




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