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Chapter 3 : Dr. Jen and Hiei

"Everything is done sir, according to your plans," Jen told Karasu, bowing down.

"Thank you. I must say that I am impressed by your efficiency."

Jen looked up. "Does this mean that you will let my sister free?"

"Hahahhahahahahahhahhhaha!!! What a fool!" Karasu laughed maniacally. "Did you ever think that I will keep my promise?" He shouted for his guards to come. "I have never kept a promise. Never."

"Dump him in the cellar where the little runt Hiei is," he ordered. "Then, during the Festival of Kings, I shall show the whole of the Makai, the death of Hiei, the great thief."

"You will pay for this, Karasu!!!" Jen shouted as he was dragged away. "You will!!!!!!"

Hiei looked up in surprise when the door to his cell opened with a creak. He was even more surprised to see Dr. Jen rolling in, stopping just by his feet.

"Hi," Jen said sheepishly, dusting off the cobwebs on his hair.

Hiei didn't reply.

"I guess you're pretty mad at me huh?" Jen looked at Hiei's red eyes, which were blazing what? He couldn't tell. Was it fury? Or was he normally like that? He decided to go for the latter. "You should be mad, I guess."

Hiei still kept quiet.


Hiei was surprised for the third time in five minutes. Wow, record breaking. He didn't get surprised very easily. "Hn. You did a dumb thing. You just endangered the life of someone I....I.....," he broke off, not wanting to continue.

"I know you love that guy.....what's his name? Karma?"

"Kurama, bakayarou!"

"Ah, yes, gomen. At first it seemed unbelievable that a youkai could be well, queer, but when I found out that Karasu, too, was like that, well, it actually began to seem normal. Because when I found out that he was gay, I did some research on this matter and found out that over 40 percent of the youkais in the Makai are queers."

Hiei was surprised for the fourth time. 40 percent? That was a lot. He didn't feel so out of place now. He had thought he was weird being a queer. At least now when he knew the truth, he didn't feel so weird.

"Why did you do it?" he asked. Somehow, he felt that Jen was a good guy, even though he had done something so terribly wrong to him.

Jen was quiet. "Juny. It was because of her. She is my sister. Sometimes I wish I'd never took an interest towards studying youkais." He was quiet again. "Somehow or other, Karasu found out that I was an expert in the matters of the youkai body. He came twice to ask me to work for him, and to produce a clone of you, Hiei. I refused, because he wouldn't tell me why he wanted the clone. I was afraid that he was going to do something bad with it. But then, after the third time, he took my sister. He hid her somewhere, and he promised me he would return her if I worked for him." He gave Hiei a watery smile. "Looks like I shouldn't have trusted him."

Hiei was loss for words. It was the first time he ever felt pity for someone. He looked at Jen, who looked like he was going to cry any moment. "Don't worry. We'll get out of here somehow, and stop Karasu's evil plan."

gomen - sorry

bakayarou - idiot

youkai - demon

On to the next part

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